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Iowa Fishing Reports

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I got out today on the small pond; it had just over 3" of clear ice. I will hit it again tomorrow afternoon, and check out some of the other ponds that lag a little behind in ice production. I will also try to run out to Macbride some time this week to see how things are coming along there.

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eyehunter, don't know if that was you or not that I ran into out at Macbride on the rock jeddy next to the mahaffey bridge, but if it wasn't here's the report on the ice...

entire lake is locked up, but ice conditions vary. another guy that was out there drilled a hole close to shore and found around 4"(the white frozen slush ice). he or I did not venture out too far to drill into the black ice (that covers the majority of the lake) but I'd be willing to bet it's about 2" or so right now, maybe a little more in spots. doesnt look like anyone has tried to fish yet. if the next day or two aren't too warm, I'd suspect people will be heading out by this weekend.

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Wasn't me--I was just thinking that I *might* have time to get out to Macbride and check it tomorrow, if I get some less (more) important things done tonight.

By "black ice" do you mean clear ice? That is, the new hard ice that is clear, but looks black because of the dark water beneath it? I ask because back in Minnesota "black ice" was the nasty rotten dark ice you get in the spring right before it melts; black ice to me = bad ice. Down here a lot of people call new hard clear ice (the best kind) "black ice", so I sometimes get mixed up. grin

If there is new clear ice on the lake, that would mean it did not form before the snow came, and is what I call clear ice, although it probably isn't thick enough to be safe yet. Hopefully I can check it out tomorrow.

The bad news is we have snow coming tomorrow afternoon, along with warmer temps and then more snow over the weekend; the good news is it is going to turn cold again this weekend, and it is supposed to be windy. Hopefully, we don't get too much snow, and the wind blows it off the ice. If that happens we are in business.

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I didn't have time to get out to Macbride and check conditions. According to the IDNR's fishing report for December 9: "The upper ends of the lake have been frozen for a week, but the main lake just froze over

on 12/8. Ice conditions are extremely variable!" How much of the "main lake" was open before yesterday the report does not say.

I know the area under the powerlines is slow to freeze due to the submerged bridge, and there always seems to be a patch of open water south of the beach and boathouse after everything else freezes.

The first ice fishing on Macbride usually starts in the cove in front of the main boat launch, and along the edges of the main lake, often while the ice nearby is definitely not safe.

With the warmer temps today, and rain tonight, I think I am going to wait until Monday to check Macbride. The pond ice I fished earlier this week should still be good, and the sub-zero temps coming Sunday will lock Macbride up pretty quickly. I plan on hitting it hard next week.

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I didn't have time to get out to Macbride and check conditions. According to the IDNR's fishing report for December 9: "The upper ends of the lake have been frozen for a week, but the main lake just froze over

on 12/8. Ice conditions are extremely variable!" How much of the "main lake" was open before yesterday the report does not say.

I know the area under the powerlines is slow to freeze due to the submerged bridge, and there always seems to be a patch of open water south of the beach and boathouse after everything else freezes.

The first ice fishing on Macbride usually starts in the cove in front of the main boat launch, and along the edges of the main lake, often while the ice nearby is definitely not safe.

With the warmer temps today, and rain tonight, I think I am going to wait until Monday to check Macbride. The pond ice I fished earlier this week should still be good, and the sub-zero temps coming Sunday will lock Macbride up pretty quickly. I plan on hitting it hard next week.

I was thinking the same thing, plus I'll be deer hunting all weekend so I wouldnt have time to fish anyway.

will post if I have any success when I head out

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Just hit up my early ice pond for the first time since the warm-up/rain/snow/arctic blast, and I found about 4.5" of good ice beneath a light dusting of snow.

We lucked out down here around Coralville as far as the weekend's weather goes. The rain surely hurt the ice, but the water on top melted the wet snow that came first, then it cooled off enough to freeze that water Saturday night, and what little snow we got was mostly blown off the ice, making re-freezing easy. Areas that were sheltered from the wind may have enough snow on it to insulate the ice, so be careful.

I wanted to check Macbride tomorrow, but I have other things to do, so I am going to wait until Wednesday, when I may have time to get out there.

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Here is my Macbride ice report:

This afternoon, there were a few portables set up near the shore on various points of the south arm. I did not stop to check ice thickness there.

I went out on the north arm from the boat ramp by the sailboat yard, and found at least 4" of good ice every where I went, and I headed out a few hundred yards from there. One guy was heading in as I was heading out; he said farther out he found some thin ice. There was only one other guy out on the north arm that I could see, and he was near the north shore on some of the community brush piles.

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It shouldn't have effected the ice much at all. Just drove by coralville res here in eastern iowa and it looks like all it did was melt all the snow on top, which has now all frozen . Should provide for better ice making in the next couple days with this deep freeze we're supposed to be getting and the lakes not being insulated with 6-8" of snow anymore.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

The ice has deteriorated enough on Clear Lake that vehicle usage is not recommended. Yellow bass fishing is good, the best bite is from 6 p.m. until dark, but fish are being caught all day. The best spot has been on the Little Lake fishing in about 7 to 10 feet of water using minnows or cut bait. A few walleyes are being caught using the same method.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

NW Iowa. Crawford Creek Impoundment is open. Few anglers have been out fishing.

