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I would assume you could buy another barrel easy enough, but are we certain the barrel is "screwed up"? Why do you thing that? Is it bent like a pretzel? Can you not see through it? Or does it simply not shoot accurately? There may be remedies short of buying a new barrel. And if your brother-in-law really sold you a piece of junk I'd make sure he receives an opened can of sardines that has been in a bag for a week before you drop it off.

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I bot it thinking the scope was broke , but it use to shoot just fine but then he dropped it and pluged the barrel an shoot it .. An now it shoots all over the place ,like a one foot group at 30 yards , some of the bullets look like they are hitting the paper sideways !! What else could cause this ??

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Did alittle snooping around on the 770. The barrel is not threaded in the action, it's pressed and can not be replaced. It's considered THE poorest engineered long gun on the market now. But, with the way Rem does business now it doesn't surprise me. The recommendation I got is to find an pre 80's Rem beater and use it as a donor. Now I'll deep six the 770 idea. As far as what to do with OP's situation......????? Use it as a canoe paddle, paint stirrer or a tent peg, I guess.

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Well I figured out the problem , the end of the barrel was blowen out ! So I took it to work put in the lathe and cut 2 inch off it and crowned it . I never tried to do some thing like that before but may be it will shoot strait again ! I might wait for the 3 feet of snow to melt in the back yard before testing it !

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