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New to spearing, any help appreciated!


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Hi all, I am new to the spearing world. I have been fishing as long as I can remember, and was able to go out spearing with a buddy last year for my first time. As far as gear, I have an auger, a spear, some decoys, a FISH toys Ice saw, and some Ice tongs. I will be spearing out of my Fishtrap that I will be putting reflectix in to darken and heat. What are some tips for me? Whats the best time of day to go? What parts of the lake are best to set up on? How about rivers? Are they harder or easier? I have a river close by my house I would like to try. And one last question, do you keep your spear tips in the water? or doesn't it matter? Thanks for any advice, and I hope to hear from many of you with more experience than me. Thanks

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First of all, the best time to go is anytime the sun is up. I try to find a weedline if I can or a point with access to deeper water. I usually set up in less than 10 feet of water but if I can see the bottom I won't hesitate to set up deeper. I prefer light colored bottoms like sand so it's easier to see the fish come in. I keep my spear out of the water until I see a fish, mostly because I don't want to accidentally drop it and spook anything that might be in the area or stir up silt on the bottom. Typically I put artificial decoys down (mainly because I can never keep a sucker alive long enough to get set up) but I think experimenting with things like spoons can't hurt.

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spear goes in when pike come in

time of day seems like this year its between 9am thru 2pm have been the best producing thus far.

I like to use live decoys and fake at the same time or even a spoon spinning instead of the fake decoy.

rivers or lake thatrs a hard choice depend s what you feel most comfy on. I've been on rivers and done very weel but not as good as lakes. set up on weed lines.I dont care for super clear water to me the pike are spooked easier I like the water a bit murky and I dont have to see the bottom to have good spearing either when the water is murky you can get away with a bit more movement and I like to jig my decoy a bit more agressivly also. 6-12 fow and decoys down 1-4 ft under the ice also as the season progress dont be afraid to spear over deeper water like 15-20 fow run you decoys 2-4 ft under the ice as well you will be suprised a just how many pike there are.

If you are spearing a lake that holds muskies in it be sure to know the differnce between pike and skies basiclly know your target.

Have fun and dont be discouraged if you dont see anything right away Good Luck.

BTW the gear you have will work great except that some of the guys here use ICE THONGS whistlewinklaughlaugh but you dont have to if you dont want to.

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I normally look for inside turns off of big points. 10 - 14 fow. Sometimes shallower. All depending on water clarity. I have not speared a river before so I can't help there. I use a wooden decoy and the biggest sucker minnow I can get my hands on. I would be more than happy to take you out sometime.

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I am in 12 FOW now (can't really see the bottom) and seeing many more fish.


Decoys are 4 to 6 ft down.

I am set up on a inside turn that leads from the deepest water in the lake up to the flats.

One hole in the house is right over the edge of the weeds.

Half on the weeds and half on the sand.

The other hole is all sand.

Deep water to one side

Weeds to either side

And shallows to the other side.

I keep my spear out of the water.

Set right infront of my feet with the handle on my sholder.

Make sure to keep the cord up and out of the way so it don't get caught on something when you throw the spear.

Parachute cord works best for spear rope.

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there is alot of awesome information here!

The best advice i can do for you, is go to a lake that you know is goign to be clear, abd just go out and have fun!

It really helps to just go out with someone that had done it before! This will allow you to watch without saying anything, and pick up on some things that we would all miss just by talking to typing about!

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I am also a beginner, and went with another beginner over the weekend.

On Friday we saw, and were able to spear three nords in a very small (public) south metro lake. I only harvest smaller fish year around. (under 3 lbs or so)

On Sunday we saw five, and connected with zero. (two were too big, 5 lbs or so, watch & release)

We set up in 10', and the decoys were 3' down.

We tested the following equipment:

6X6 hub house-two thumbs up

live decoy-two thumbs up (15 lb florocarbon)

red/yellow decoy-two thumbs down (too clear I think)

18" chainsaw-two thumbs down (wayyyy too cold)

Fish Toys Ice Saw-two thumbs up

Tongs-uncertain at this point. It was easier to just push the cubes under the ice and mark with a branch.

I wonder if the Daredevil spinner would be worth trying.

Spearing is a physically demanding sport!

Time to pickle...

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On Friday we saw, and were able to spear three nords in a very small (public) south metro lake. I only harvest smaller fish year around. (under 3 lbs or so)

On Sunday we saw five, and connected with zero. (two were too big, 5 lbs or so, watch & release)

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I am also new to spearing. Only done it for a couple hours. I got started because my 17 year old wanted to try it and wanted a spear house for Christmas . I built a small 4x 6.5 and we put it on the closest lake to home which is comfort. Bad visibility ! He speared there for 2 weeks without seeing a fish so we pulled it and moved over to green on the east side. When we cut the hole we could see weeds and rocks in 7 feet. Well when I saw that I could not take it and bought a liscense this a.m. Sat there 4 hours and did not see a thing. Here is my question, How long do you give a spot before you move ? My kid sat there most of Saturday and did not see anything.

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I know that on the lake I was on this past weekend and reports from other people that this cold front really slowed up the fish activity.. I know that this may not be the case on some lakes but for the most part thats what I believe. So possibly that maybe the fish were just not moving.. I personally move if I dont see fish within a 4hr time frame, but most the times when I look at a lake map I can decipher where the best spots are for spearing.. What is the contour of the lake in your spot you are set up? I would look for drop offs, bars, or weedlines..

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congrats to all of the newbies and welcome all to the addiction called spearing.

I will not sit in a spot for more than a day and a half Move to more productive spot and have patience you'll get on them and when you do JACTPOT Good luck

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the longer you sit in the same spot, the less fish you will see, and the reason that i say that is becuase there is no action around the house.

The more you move that house around on different days, and drill more holes, making noise, you will get the fish moving, and then when you get set up and decoys down, they need to come to see what is going on, thats when you will see the most fish!

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Bass N Spear are you saying I want to be around the action ? There is a channel full of perms but I thought I should avoid that. I have visions of a fish coming in and then some clown drilling tip up holes between my car and my house! I think we could go deeper and still see bottom. I will try to find weedline tomorrow with camera . Thanks for the help !!!!

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Wow, this thread took off, Thanks for all the tips. Will try to keep them all in mind. Got the portable ready with Reflectix tonight, plan on heading out tomorrow if the weather isn't too terrible. Will be fun to get out and test my new equipment. I'll let ya know how it goes.

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Bass N Spear are you saying I want to be around the action ? There is a channel full of perms but I thought I should avoid that. I have visions of a fish coming in and then some clown drilling tip up holes between my car and my house! I think we could go deeper and still see bottom. I will try to find weedline tomorrow with camera . Thanks for the help !!!!

I have never thought of that before, but I have always noticed when fishing, if I move my house I catch more fish! Makes sense to me. I've also notice that when I start the truck to warm it up before I leave, I get a bite. "Just another 15 min honney."

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Well, lets just say, I think im addicted! I have been missing out, This sport is awesome. Went out for the first time, (besides for accompanying a buddy last year) and it was great. Got 2 nice pike, and my girlfriend caught a few perch. Im going to start a new thread with a complete wrap up of the day.

Thanks for all the tips and help, I do appreciate it.

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