Badger Lake

Ice went out on Badger Lake on March 21.

Brushy Creek Lake

There is very little ice left on the lake.

Bacon Creek Lake

Fifteen hundred rainbow trout were stocked January 8. Anglers need a trout stamp in addition to their regular fishing license to fish for or keep trout. Daily limit of trout is 5.

Storm Lake (including Little Storm Lake)

Storm Lake has opened up. Walleye - Fair: Anglers have been catching walleye in the marina. Try bouncing a minnow on a jig head along the bottom or float a live minnow just off the bottom with a slip bobber.

North Twin Lake

North Twin Lake is ice free.

Swan Lake

Swan Lake is ice free. There are some panfish being caught around the fish house.

Black Hawk Lake

Black Hawk Lake opened up completely March 19.

Browns Lake

Browns Lake is open. Courtesy docks are in.

Snyder Bend Lake

Snyder bend is open. Anglers have been catching channel catfish and bullheads at the north end.

Southwood Conservation Area Pond (east)

The Southwood Ponds are open. There has been little fishing activity.

North Raccoon River (above State Highway 175 bridge near Auburn)

Conditions are good for river fishing right now. Anglers are catching some nice walleyes out of the river. Target areas below rock riffles and around bridges.

All of the large lakes have opened up. There are still a few small ponds and gravel pits in the area that have some ice on them. The rivers are pretty good for fishing right now. For more information on the lakes and rivers in this area contact Ben Wallace or Don Herrig at the Black Hawk Fish Management Office in Lake View at 712-657-2638.

Clear Lake

With the recent weather, ice conditions are no longer safe. There is open water at the grade but no reports of fish biting.

For more information on fishing in the area lakes and rivers, call the Clear Lake Fisheries Office at (641) 357-3517.

Big Sioux River

Channel Catfish - Good: Fish backwaters with cut bait for best results.

Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)

Northern Pike - Good: Some pike have been caught in the backwater areas of the river.

Ice conditions are no longer safe on area lakes for ice fishing. The past week of rain has deteriorated ice throughout all area lakes. Also, remember that walleye season is now closed on Big Spirit, East Okoboji, and West Okoboji until May 7. Fishing on area rivers has picked up, however, given the high water only fish backwater areas away from the current and use caution near flooded waters.


Volga Lake

Ice fishing not recommended for this body of water.

Lake Hendricks

Ice fishing not recommended for this body of water. bluegill - No Report:

Lake Meyer

Ice fishing not recommended for this body of water. bluegill - No Report:

Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)

Water levels on the Upper Iowa are going up at this time. Rainbow Trout - No Report: Walleye - No Report:

Cedar River (above Nashua)

Water levels are on the rise and may have temporarily leveled off barring any more rain and snow melt. Northern Pike - No Report: Walleye - No Report:

Decorah District Streams

Through March 19, a few clear streams produced excellent blue wing olive hatches and trout were readily taken on #16 Adams and #16 Blue Wing Quills. As of March 20, northeast Iowa streams were high and muddy due to snowmelt runoff and weekend rains. Watch out for the big Hendrickson mayflies within the next two weeks. For the spin fisher, jigs work well for this time of year. The Proposed 2011 Trout Stocking Schedule is now available on the Iowa DNR website.

Ice fishing not recommended for lakes in our area. Rivers are up. Most of the trout streams are high and off color. For more information, call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

Manchester District Streams

Trout streams are in excellent condition.

Most area lakes are now open but have not received any fishing reports. Interior rivers are not advisable with current high water conditions. Trout streams in the Manchester District remain in excellent condition. Be sure to mark your calendars for the urban trout stockings occurring in Cedar Falls April 2 and in Dubuque April 9. For further information contact the Manchester District Office at 563-927-3276.


Mississippi River Pool 9

River level at Lansing is 10.9 and expected to rise to 13 feet by next week. The road to the New Albin ramp is under water. Boaters should still be able to access the river at Lansing. Walleye - Fair: High water is making it difficult to find fish but a few nice walleye can be caught in Minnesota Slough by those able to get out.

Mississippi River Pool 10

Tailwater stage at Lynxville is 20.4. River levels are predicted to rise to near 23 feet by next week. The road to Sny Magill is flooded. You can still access Bussey Lake but later this week it may be too difficult to launch there. Boaters will still be able to access the river at the Harpers Ferry high water ramp. Sauger - Fair: Although some nice catches of sauger have been reported over the last week, high water is making it more difficult to find fish. Walleye - Fair: Some nice walleyes have been caught but high water is making it more difficult to find fish.

Mississippi River Pool 11

Guttenberg tailwater stage is 11.8. River levels are expected to rise to near 15 feet by next week. You can still access the river at the Guttenberg City ramp but as levels come up it may be more difficult. The DNR ramp will provide access at 15 feet but parking is limited and you may have to park trailers on side streets by the DNR office. Sauger - Fair: Some sauger are being caught in the tailwater on jigs and minnows or three-way rigs, but high water is making it difficult to find fish. Walleye - Fair: Some nice walleyes have been reported, but high water is making it more difficult to find fish.

