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Just venting, same old situation


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Tonight the wife went out to the stand and while in there I received a text saying someone just walked within 20 yards of her on the land we have permission for, seemed like he used this property to get to the other, easier walking (@ 5:30pm) and set a tree stand up further down the woods (on bordering property)about 80 yards from her and looked like he was going to hunt.

Couldn't you be just a tad courteous and talk to the person in the treestand and tell them your plans?

We have the only permission to where her stand is, but the neighboring property seems like nobody ask permission, I know the neighbors real well and they don't give permission very often.

I will be talking to the landowner and seeing if they granted permission to the other hunters. I just don't feel like pressing an issue if it isn't one.

My biggest complaint is for the other hunter being just a little more "Minnesota nice"

Just my rant.

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Same old story...different day.

I think the key here is, Just Say No to Minnesota Nice! Talk to the guy directly, yourself. Doesn't have to be a fight. Just ask him if he can move a little further away. You, and the wife, were there first. End of discussion.

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