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Bear and Duck Hunting


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I really need to go bear and duck hunting. Where are some good spots?

I have looked everywhere and can not find any bear decoys. Found a couple ducks. where could i find bear. Preferably black bear.

What gun should I use?

And what time?

Some info would help. Thanks a million.

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I wonder if this is related to this thread? grin


If the OP is serious, the further you get from Minneapolis the bettter, 3 hours minimun. Don't drive south or west or east. Duck decoys are good and - used them on water, bear decoys are not, so you might want to pack some donuts with you for bait. Read the regs and bring a compass. Also make sure to load your 20 gage with a slug for bear and shot for ducks, otherwise you might end up with an angry bear and no ducks.

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Looks to me like too many kids are loose on Christmas vacation and the only thing they can find to play with is the computer.

Why don't they get outside and shovel some snow. Ha!

Ufatz, I think you are right. There seems to be about 3-4 guys that all signed up with in minutes of each other and all are asking odd How-to, Whats the best questions. Well what a better way to have fun and learn something. Welcome boys! Have fun on break! Just don't get to silly! wink
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