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dog door?

g'eye pilot

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I am presently building a new home, and wondering if anyone has information on a swining dog door? My plan is to have an outdoor kennel next to my garage, with a small access door to a kennel/dog house inside the garage. I am hoping to find a heavy duty, possibly insulated door made for this purpose. I have checked the Fleet Farms of the world, and they offer what looks to me like a flimsy, low quality product. The swinging flaps are composed of a rubber type material. I'm thinking my lab would have fun chewing the flaps to bits in short order. They have a good idea with magnetically sealing closures, but I'm not sure about the rest of the design. Does anyone know of a high quality, manufactured product of this nature? Maybe there is no such thing, and I will have to fabricate something myself?

Thanks in advance.

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You are right. I put two of those rubber type dog doors on in a month. My German Shorthair chewed them both up. I finally just used a piece of 1x2 with a piece of carpeting behind it and that worked better. I put one outside and one inside so it was sort of a double door. I don't know why, but my dog never chewed the carpeting. Go figure after spending $100.00 on two of the rubber ones. it help up for a year and I just put new carpet on a couple of weeks ago.

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Let me get back to you on the name of the manufacturer. It's in MN, Sabin I believe. Plexiglass with aluminum edges. They used to have a booth at Game Fair and advertise quite frequently in the dog mags. Have used 2 for several years and no sign of wearing out.

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Anybody tried the warming mat from gundoghousedoor.com site? Every mat I've tried has gotten destroyed.

Stan the chocolate lab apparently takes it as a personal challenge to chew up anything I add to his kennel. Here's his current scorecard, 2 heated water bowls, 4 doggie doors (only 2 were purchased), 2 kiddie pools, 2 outdoor thermometers and 2 sprinklers (accidentally left him in the back yard all day), countless mats, rugs, etc.

I've have solved all of the above except the mat which is why I'm asking about this one. Actually if anybody has any other ideas, I'd love to hear them. For the record, I currently use straw in the winter and absolutely hate it.


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Its got some pretty heavy duty springs on it, and if you install it right, it has a great seal. every time you hear that slam, You will feel good inside knowing you have a good seel.
O.K. that was stupid

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I have four of the above mentioned doors in my kennel. They work great. I also like the fact that they are clear and let light in. Kind of like sky lights on the wall.

They are loud. I have one of my dogs that is a barker. So I put a bark collar on him so I wouldn't bother the neighbors. It was an older model that worked on sound and not vibration. Each time he or one of the other dogs went in and out he got a shock. So just a heads up if you have an older bark collar and you get one of those doors.

French Spaniel

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man , never thoguht of that, thanks for the heads up.
does your other dog/ or dogs, try an get at the bark collar at all?
My older black lab is a barker too,(ticks me off) I could just see my younger yellow( still in destructive mode) trying to rip that thing off her throat.

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My dogs each have their own runs or kennels. So they wouldn't have the chance to chew on the collar.

I first realized that the doors were causing the bark collar to shock her when one of the other dogs came out of the kennel next to her and she yipped. Then I couldn't get her to come out of the door. I wouldn't come out the door either if I knew I was going to get
a shock.

How was pheasant hunting today? I couldn't go because my 11 year son had a football game in the Metrodome. He only got in 7 plays but he was excited to play on the same field as the Vikings.

French Spaniel

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I would like to buy one of these doors also, but I am afraid my dog would not use it. She is so timid that a door in the house that is half open intimdates her, that she won't go by it. Did any of you have a problem with this, and how do you break them of this. She is a 5 year old yellow lab.


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I built my own doggy door,(looks are not a priority, function IS),it enters an unheated porch, then the dogs' gotta knock. It's now on its' 3rd Lab pup(in 26 years) and doin' fine. The pup I have now, was REAL timid in the beginning. NOW,you don't wanna be standing in front of the door when she wants in. The hard heads on those critters, and a doggy cookie can do wonders! Good luck!

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I just installed a Gundog House Door on Sunday in my garage service door. It works just fine. If my pup chews through it she won't have any teeth left. It's pretty solid. It does slam a bit. Sounds like a car door closing in the garage when your inside the house.

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I hate to revitalize an old topic, But are the hinges spring hinges? I don't think my dog would tolerate going through the door if it gave them resistance. Anyone have one of these I can see in person? I would like to see how easy they are to push open. Someone in/near yhe cities would be great.


I am thinking about purchasing one, if it works out, and I noticed if you buy 2 or more you get free shipping.

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I'm thinking of getting one of these too when I build my new garage. I don't like the noise issue though.

Having not seen one myself, would the design allow for an added felt bumper or adhesive strip of weather stripping that would reduce the noise?

It may be worth losing a little heat in a slight gap if it did away with the banging.


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