Ice has gone out of most backwaters. River levels are high and expected to rise another three feet to near or above flood stage by next week. High water may limit access to some boat ramps. With the rapid rising water boaters should be cautious of floating debris and ice.

Mississippi River Pool 12

River stage in Dubuque is 13.7 feet and is forecast to rise to 16 feet by this weekend and 17.8 feet by next Wednesday. Flood stage is 17 feet. Water clarity is fair but deteriorating, and water temperatures are in the high 30s. Sauger - Fair: Sauger fishing has been fair in the tailwater area on jigs or three-way rigs tipped with minnows or crankbaits. Walleye - Fair: Walleye fishing has been fair in the tailwater area on jigs or three-way rigs tipped with minnows or crankbaits.

Mississippi River Pool 13

River stage in Bellevue is 12.4 feet and is forecast to rise to 17.1 feet by next Wednesday. Flood stage is 17 feet. Water clarity is fair but deteriorating, and water temperatures are in the high 30s. Sauger - Fair: Sauger fishing has been fair in the tailwater area on jigs or three-way rigs tipped with crawlers, minnows, or crankbaits. Fishing will get worse as the river rises and gets more turbid. Walleye - Fair: Walleye fishing has been fair in the tailwater area on jigs or three-way rigs tipped with crawlers, minnows or crankbaits. Fishing will get worse as the river rises and gets more turbid.

Mississippi River Pool 14

River stage at Camanche is 14.3 feet and is forecast to rise to 18.3 feet by next Wednesday. Flood stage is 17 feet. Water clarity is fair but deteriorating, and water temperatures are in the high 30s. Snaggers in the tailwaters have been doing well catching paddlefish over the past couple of weeks. Remember, all paddlefish 33 inches and larger must be released. Sauger - Fair: Sauger fishing has been fair in the tailwater area on jigs or three-way rigs tipped with crawlers, minnows or crankbaits. Walleye - Fair: Walleye fishing has been fair in the tailwater area on jigs or three-way rigs tipped with crawlers, minnows, or crankbaits.

For fishing information in Pool 12-15 of the Mississippi River contact the Bellevue Fish Management and Research Station at 563-872-4976

Mississippi River Pool 16

Tailwater stage at Lock and Dam 15 is 12.13 feet and rising. With current river stage predictions, river levels at Lock and Dam 15 are forecasted to reach flood stage by Sunday. Flood stage at Lock and Dam 15 is 15 feet. Fishing has slowed down. bluegill - No Report: crappie - No Report: Sauger - Slow: Walleye - Slow:

Mississippi River Pool 17

Tailwater stage at Lock and Dam 16 is 10.91 feet and rising. With current river stage predictions, river level at Lock and Dam 16 is forecasted to reach flood stage by early next week. Flood stage for Lock and Dam 16 is 15 feet. The ramp at Big Timber has been closed due to high water. Fishing has been slow. bluegill - No Report: crappie - No Report: Sauger - No Report: Walleye - No Report:

Mississippi River Pool 18

Tailwater stage at Lock and Dam 17 is 12.56 feet and rising. River levels are forecasted to reach flood stage during the weekend. Flood stage at Lock and Dam 17 is 15 feet. The ramp at Toolesboro has been closed due to high water. Fishing has slowed due to high water conditions. Channel Catfish - No Report: Sauger - No Report: Walleye - No Report:

Mississippi River Pool 19

Tailwater stage at Lock and Dam 18 is 8.48 feet and rising. The river is forecasted to reach flood stage by this Friday. Flood stage at Lock and Dam 18 is 10 feet. Fishing has slowed down due to high water conditions. Sauger - No Report: Walleye - No Report:

Pools 16-19: River levels are rising and expected to reach flood stage during the weekend. Some boat ramps have been closed due to high water conditions. Fishing has slowed throughout the pools due to high water conditions. For more fishing information on Pools 16-19 contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.


Lake Geode

The lake is ice free. Very little angler activity.

Lake of the Hills

Two thousand trout were released last Saturday with more than 225 people coming out to fish. Rainbow Trout - Excellent: Spinners and corn seem to be the hot lures and many anglers are limiting out. Fly fishermen are consistently doing well also. bluegill - Slow: There are a few bluegills being caught by anglers out enjoying the nice weather. crappie - Slow: Anglers are picking up a few crappies around the brush piles during the warm afternoons.

Lambach Lake

This shallower lake in the West Lake Park is warming up faster than the bigger deeper lakes. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Anglers are starting to catch a few bass. Try to fish during the warmer afternoons using jigs or plastic worms working them slowly.

Wilson Lake

The lake is ice free and there have been a few anglers out enjoying the nice weather. THE SPRING TROUT STOCKING WILL BE SATURDAY, MARCH 26. ONE THOUSAND TROUT WILL BE STOCKED AT 1 p.m. Spinners and flashy lures seem to work best during the first few hours after the release.

