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I am getting a new bow and have been out of bowhunting for a while. What kind of target can I get by with for a newer style of bow? The bow I got is a 08 bowtech guardian. Will a hay bail work I dont really want to spend a 100 on a foam target. Thanks.

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Hay is a hassle and just won't do. At 40lbs my arrows penetrate very far into a quality foam target, hay would be no help at all. If I was going to shoot 60, 70lbs then I'd be concerned I'd shoot through my current target at close range.

Forget what brand it is, was a present, guess it probably cost $50-70 or so.

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Get a bag style target for broadheads, they will last forever or at least a very long time. For broadheads you are going to want a good foam target, however you might be able to get by with some hay just to make sure they are flying ok and then go back to the bag target. Never shoot your broadheads at the bag target or they will be toast.

One great idea I saw somewhere was to shoot your practice broadheads and arrows into a pile of sand. I have tried it a few times and it works great as long as there aren't any rocks.

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Fleet farm has morel bags on sale I think for about $30 or $35.

Hard to beat for the price.

I really like my reinhard 18-1. For me it's a great do all target as I can take it to camp, it handles broadheads and fieldpoints great and seems to last a long time. I've had mine 4 years now.

Hard to beat the price of a decent bag target though. But bag targets are NOT for broadheads. You'll need an alternative for those.

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Tell you what I did before that was alot cheaper than buying a target.

Go buy yourself a sheet (4X8) of the dense foam board, cut it into 10-12 inch pieces cut those pieces to the length you want your target to be I cut them 4 ft as i had young boys then and arrows seamed to go everywhere, get 2 pieces of angle iron a little longer than your target drill holes on the ends of each piece or use garage door hanging material that's pre-drilled , get a threaded rod about 4 ft long with nuts and washers that will go through the holes in the angle iron, stack the foam on top of each other and sandwich it between the angle iron and tighten the nuts down good.

Hope you can picture what I mean. It will stop any arrow I ever shot at it. Wasn't to hard to pull out and you can switch the foam around as you wear a spot out. Broadheads, I would push them through vs pulling. I bet I didnt have $30 in it and it lasted years.

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A super cheap target that will stop any arrow, is a sack full of old clothes.

I've never tried it, but is is supposed to work great!

Remove any zippers or buttons that could cause arrow damage, and keep it out of the rain.

Hope this helps!

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