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Well guys my youngest son Davey (12) got his gun saftey card..YooWOO

He has always struggled with testing and reading but this time he set his mind to it and passed with flying colors only 4 wrong on the test the best in his class.

I went with him to the shooting range and WOW that kid can shoot dusted 4 out 5 clay piegons and all most shot the bulleye out of the target all this in the wind and rain last weekend.

I so proud of him and have let him know it and I think thi will really boost his confidence in school as well know that he can study and do well testing out on school work.

I really hope his school instatutes a shooting program soon I know the surounding schools are starting and I hope this one follows.

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My good friend is the "coach" for the trap Team at Tartan High School. They had 65 kids try out for the team. If you want to get a team started in your school district, find a teacher who enjoys shooting and get them on board as well. The high school trap shooting league is taking off in Minnesota, talk with the local gun club as well, you will find a lot of support, it will just take convincing the people who don't understand.

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You have every right to be proud Elwood and I think you are dead on correct when you say it might well convince him that if you really put your mind to it you CAN do MORE than you think.

Might be a real opportunity for you in many ways.

Just remind him from time to time that while he might be pretty good he AIN'T PERFECT YET!! Ha Ha. But let him enjoy the moment.

And you enjoy it too.

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Congratulations to your son, elwood. Give him another high-five! So much of life is mental/ what you make of it, and it sounds like he got a glimpse of that here.

Even if your school doesn't start a shooting program, students from your son's school might be able to participate with one of the neighboring schools' teams. I think I remember something about this, but I don't have any details down. Something about activity participation for kids from schools that don't offer that activity.

It might be worth checking out with the staff at your school, or someone from MN Department of Education. And as you've hinted at, it might be easier to start asking generically, rather than asking specifically about shooting teams.

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MN dept. Of ED. has nothing to do with starting a trap shooting team at a school....The school board has the final approval so knowing your school boards is always a great start. Find some other like minded parents and get the ball rolling. Follow proper channels too, start with gathering interested parents of interested students. Talk with local gun clubs for practice facilities (you will find lots of eager people to unofficially coach too) then meet with the Activities director at the school. From there, the A.D. can get the administrative ball rolling. If you right to the school board, you will get shot down, follow proper procedures and start with that AD. Finding a teacher or two who would be willing to supervise them would be great as well.

Devolop a good conduct code before the meeting with the AD. Good conduct meaning gun safety at all times.........

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I'm sorry that I wasn't very clear. My last paragraph follows directly from the one before it. (They maybe should've been one paragraph.) I meant that checking with the MN Department of Education about opportunities to particpate at other schools would be a good idea if his local school nixed the shooting team/ club.

Obviously, having a shooting team/ club at his local school would be ideal.

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my bad...........I see your point but even in that situation, the MN state high school League allows sharing between districts, but that is handled at the district level as well.....

Either way, there are more and more teams popping up, especially in the Metro area, which is an awesome thing. I don't shoot trap, but I would have loved to when I was a kid.

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I'll tell you guys that this has really made a differnce in his school grades also he got on the B honnor role this year

I'm so proud of him and I can deffintally say its because of gun training

Now to get thru the oldest boy next feat Driver Training

I'll let you guys know when its safe to be on the sidewalks again laugh

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Congrats, and keep enstilling good hunting practices!!


My dad always said that there are important things to learn that can't be learned in the (school) classroom. It sounds like you guys are working on some of those things, elwood.

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