Environmental Discovery Park North Pond

THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 26th IS THE SPRING TROUT RELEASE AT DISCOVERY PARK. Nine hundred rainbow trout and 100 brook trout will be released at 10:30 am. Rainbow Trout - Excellent: Spinners and other flashy lures will work the best right after the release. Other baits and lures start working better after the fish have calmed down.

For more information on the above lakes call the Lake Darling Fisheries Station at (319) 694-2430

Iowa Lake

The lake is ice free and the boat ramp is usable. No fishing reports are available.

Kent Park Lake

The lake is ice free and the boat ramp is open. No fishing reports are available.

Lake Macbride

The lake is ice free and all boat ramps are open. crappie - Fair: Some anglers are having some success. East of the causeway has been producing the best.

Pleasant Creek Lake

The lake is ice free and the boat ramps are open. No fishing reports are available.

Diamond Lake

The lake is ice free and the boat ramp is open. bluegill - Slow: Largemouth Bass - Slow:

Otter Creek Lake

The lake is ice free and the boat ramp is open. No fishing reports are available.

Coralville Reservoir

The lake is at 679.3 feet and holding. Use caution when boating at this level. Areas above Jolly Rodgers (Bobbers) are extremely shallow. Channel Catfish - Fair: Use cut shad or shad guts for best results. The upper end of the reservoir seems to be the most productive. Walleye - Slow: Use jig/twister or jig/minnow for best results. The area around I-380 bridge has been best.

Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)

As of 3/24, the flow from the "tube" is 3,500 cubic feet per second (CFS). It is predicted to jump to 4,400 CFS for the weekend, then begin to decrease next week. Walleye - Fair: A few fish are being caught on jigs. Below the dams in Iowa City have been the best areas.

Prairie Park Fishery

There will be a fishing event Saturday, March 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Two thousand trout will be stocked in the lake right before the event and prizes will be awarded to the anglers that catch any of the 100 tagged fish. All rules and regulations (including licenses and trout stamps) apply to this event. Be aware that Otis Road (North of Prairie Park entrance) is expected to be closed due to high water. Rainbow Trout - Excellent: Fish will be stocked Saturday morning. Use small jigs, spinners, worms, or numerous other scented baits. Brook Trout - Excellent: Fish will be stocked Saturday morning. Use small jigs, spinners, worms, or numerous other scented baits.

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Hawthorn Lake (aka Barnes City Lake)

The lake has been drained for a lake renovation and work has begun around the lake. New fish habitat areas are being built along with some new jetties.

Lake Sugema

The lake now has open water with all the ice melting. Fishing has been slow.

Ottumwa Lagoon

A trout stocking event was held on March 19. Trout were stocked so try using spinners, worms or other trout bait.

Rathbun Reservoir

The lake level is at 902.89 with 904.0 being normal pool. The lake has opened up. Anglers are reminded that walleyes have been tagged in Lake Rathbun and if tagged fish are caught please take the time to look under the jaw of the walleye to check for a tag. Please call the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406 with any tagged walleye information or questions.

For further fishing reports in south central Iowa call the Rathbun fish hatchery at 641-647-2406


Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)

Walleye - Fair: Anglers below the Saylorville spillway were catching some good walleye during the warmer weather. The colder weather shouldn't completely stop the bite, but will slow it down until a warm up. Bounce a jig tipped with a minnow, white or chartreuse twister tail or ring worm like soft plastics through the slack water. Chartreuse twisters have been outfishing the rest. Further upstream near Boone and Fraser the river has risen high enough to flow level over the dams.

Des Moines River (Saylorville to Red Rock)

Walleye - Good: A decent walleye bite continues below the Red Rock spillway. They are being caught throwing jigs with twisters or jigs with minnows. Anglers fishing the Center Street dam in Des Moines are also catching some walleye throwing jigs with chartreuse or white twisters.

The best fishing right now is for walleyes and catfish in the rivers below dams and spillways and along rip-rap banks. The cold weather that moved in will cool the water temps and the walleye bite for the weekend. Fishing should become good again as soon as we see a warm up. For questions on Central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Ben Dodd or Andy Otting at 515-432-2823.

Lake Anita

Anita is ice free and anglers are catching crappies in the upper arms of the lake on warm sunny days. crappie - Fair: Earlier in the week crappies were being caught in the pontoon area with small jigs under a bobber.

Lake Manawa

Manawa is ice free and crappies are biting in the canals. crappie - Fair: crappie bite has slowed with cooler temperatures. They are still hitting on jigs and minnows in the canals on the west side of the lake. Many 10 inch fish are being caught.

Cold Springs District Farm Ponds

Farm ponds typically warm quickly and can provide good early season fishing. Remember to always get permission to fish private farm ponds. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth are being caught next to shore on sunny days casting small spinner baits using a slow retrieve.

Open water fishing has begun. Crappies and channel catfish can be caught in shallow bays where the water warms quickly. For more information on fishing call the S.W. District Office at (712) 769-2587.

Lake Icaria

Some windblown shoreline areas have temperatures above 45. Anglers are fishing mostly for walleye and channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Good: A lot of channel catfish are coming from the windy shoreline shallows. Walleye - Slow: Some groups are finding success while fishing the mounds and rocky areas near the dam.

