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Samsung phones

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My son had one since August, he hasnt broke it yet. But he is usually good with his phones. My daughter, would be the true tester, she cant get any phone to last more then 2 months. But Right now she is sitting one of my 5 year old phones, because she still has a year left on her contract.

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Have had a Samsung Galaxy S for a year and a half. No issues with the phone on any front including the glass. On just about any phone, if you drop it on a hard surface and it lands on a corner you have a good chance of cracking the screen.

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i just bought a samsung galaxy proclclaim

hope it dont break...lol

trying out the striaght talk deal from wal-mart

had enough of verizon talk

not to steal lawmen thread but if any has staight talk chime in here

so far i like the phone the coverage will be the big thing but i guess its AT&T so should be pretty good I'm heading to ND thur so I'll find out i guess havnt close verizon yet...lol

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I got an S3 a couple weeks ago and put it in an otter case. It's ridiculously huge, but I came from using 2007 bar phone so I probably just have to get used to it. So far nothing has gone wrong, but I've had it less than a month so...

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