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Quick Fish 4 decoy set up


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I have an outing coming up and need more room then my portable has. I built a full floor for my QF4 with a 30x48 center hole. the floor folds in half for transport.

I need some ideas for rigging my decoys.

This house has a liner that snaps outside the overhead poles so attaching them to the poles won't work. I have heard of guys building a pvc "bridge" over the hole that comes apart for transport. I'm thinking maybe something like an L shaped deal that attaches to the floor on one side and hangs over the hole. Only draw back is I would have to attach it to the floor each time I use it. Might not be a big deal because I won't use this house much.

Any ideas?

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In my Qf3, I run 2 "S" clips in the nylon stirrups that hold the 2 poles on either side of the hole. I then run 2 rubber bungee cords and connect them in the middle. Its a taught tension and I can either run jigs sticks-slipping them on the wall side of the bungees then run the stick under the pole. You can pick how ever far apart you want the lines from each other. or spinners with slip knots=spinners connect easy with climbing clips to the rubber bungee. I use rubber because its a lot stiffer and wont bend no where near as much as the colorful bungees. Thats what Ive been doing for 4yrs and it works really well, the hole is the same size as mine so really the set up will be the same just with more room to walk around which is pretty cool! Good luck with the setup you should have a blast!

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Thrift Store.

Buy one of these hack it apart and use that.


Better get a recliner too.


Could tie ropes to the poles, so that rope is just below your inside liner, and attch your decoy lines to the ropes? I use a set up like that in my QuickFish 3.

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I'm almost done with my decoy holder.

Made it out of 1/2" round stock that sticks into a socket I made in the floor. I made the socket out of a piece of plate and 1/2" pipe that is bolted to the floor. It cantileavers over the hole so I can adjust it to where I want.

Just have a little finish welding, paint, and hang the reels.

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Mj I have pipe fittings and hangers to do what Dunnyboy posted. It's copper though so you will have to watch out for the Meth heads stealing it or Mrklean,I noticed he had a ragged looking peice of copper in his spear shack.

It's all about adding value to your house copper isn't cheap smile

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