Green Valley Lake

The water level is down about 9 feet for the sediment removal project. The lake is open and the main boat ramp has enough water to easily launch a boat. All sport-fish species are big biting enough to interest the angler. Channel Catfish - Good: The channel catfish are biting well on shad bait in the shallow areas where the wind is blowing into shore. Most are from 2 to 4 pounds.

Three Mile Lake

The main boat ramp is usable but some ice remains on the lake. Most of the ice should be gone by the weekend. Channel Catfish - Fair: A few real nice sized channels are being picked up from the shallow bays at the upper end. Walleye - Fair: A few males are being caught from the rocky areas near dark. Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) - Fair: Several wipers are being caught on crank-baits by walleye anglers trolling the rocky points.

Twelve Mile Creek Lake

The lake is open and the temperatures range is 40 to 50 degrees. Shoreline access is possible from any of the popular access points. Bullhead - Good: Several giant sized bullheads are being caught on crawlers at the upper end. Walleye - Fair: Several males are being caught from the rocks of the dam and the rock points and reefs.

All of the lakes are completely open. Water temperatures vary widely. Small lakes can be near 50 degrees but the bigger lakes are at or just below 40. All species of sport-fish are being caught but the success varies. Reports are coming in of very successful trips and others are not as productive.

How are the lakes looking in your area right now? Anything open?

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Starting January 1 of 2013, resident and non-resident anglers in Iowa will be able to purchase an option to use a third line in the water for an additional $12 on top of the regular fishing license, which allows two lines per person: http://www.iowadnr.gov/home/ctl/detail/mid/2822/itemid/1120

Again, you must purchase the regular fishing license in addition to the $12 third line option in order to use three lines per person.

I am definitely going to get the third line option, as it will come in handy fishing open water from shore, or anchored/drifting in my boat.

I don't see myself making much use of the third-line option on the ice, except in certain situations. I found years ago that tip-ups aren't worth the time and space of bringing them out on Macbride, much less small ponds around here.

Three lines for panfish through the ice is probably also more work than it is worth most of the time. Either I'd be staring at three lines not doing anything, or I'd be scrambling frantically to keep up with all three if the fish are biting.

On road trips to Clear Lake when we finally get some ice, I may or may not put down a second tip-up in addition to my first. I'll try it, anyway. Again, it might be more hassle than it is worth, but maybe not.

And if we get enough ice to fish for walleye on the eddy below the Coralville Tube, I may put down a tip-up in addition to fishing two rods with jigs, spoons, or live bait on a dead stick. If this winter continues to be like last winter, I won't have to worry about ice-fishing below the Coralville Tube. crazy

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It says you can already use two lines, in both the winter AND summer. Holy smokes, every time I hear about a 2-line legislation in Minnesota there's about a million people against it because it's going to decimate the fisheries. I'm surprised there any fish left in iowa.

Now you're taking it a step further and going with THREE. Oh, the humanity!

Kidding, of course. I'm jealous. I just want to be able to throw cutbait on one rod and live bait on another when I'm cattin in the summer. Someday, maybe MN will look at Iowa or Wisconsin or North Dakota (or even the regs they put on border waters like the st croix, the mississippi, or the red river) and realize that multiple lines isn't really all that bad. I won't hold my breath though.

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I hadnt heard a word about this. I like this idea.

It (the third-line option) got surprisingly little publicity or attention in Iowa.

I left the comparison out of my OP, but back in Minnesota the battle over allowing two lines on open water is fought tooth-and-nail in the legislature every few years, and in between showdowns it never goes away.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

DES MOINES, IA - The weekly Iowa fishing reports from 7/25/13 are gathered from local bait shops, angler creel surveys, and county and state parks staff. They are compiled by lake and species then given a rating as to how good the fishing is on each lake by species. There are always current Iowa Fishing Reports in this forum. Enjoy.

For Current Iowa Fishing reports - Click Here

To visit the Iowa Outdoor Fishing-Hunting Community Forum Click Here.


Beeds Lake

Sucker - Good: There are lots of white suckers in Beed's. A worm and sinker on the bottom should entice them to bite. Channel Catfish - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Good: Crappie - Fair: Try for crappies around the jetty's with minnows.

Upper Pine Lake

Good numbers of bluegills and crappie from both lakes with grub-type baits. Largemouth bass from Upper Lake with spinner baits. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are spawning in 4 to 5 feet of water. A bobber and small jig with a piece of worm should work. Small grub-style baits are also working. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass are biting on spinnerbaits. Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught near structure.

Lake Smith

Channel Catfish - Good: Try with some cutbait, worms, or stinkbait. Fish are probably biting best the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Bluegill - Fair: Some bluegills are still on beds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Try spinnerbaits.

Lake Catherine

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats are biting on minnows or chicken liver. Try early morning or right at dark. They are decent size with some running 7-9 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are biting on spinners.

