Shack Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 If you catch the dogs in a pack, a précis RPG hit will take out 90% of the pack. Then your choice of light machine guns takes the rest. The rouge dog is the kill count producer. Day 1 with everyone being new, the hounds when released by those who I matched up with was getting crazy kills. What's with kill streaks transferring over to the next match? I see this on the suggestion/tip while entering into a match. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Larry FlatCaster Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 You plugged it into what? Cmon Dtro.... we know you wished you had one of those to plug into.... Heck where do I get mine!!!!!!!! LOL way too funny Shack!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shnelson Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Still trying to figure out why he didn't get poor word usaged on that one! Anyone try out the kontrolfreak thumbstick caps? I just heard about them from a coworker as we were talking about having clumsy thumbs, figured i'd give them a shot so I just put in my order: And I thought it got expensive buying accessories for the ice shack, $10 at a time this little gaming hobby adds up with the rest of em! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 What they won't think of on those new fangled HDMI capable TV' I wonder what the 3D version is like. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurnUpTheFishing Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Anybody use the shotguns with any success? I tried using them in close quarters yesterday (Summit) and got smoked, even with the unlocked one. They have a tiny range. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 lol! #4 HDMI standard linear uncompressed transfer port which the Game Mode feature can only adjust the TV's setting for correctness. You guys aren't still patching in between the the two posts and the rabbit ears are you? Thumb fatigue is a major concern. Much the same as why people embraced Ron Popeil's Pocket Fisherman. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 What they won't think of on those new fangled HDMI capable TV' I wonder what the 3D version is like. and to think it was #4, there are 3 more Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pureinsanity Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Dang you are gonna be tearing stuff up with those extenders! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Nope! There are 5, but #4 & #5 have the ability to enhance your gaming pleasure. #4 & #5 only have the ability to go into Game Mode which will help enhance your gaming pleasure That is a direct quote from the owners manual I might add. Since Nelson brought up and is modding his controller you ever wonder who that person is that just spanked you huge in Team Death Match in record time and screens names like "RedDeath666" or "SkullCrusher101" repeatedly keep popping up in the kill cam review of what happened? Here he is: You Tube User DaYellowLemon: This is where all these ideas start that us consumers buy up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shnelson Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 shack, you're going to get me fired from work for three reasons: #1 uncontrolled laughter from questionable content. #2 said questionable content will appear on our corporate web filters. #3 they are going to catch me raiding the supply cabinet for paperclips and tape. Think I can mod LB the same way to increase flash bang throw rates?best part - "don't bother wasting your time subscribing or anything like that. see ya." Gotta give the kid props, he just gave someone a corporate marketing idea! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 I've been doing the paperclip mod since that Bad guy was hiding behind that thing over there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slabasaurus Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Good lord. What ever to tightening down two little screws on the RF unit and your biggest decision was do you want it set to channel 3 or 4. AHhahaa... That's awesome. I hear you... although the whole using a screwdriver to hook up my console is not something I miss. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 LOL! My oldest son was doing this a little over a year ago and swears by it, plus some other idea involving rubber-bands. Unfortunately paper clips, rubber bands & tape (especially elec. & duck) are considered contraband now when found gathered together and in the vicinity of their bedroom or the Family room. Some how my son was allowed to purchase (not me, I would question) with his own money a huge bags of rubber bands and a lifetime supply of the large paper clips. Mom & Dad had to crack down after a burned up vacuum and several other issues like puncture wounds to the feet and tape glue stains on the couch. They took Modern Warfare in their own hands and were using these items to stage their our real life matches. Rubber bands are literally still being found. Give me a screwer driver if it fixes it. Between Xbox setting, TV setting, modem/router setting and learning & talking, I would die if I just had to take apart something or hook something up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LwnmwnMan2 Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 .How does the 2 player multiplayer online (same console) get setup? I don't see an option for it and would like some friends give it a go who have never played before. ( I was bummed they couldn't do it on MW2) I and my 8 year old will play together online now. So far we haven't been able to figure out how to change it to his profile when he's on player two, it just comes on as LwnmwrMan22(2). It keeps stats for that name, but doesn't affect my main account.I have an account on PSN for my 8 year old, but when you hit "X" to add player 2, there's no place to adjust or change the name. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted November 13, 2010 Author Share Posted November 13, 2010 Not impressed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
