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Role call for ripley youth hunt


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Anybody else taking too much stuff?!

2 climbers, 2 backpacks, bow & backup bow, deer cart, hand saw, pruner, cameras, large cooler, 2 binoculars, range finder, compass, knives, guttin gloves, TONS of clothes... PERMIT!

I hope he gets a deer, but I don't know where I'll put it. LOL

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I Had a great time with my Son at Camp Ripley this weekend .It was our first time and I dont think it could Have been run any Better. Big thanks to all the volunteers working the hunt and making us the hot meals.Nice meeting you RBS and Thanks to you and nubbin for all advice before we got up there. We saw 7 deer but nothing in range. The highlight of the weekend besides the quality time with my boy that didnt include a ball field or an Ice Arena was a Giant 150ish class buck that got to about 50 yards before trotting off. What a thrill, and the boy saw it first wich made it even better. Cant wait till next year.

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Had a great time with my son again this year. On Saturday we had a doe and 2 fawns come thru out of range and circle around us to about 75yds down wind and bust us. Saw nothing on Saturday Eve. Had 2 deer walking towards us on Sunday morning the first was a 3 point that was about 5 feet from the tree I was in(I have video of that) and my son was only 5yds from me so he was definately very close. I told him that it was his choice, actually hoping to have him shoot but he chose not to burn his buck tag on the deer hoping the other one was a bigger buck or a doe and then he would have taken it. The other turned and went thru the heavy brush never to be seen again. That's hunting!

It was great meeting a bunch of you and we talked for awhile on Friday night and thru the weekend. Great bunch of guys and kids!

A very special thanks to all the volunteers that helped out, it was awesome!

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Had a great time with my daughter. We had some great talks on stand. It is one place that has few distractions of life. We did see enough deer to make time time pass faster. Sat morning we sat in a very thick funel on the north end with trails everywhere. Had one deer move thru and offer no clear shot shot very early. She didn't even take the bow off of the hanger. Around 9 we saw a 6 pointer running and apear to crash 60 yards away on the trail we walked in on. At 10 we heard and saw 2 hunters moving very slowly on the deers same path. Yep, they were tracking. We climbed down and went over to help with the search. By the time we get over to them they had found a very nice 4x2. We congradulated the young man and helped drag his buck out of the rasberrie patch. Buck was quartering away sharply when he took the shot. Caught guts, liver, one lung, and nicked the heart. It was a 2 blade rage. Deer still ran about 200 yards. After finding a nice back drop we put the tongeu back in the mouth cleaned the deer up and took several pictures for them. We helped the young man gut it also. First time for him and he did a great job.

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We found out that they live less than 20 miles from us and he was on the swim team and we probably had watched each others kids compeat. They noticed that my daughter looked cold when we first met them that they offered up their heated ground blind for us to hunt in. My daughter declined saying that she wanted to get a deer out of a stand that she picked. We pulled our stuff from that spot and went to a different spot to hunt the evening. Didn't see any deer that night but the wind was less notisable. Sunday morning found us back on the same ridge as the night before. The morning started slow. Had a deer blow up wind. Aperantly we parked the car on the trail it was crossing the road on. Anhour later we had 2 does and their fawns feed through on the top of the ridge and out of range. Fun watching them interacting and playing. After watching them fade into the woods we were hoping for a buck to follow but he never showed. We climbed down packed up and headed home. Lots of homework to finish.

One of the best things is that I got some insite into a 15 year old girls mind. She said that the sargent that helped at the oriantation was DREAMY until he started to talk. I never understood woman and how they think but my daughter is helping me. Man, they grow up fast. Hopefully my wife and I did a good enough job when she was younger. She is becoming a woman right in front of my eyes.

Sorry about the extra nonhunting story but it was a great weekend with a special young woman.

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That same Range Control officer helped us this spring on the Disabled American Vets turkey hunt when we were having a hard time finding a spot to set up on the afternoon of the first day. Told us where he had seen a couple huge toms in the morning and showed us the area. Great guy!

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