Clear Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are biting near the grade, on some of rock reefs, near the island and perhaps by the city seawall. Your best bet is to fish after dark with small live bait, cutbait, or stinkbait. White Bass - Good: Anglers have been getting some 13-16-inch white bass on the little lake near the grade, near the edges of bulrush or near the island. Cast a twister tail or small swim shad. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill numbers are low, but some may be caught below docks or on the edge of bulrush. Crappie - Slow: Reports of crappies hitting near the state reef, near the dollar dock and a few by the Ventura grade. Walleye - Slow: A few bigger fish have been caught but most anglers are catching a mix of sublegals and small legal walleyes. Some are catching walleyes drifting or trolling. Most of the action is either in deeper water on the various rock reefs using a small lead head with a quarter piece of nightcrawler. Shore fishing can still be ok on the windward shorelines. Muskellunge - No Report: Yellow Bass - Good: Anglers are getting lots of yellows from boats near the state artificial reef, which is out from the state dock area, and from Fisherman's Reef. The lake is full and the water temperature is 76 degrees.

Lake Cornelia

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats should be biting on cutbait or stinkbait. Fish during the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Or try during the day on a windward side of the lake. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are keeper sized. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are near the rocks by the harbor and other rocky shorelines. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are around 8 inches. Yellow Bass - Good: Yellow bass are 7- 7.25 inches

Little Wall Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some channel cats have been caught in the evenings. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie – Slow. Little Wall is at crest. Water temperature is around 75 degrees

Crystal Lake

Try fishing deeper for most species or near some of the sources of inflow on the lake. Northern Pike - Fair: The pike are attracted to some of the sources of cooler water coming into the lake. Channel Catfish - Slow: Bluegill - Fair: Great population of 7- 8-inch bluegills in the lake. Bluegills are finished spawning but you can still find some close to shore. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Anglers have reported catching lots of largemouth. Fish on the outside edges with a bobber and live bait or try a weedless spoon. Walleye - Slow: Walleyes are around 16-20 inches. Water temperature is around 77 degrees. The curlyleaf has died back and the algae has bloomed tinting the water green.

Bluebill Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are still biting. Largemouth Bass - Good: There is a 15-inch minimum length limit on bass.

Interstate Park Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Fair: Crappies are a nice size and should be biting off the boat ramp point or off the east rock side. There was a partial fish kill this winter on this lake but anglers have been reporting catching a variety of fish.

Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown)

Water levels are going down. It may be fishable in some areas.

Shell Rock River (above Greene)

Water levels have gone down. Northern Pike - No Report: Look for areas with cooler water flowing in, if you can find them.

Winnebago River

Water level has gone down. Channel Catfish - Slow: Anglers should try below the dams or in backwater areas using cutbait, stinkbait, or minnows.

East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)

The East Fork is fishable. Channel Catfish - No Report: The catfish bite is probably a little slow but should pick up in a few weeks. Walleye - No Report:

For lake updates and fishing information in the north central area contact the Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife office at 641-357-3517.

Big Spirit Lake

Largemouth Bass - Slow: Look for largemouth around the weeds try top water early and late in the day along with crankbaits, jigs and plastic worms. Walleye - Slow: Fishing has been best early and late in the day with leeches being the live bait of choice. Trolling, drifting, and slip bobbers have all been proven fish catchers. Some are trolling crankbaits as well.

West Okoboji Lake

A few bluegill, perch, and yellow bass are being caught on pilkies tipped with red worms off deep weed edges around the lake. Smallmouth Bass - Slow: Look toward the rock piles for smallmouth action. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Try fishing around the weeds in the bays top water and soft plastics should produce.

Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)

The river is looking pretty good try fishing deeper holes and logjams for catfish with either cut bait or stink bait. A few walleye may be caught on twister tails or minnows.

West Fork Des Moines (state line to Emmetsburg)

Try cut bait or stink bait for catfish in slack water areas or near the edge of the current.

For more information contact the Spirit Lake Hatchery at 712-336-1840.


Volga Lake

Channel Catfish - Excellent: With warmer temperatures, the cats are moving. Try a hook and worm near the bottom. Bluegill - Slow: Try angling for bluegills in the shallow flats. Use a small jig tipped with a worm under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are hitting a jig tipped with a twistertail or worm. Crappie - Slow: Fish are suspended in the middle of the lake. Fish around submersed brush piles. Try a jig tipped with imitation minnows. Yellow Perch - Slow:

Lake Hendricks

Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are biting on night crawlers or dead chubs fished under a bobber along the rockier shoreline. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegills are biting on hook tipped with a small chunk of worm fished under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Anglers have been catching largemouth bass using a jig and soft plastics. Top water lures are working well in the evening. Crappie - Slow: Anglers have been catching a lot of 5 to 6-inch crappies on jigs tipped with a rubber skirt or minnow of the jetties.

Lake Meyer

Northern Pike - No Report: Channel Catfish - Excellent: Try fishing for catfish along the rocky shorelines as they are beginning to spawn. Use a worm fished on the bottom under a bobber. Bluegill - Slow: Anglers are picking up a lot of small bluegills along the weed beds using yellow or green jigs and soft plastics. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers are catching bass from shore by tossing a hooked tipped with a big chunk of nightcrawler and reeled in. Crappie - Slow: Anglers continue to pick up a few suspended in deeper water.

Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)

Fish activity continues to pick up. Sucker - Fair: Anglers are catching suckers on a hook tipped with a worm and fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers are using jigs tipped with a worm with some success. Walleye - Fair: Anglers are having luck using dark colored jigs or a hook tipped with a worm.

Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)

Sucker - Fair: Suckers are taking worms fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers using worms are doing the best. Walleye - Good: Anglers are having some success using a jig tipped with a twistertail but better luck using worms.

Yellow River

Fishing out of a canoe or kayak is allowed without landowner permission. Wading or fishing from the bank requires landowner permission.

Turkey River (above Clermont)

Water levels have stabilized and clarity has improved. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Anglers are using a jig tipped a worm with success. Also try using a crawdad or a lure imitating crawdads. Walleye - Fair:

Cedar River (above Nashua)

Water levels continue to stabilize with improved clarity. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Catfish have been taking chicken livers and dead chubs. Smallmouth Bass - Excellent: Anglers are using a jig tipped with a twistertail. Smallies 14 inches and larger are common. Crappie - No Report: Walleye - Slow: A few walleye are being caught while fishing for smallmouth.

Decorah District Streams

Better northeast Iowa streams have receded and cleared since the June floods, but additional rains may still hamper stream clarity. Invertebrate populations were definitely affected by the flooding and mayfly/caddisfly hatches might be sparse for awhile. Hoppers, crickets, ants and beetles will be effective terrestrial patterns for the balance of the season, as well as sub-surface nymphs, wet flies and streamers. Good fish are being caught.

Rivers have stabilized and continue to clear. For more on water levels, visit http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ia/nwis/rt. For trout stocking information, call 563-927-5736. For more information, call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

Silver Lake (Delaware)

Anglers have been doing well catching bluegill, largemouth bass, crappie and northern pike. Vegetation has really come on making angling a bit more difficult. Northern Pike - Fair: Weedless spoons work really well for pike near vegetation beds. Bluegill - Fair: Fishing a piece of nightcrawler under a bobber is always productive for bluegill or smaller jigs retrieved over spawning beds works well. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Lots of 7 to 10-inch bass are being caught. Cast spinner baits or weedless baits around vegetation beds. Crappie - Fair: Casting small jigs next to weed beds has been productive for crappie.

Casey Lake (aka Hickory Hills Lake)

Channel catfish, largemouth bass and bluegill fishing has been good. Clarity still remains good but vegetation is beginning to encompass the shoreline. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish have been smacking cutbaits, stinkbaits, shrimp and leopard frogs fished on the bottom. Bluegill - Good: Small piece of worm under bobber fished off of jetties or around structure in 3-6 feet of water has been excellent. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers have been doing fair fishing near structure using crankbaits or spinnerbaits.

George Wyth Lake

Anglers are beginning to catch crappie fishing near the recently placed fish habitat near the floating dock and jetties. Crappie - Fair: Try fishing a crappie minnow under a slip bobber near structure.

South Prairie Lake

Anglers are catching bluegill and channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Good: Stinkbait fished on the bottom has been good for channel catfish. Bluegill - Fair: Piece of worm fished under a bobber near vegetation or boulders has been fair for bluegill.

Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)

The Cedar River is providing some great angling for walleye, smallmouth bass and channel catfish. Use caution when navigating due to the lower water levels, particularly in Bremer County. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Stink bait and dead chubs fished on the bottom has been really hot. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Look for rock shorelines or rip-rap along banks casting artificial or live baits. Walleye - Fair: A jig tipped with half of a crawler is deadly. Crankbaits have been good as well.

Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.

Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)

The Wapsipinicon River level is 4.94 feet and dropping. There have been angler reports of smallmouth bass, walleye and channel catfish being caught. Channel Catfish - Good: Stink bait and dead chubs fished on the bottom has been really hot. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Look for rock shorelines or rip-rap along banks casting artificial or live baits. Walleye - Fair: A jig tipped with half of a crawler is deadly. Crankbaits have been good as well.

Maquoketa River (above Monticello)

There have been reports of smallmouth bass, walleye and channel catfish being caught. Channel Catfish - Good: Stink bait and dead chubs fished on the bottom has been really hot. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Look for rock shorelines or rip-rap along banks casting artificial or live baits. Walleye - Good: A jig tipped with half of a crawler is deadly. Crankbaits have been good, too.

Manchester District Streams

Area Manchester District trout streams are currently in excellent condition.

Interior rivers in northeast Iowa continue to recede and have been providing some excellent fishing. The weather forecast looks beautiful for the upcoming weekend. Manchester District trout streams are all in excellent condition, for further information call the district office in Manchester at 563-927-3276.


Mississippi River Pool 9

River level at Lansing is 8.6 feet and is expected to hold steady near this level over the next week. Army Road near New Albin is open but could be rough because of flood damage. Heytman's Landing at the lower end of pool 9 is difficult to use due to siltation. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Good: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 10

River level at Lynxville is 16.2 feet and is expected to drop steadily over the next week to 14.5 feet. All ramps on pool 10 are open, but the Sny Magill parking lot is still a little muddy. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Good: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 11

River stage at Guttenberg is 7.5 feet currently and is expected to fall steadily over the next week to below 5 feet. All Pool 10 ramps are open but parking at the Turkey River landing is limited due to flood mud. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Good: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

River levels on the Upper Mississippi continue to fall towards normal levels. Fishing conditions have improved and now is a great time to get back on the river. All boat ramps are open. Water temperature is in the lower 80s.