topcat3820 Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 Not impressed. With what, THIS time ??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 The Quality of this game and the MN Vikings of course. Just got off the phone with Qwest after a Live tech crashed my router. Well him and I, I should say. It is coming down to my Actiontec modem & router cause my weak signal bars during game play & lag. We have her running wide open and it just will not let enough threw, up, down to Live. Get this lol~ They do not find Black Ops a suitable format to diagnose Live related issues when they want to see if a change or how things are going (Hence why I have been popping on and off and play MW2 tonight). The guy said has been with Live tech support for 5 years and has never seen the volume of complaints BO has brought in and people are not happy and blaming Live. He said he has heard nothing about rumors of any fix. I guess when Infinity Ward pulled out, they took the key to start the "engine(s)" with them. Goofy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
topcat3820 Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 The Quality of this game and the MN Vikings of course. I figured as much ... then again, maybe he tried the paperclip mod and a popup came onscreen showing Childress seemingly transfixed by a cellphone pic of BF's junk on the Jumbotron !!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted November 13, 2010 Author Share Posted November 13, 2010 It's like WaW part II.What a mess.Can't wait until next November. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 That is what my son said. WaW. In his own words "graphics are kind of lame". But!!! Now with port forwarding (what I posted before 53,80,3074 is bunk. Lifehacker turned me on to 88&3074 which is the bomb. Still low on bars but looking into netgear or linksys router). Google xbox, port forward, 88, 3074 if you have not dug into your router. Assign a static ip for your xbox only and repower both xbox & router down. If you are playing Live on any bandwidth, any amount of time, this is a must IMO. Here is a wiki tut that explains how. Just start with searching for "CMD" in you PC that is hooked up to the router via LAN cable or WiFi, get you IP address and type is in the search bar in your browser. This should be similar if you set up your home network, but really easy to do: Quote: An overeager router is great for protecting a home network. With gaming on the Xbox360, though? It becomes more of a speed bump. Lengthy wait times between games and problems accepting friend requests aren't the work of little gremlins inside your 360. Chances are you need to tweak the port forwarding settings on your system to keep the fragging flowing freely. Here's a quick rundown of this fairly straight-forward process. Step 1: Set a Static IP Address for Your 360 Fire up your 360 and move over to the System blade in the main menu. From there, you'll enter the menu item Network Settings and then Edit Settings. Under the Basic Settings tab, be sure to select the highlighted IP settings. Toggle the IP Settings section from Automatic to Manual and then enter a new IP address. Tip: Not sure what to enter as the new IP address? In most cases you'll want to match the first three sets of numbers in the IP address your router already assigns to devices. So, if your computer's IP address is, you'd want to go with something like Venturing into your router's main menu should reveal the range of numbers available if you're totally lost -- but we'll get to that in a minute. Ultimately, the goal is to avoid using an address that's already in use on the network. Your computers, Slimboxes and iPhones all suck up IP addresses, so take stock of anything with wi-fi capability. You'll also want to change the Subnet Mask and Gateway addresses before leaving the Basic Settings tab. The easiest way to find the proper addresses is to hop on your PC and match the ones already in use. For Windows users this can be found via Start -> Run -> cmd -> ipconfig. Mac users, go into your System Preferences and view the settings under Network. Step 2: Set Up Port Forwarding Rules in Your Router After you've selected Done on the IP Settings tab, fire up your web browser and access your router's administrative menu. Entering in the web address field does the trick most of the time, but be sure to check the router's documentation to find the preferred method (and password) for getting in. Linksys Netgear Every router's menu system is a little different, but in general you're looking for a section devoted to gaming, "port forwarding" or simply "forwarding". Since you've already assigned a specific address to your Xbox, you can now open up the individual ports of this address. According to Microsoft, the ports that require forwarding are UDP 88, UDP 3074, and TCP 3074. If your router requests a range, just be sure that the numbers entered span this range (i.e., 87-89 for the first port, 3073-3075 for the second, and so on). Be sure to save your settings before exiting the menu! This is usually just a matter of clicking Apply at the bottom of the screen, but it will depend on your router. Step 3: Power Cycle Everything With all your settings in place, it's time to power cycle your modem, router, and 360 (in that order). Although it sounds like a trivial step, if each component isn't properly cycled, you're bound to hit some chop. Step 4: Test Your Handiwork No explosions, smoke, or error messages? Good -- then you're in business. Head back to the console's Network Settings and run the Xbox Live Connection test. After going through the motions, the final test at the bottom should say that your NAT setting is "Open." Congratulations. Now go pwn some laggy n00bs! This page was last modified 21:06, 9 July 2008 by snackfight wiki. Also if you are running a plasma, LCD, LCD/LED, or LED HD i or p TV, check your owners manual for games, gaming, xbox of PS3. You can Google also, but if you have not done it, set it up for the gaming experience for the input source port your console come in at. I have to give my oldest son props. Our HDMI cable was also a huge issue. Not sure if it was damaged or a defect, but it is a 10+ data transfer rate cable, but (LOL) I switched it out for my Sony Handy Cam HDMI high Speed and the cange is huge. I never knew when you power on the Xbox console that there was a 3D swoosh around the Xbox symbol. AND!! Yes, even though the quality is extremely poor (who would have known back then lol), but the component cables transfer data quicker than anything. Just is hard on the eyes after staring at HDMI HD for so long. Makes you want to puke almost, but you can trigger finger a shot off much quicker. I figure I indulge my free time in this stuff and might as well enjoy it to the potential I have going. And yes, this game is growing on my, but like other games have. Not like MW2 when it came out. After two matches I was hooked. Now for some Turtle Beach gear. Quote: Take a network cable included into Microsoft Xbox 360 set (this cable is included into Xbox 360 Pro / Premium / Elite version); in case there is no such cable included you will be required to shop for it in any shop specializing in computer utilities (ask for a cable for connecting two computers). Plug one end of the cable into your Microsoft Xbox 360 and another one into the netcard on your computer / laptop; you cannot possibly err, as the cable can only fit into one of the sockets (RJ-45). Adjusting computer settings. Go to Start -> Settings -> Network connections. Your Internet connections will be displayed - choose the one you currently use (in my case it is : ZyXEL ADSL Link). The next step is to right-click the network connection icon and choose the Properties submenu; click on it and you will see the dialogue window. Next you will need to choose the More bookmark. Tick off the menu items like in the picture below. Now you will need to adjust the netcard settings that will be used by your Microsoft Xbox 360. This time you will need to choose the netcard icon (see the picture). Right-click the icon and choose the Properties submenu; choose the item Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and double-click it. In the next dialogue window opened "Use the following IP" and type into the editable fields the following: IP:, subnetwork mask: : . Leave the rest of the fields unedited. Press OK and close the window. Now your Microsoft Xbox 360 will need to see the connection to Internet. To be on the safe side you might need to restart your computer, re-establish your Internet connection and restart your Microsoft Xbox 360; if you still have no success we suggest that you proceed ith your Microsoft Xbox 360 settings. You will need to input the following data into the network settings of your Microsoft Xbox 360: IP: Subnetwork mask: Main gateway: Primary DNS: Secondary DNS: Now after a restart your system is bound to work. In case your Internet service provider attaches your computer (modem or netcard) to your account (there are few providers like that left, but still there are some), you will need to register your MAC-address (physical address) of your computer's netcard into your Microsoft Xbox 360. for this you will have to do the following: Windows XP: a. There is a network connection item next to the clock in your system tray (two monitors); right-click it and in the appearing menu choose the item Status. There will be a dialogue window with two bookmarks opened - you will need to open Support bookmark. b. In this bookmark you will see the button Details, click on it and there will be another window opened. The first item you see is the physical address, or MAC address - the one we need. Jot it down. c. Start your Microsoft Xbox 360. Go to My Xbox -> System Characteristics -> Network Characteristics -> Change Settings -> Additional Settings -> Additional MAC-address and input the MAC address you have previously detected on your computer's netcard. Now you system must function. Windows Vista: a. There is a network connection item next to the clock in your system tray (two monitors); right-click it and in the appearing menu choose the item Network and Sharing Center. When the next window opens, click on View Status link and you will see another window opening - find the button Information there. Here you will see the information about your connection with the provider's network status, you need the item Physical Address, remember it or note it down, you will eventually have to input it into your Microsoft Xbox 360. b. Start your Microsoft Xbox 360. Go to "My Xbox" -> System Characteristics -> Network Characteristics -> Change Settings -> Additional Settings -> Additional MAC-address and input the MAC address you have previously detected on your computer's netcard. Now you system must function. If at the attempt to establish Internet connection with Xbox Live you have the message from your Microsoft Xbox 360 that your NAT is not open or features a moderate or strict status, make sure that the ports listed below are open. You can open the ports using your Firewall which is only needed if it is installed on your computer (for example, if you use Outpost Firewall, Kaspersky Antihacker, or Windows SP2 inbuilt Firewall), or open them in the router if you have it installed: Open port: UDP 53 UDP 88 UDP 3330 UDP 3074 TCP 3074 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted November 13, 2010 Author Share Posted November 13, 2010 Bandwidth is not the issue, game development is, aka Treyarch. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 Bandwidth is not the issue, game development is, aka Treyarch. Nothing said further from me and not arguing one bit. It is 80% clipping from Infinity Ward's editing room, 10% no body knows or wants to know where it came from and 10% Treytrash.Bandwidth is not the issue also. 1.5mbps or 100mbps down or 800k-6mbps UP, it is all in the how that gets back and forth when the funnel is only so big. Worth a look into IMO if you have not. It may suck, but get your ISP on the phone and I tell Live has some one on one real person support. Give them a call also if you find yourself in a hard spot. Only 4 minute wait on Friday evening for Live also. That is unbelievable given the Live issues going on with BO. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted November 13, 2010 Author Share Posted November 13, 2010 Nothing said further from me and not arguing one bit. It is 80% clipping from Infinity Ward's editing room, 10% no body knows or wants to know where it came from and 10% Treytrash. How do you figure it's 80% IF? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 From everything I've read, there should be no quality difference between component cable and HDMI. We can tweak our systems until we are blue in the face, but I think there is obvisouly some sort of coding problem with migrating mulitple friends into a match. It's something in the matchtmaking process. All of us played together just fine in a private match. That would not be the case if our systems weren't set up right.I get the "speed bump" analogy, but if anyone has noticed, once we are all in a public game (which is rare), it is pretty darn stable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shnelson Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 shack - have you tried just putting your console in the DMZ on your router? if that gives you better results than what you are getting then there might be something funky with your router's NAT. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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