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Rookie question...


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First time out I pushed the block under the ice... let hole freeze before moving house and also marked it with branches.

Now if I pull block out ( in order to push it in when finished a day of spearing) how do you keep it from freezing on top of the ice?

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It will freeze to the top of the ice, but it is easy to break loose with a chisel. Just chisel away between the bottom of the block and the ice. It should break loose after a couple whacks. Once it is loose, you should be able to slide the block back to the hole. If you can't get the block back in place, break it up and put the pieces into the hole.

Although they you will never hear it, snowmobilers and other will thank you for putting that block back into the lake. I remember how scary it was to have a close call with an ice block. Usually this was at night, my visor was pretty much fogged or iced up, riding too fast, and at the last instance I would notice that big ice block.......

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I always pull mine out.

It allows that spot to refreeze much faster and I have had many pike come in just below the ice and I don't want anything getting in their way.

Get a set of tongs and taking the block out is no big deal.

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Thanks, As a former snowmobile owner, I do not want to leave a hazard on the ice. That is why I pushed the block under.

With 9" of ice it didn't take too much effort. I could only imagine that it will be a bit tricky once the ice is thicker.

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I pull mine out and set it on edge... much easier to get loose from the ice

We have yet to cut a spear hole, total rookies here.

But when we do finally get started I'm thinking about standing the block on edge and leaning it against the outside of the hous. Then it should be easy to brak free when it's time to put it back in the hole?

Either that or I guess I was planning on just pushing it under the ice. I'm actually glad someone posted this question because I had assumed most were just pushing the blocks under the ice. I didn't realize so many still pulled the blocks out.

Either way, I would NEVER leave the block out on the ice for a snowmobile to accidentally hit.

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I'd say just push it in. I don't get why people wrestle with it to pull it out... If the hole is marked well you should not have to worry about other people.
+1... If you get your block under the edge of the ice and give it a good shove with the chisel, that baby will sail for a LONG ways. It is absolutely no hindrance to your fishing whatsoever. I'd say save your ice tong money, IMO. Push your block in and out of the way and mark your hole well.
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personally i would NEVER push the ice block under the ice. i seen first hand that affects fish movement. another reason i set up on the same lake and near the same spot often and i dont want to cut thru 2 layers of ice nor would i like someone else to do the same. for me or the next guy.

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Smurf, if you ever have seen one sail when you push it under you'd think differently. They can go a hundred yards or more! I push mine in the direction of the closest land. Also I am the only spear shack on the lake this year as well as last so I guess I could care less about cutting through two layers.

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hey lunker, not tryingto stir the pot, just my opinion. i dont do it, but let me ask, once they stop do they freeze to the other ice??

and if your the only one fishing the lake then i see no harm, BUT i guess i dont fish at the end of the road either. grinlaugh sometimes pretty close though!!!! winkgringrin

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I usually find two nice Y branches around 5 feet long and lean them against each other. Sometimes you need a little slush or snow to jab the bases into, but most of the time you can make it work.

That makes sense. Thanks

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I'm more worried about my kids or neighbor kids stepping in one before it is froze solid. Most likely I will leave my house sit till it freezes on its own then move it off and mark the spot.

I will have to use the aqua view to see how far the block floats away..

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If you are worried about it re freezing pull the block out and push it back in when you're done. It freezes up much faster that way.

It's really not that hard to pull them out. If the block get to be too big just break it in half

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A 100 different opinions on this one...

As long as the block is not on top of the ice and your hole is marked when you leave, I don't think either way is wrong.

Although I pull my block; spear; place the block back in the hole and mark my hole.

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I leave mine next to the house and if my hole freezes up and I'm going to move the house I either bust the block into tiny pieces or re cut the hole and push it back into the hole.

The way I see it if someone is going to hit the block that is next to my house they will most likely hitting the house.

A couple of good smacks with a chisel and the block will come loose and if it breaks then you just put more pieces in the hole.

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