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Who shoots thompson shockwaves?

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Many of you smokepolers shoot thompson shockwaves? I just recently took a deer with them and was fortunate enough to find the bullet. It was a strong quartering towards shot. The bullet entered the front shoulder/neck area. The bullet then went thru the front right shoulder/leg bone (the bone on the blade) split that in two. Went thru both sides of ribs and lodged between the ribs and hide on the other side. I would have expected the bullet to look a bit different.



Not sure if the bullet was tumbling when it entered or what, but would have expected it to 'mushroom' to some extent. Therefore I am either looking for a real good explanation or a new bullet. (Even though the animal only went about 75 hards and tipped).

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I used them the past 2 seasons. The exit hole was slightly larger than then entry. Last years shot was a pass through, plus it broke the leg. I think it was a 30 yard shot or so. I found part of the copper exterior when cleaning the deer.

This years deer was a 40-45 yard shot that went through the neck.

You should send the pics to tc and see what they say.

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I use Tc shockwaves. I shot a button buck with them this year and I took a doe last year with them. With the doe i shot last year I didnt find the slug. but this year with my button buck I shot it and it dropped in his tracks. huge exit hole on the deer. my shockwave mushroomed out to about 2x the size of the slug. Right now the slug is in my tool box at school. but tomorrow I will take pics of it. p.s. how do I post pics on the HSOforum?

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I shot a doe this am and the shockwave slug went through one side but I never looked for the other hole. The entrance hole I could put half my fist through and the deer never knew what hit it.

Only a 35 yard shot. She was a bit cool this am also.

I have to hang it up and skin it and I will report back with further bullet details.

The deer were moving well this am. 13 deer and 7 turkey within 40 yards.

Shooting 150 grains of Triple 7 powder and a 250 grain shockwave sabot.

The bullet enteredt the deer at a bit of a quarting away shot and it hit the heart lung area. It did break 2 ribs on its way in and was lodged inside the hide on the other side.

The actual bullet that I found was the base and a small piece of one side of the bullet. All the rest of the sabot was laying around the near exit wound in 4-6 pieces.

Bullet did its job as it went through the one side and they mushroomed. The deer dropped in it's track and never knew what hit it.

I will use these sabot's again as this one did very well. I do not know if it could have done a better job. It dropped the doe as well as any deer I have shot with my 300 mag or a shotgun and slug.

This is the first time I have ever went muzzleloader hunting and it was fun but the weather is nicer in the fall. Pretty to see them walking through the woods with all the snow on the ground. Almost to pretty to shoot but oh well.

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I just switched to shockwaves last season and havent taken a deer with them yet but the pattern so well I hate to switch loads.

You might of just had a freak thing happen I shoot a CVA Pro hunter and use 100 grain of Shockey gold sticks switched to that powder also last year.

your slug reminds me of a few of the brenikee slugs I've retrived from deer other than those slugs were much bigger

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