Mississippi River Pool 16

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 15 in Davenport is 7.96 feet and falling. Flood stage is 15 feet. Fishing is starting to pick up with the falling river conditions. The docks are now in at the Fairport Recreational Area. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on nightcrawlers, stinkbait, and cut shad. Try anchoring above snag piles along the main channel or side channels. Some channel cats are still being caught floating leeches under a bobber along riprap shorelines. White Bass - Fair: Some white bass are being caught in Sunset Marina casting jigs and twister tails. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught fishing wax worms or nightcrawlers under a bobber in Sunset Marina. Try around the docks. Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught in Sunset Marina fishing small minnows under a bobber. Try fishing around the docks. Some crappies are also being caught in the Andalusia Island complex. Try fishing brush piles in the backwaters and side channels with jigs and minnows. Walleye - Fair: Some walleyes are starting to be caught on the upper end of pool 16. Try jigs and minnows in Sylvan Slough or trolling crankbaits. Some walleyes are also starting to be caught trolling the main river by Sunset Marina or around the wing dams along Credit Island.

Mississippi River Pool 17

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 16 in Muscatine is 6.84 feet and falling. Flood stage is 15 feet. Big Timber (The Breaks) is now open. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on stinkbait, nightcrawlers, and shad guts. Try above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught in Big Timber fishing worms under a bobber. Try around brush piles and logs.

Mississippi River Pool 18

River stage at Lock and Dam 17 at New Boston is 8.46 feet. Flood stage is 15 feet. Toolesboro is currently closed. Portions of the Toolesboro road have sustained some damaged due to recent flooding. Crews are currently working on the road to have it opened soon. We have not received any fishing information for this pool this week.

Mississippi River Pool 19

River stage at Lock and Dam 18 above Burlington is 5.11 feet. Flood stage is 10 feet. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on cut shad, shad guts, and nightcrawlers. Some channel catfish are also being caught on stinkbait. Try above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught in the backwaters. Try brush piles and snags in the side channels with jigs and minnows.

Mississippi River Pools 16-19: River stages have been falling steadily over the past few days. Main channel water temperature is around 81 degrees. Remember to clean, drain, and dry your boat before going to another water body. If you have questions about fishing Pools 16-19 contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.


Lake Odessa

The boat ramps at Schafer's and Sand Run are now open. Water levels are still about one foot above the normal fall levels. Crews are working to get silt and sand off Toolesboro Road so it can reopen.

Lake Geode

Cooler weather should bring out some anglers. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills have moved deeper. Look for them just off the ledges to deep water.

Lake Belva Deer

The hot weather has kept the anglers away. Cooler weather should bring them back out. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill fishing has slowed down with the weather change this week. Still look for them to stay out in deeper water. I wouldn't be surprised if the cool weather forecasted for this weekend might bring some in shallow again.

Lake of the Hills

Remember, Lake of the Hills is the only lake in West Lake Park where the use of live minnows as bait is allowed. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Chicken liver or stinkbait, go chicken liver. Bluegill - Good: Look for them to be suspended down 3-4 feet around the habitat. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass are now hitting on plastic worms. White spinner baits have also been hot lately. Crappie - Fair: Work the brush piles along the dam using minnows.

Railroad Lake

The use of live minnows is not permitted on Railroad Lake. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish have been biting on stinkbait and chicken liver along the old creek channel on the south side of the lake. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are biting along 110th and along the north shore in the stump field. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use white spinner baits to locate the bass along the rocks and the submerged wood. Crappie - Good: Anglers working the flooded timber and old creek channel on the south side have been catching some crappies.

Skunk River (Coppock to Mississippi River)

The river seems to be holding steady right now. Water temperature went from 82 degrees last Friday to 75 on Wednesday. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfishing has been pretty good lately. I would overlook fishing under any mulberry tree hanging over the water. Catfish have a sweet tooth for those things. Try grass frogs, too.

For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Station at 319-694-2430.

Iowa Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Chicken livers and stinkbait are working well. Bluegill - Good: Some fish are around the weed edges and some are in deeper water. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Try around the weed edges and lay downs. Crappie - Fair: Most fish are suspended in open water. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Lake Macbride

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some are being caught around shallow rock while others have pulled out to deeper water. Crawlers and stinkbait are working best. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Fish around shallow structure or deeper drop-offs. Walleye - Slow: Most fish are being caught trolling flats with crankbaits or spinner rigs. Water temperature is in the low to mid 80s. The 10 hp motor restriction and 5 MPH speed limit is in effect. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Pleasant Creek Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Livers and stinkbait have been working best. White Bass - Good: Fish shallow, wind-blown shorelines with small crankbaits or jigs, or chase schools of fish in open water with top water baits, crankbaits, or other small, flashy baits. Walleye - Fair: Some better fish are being caught by jigging leeches. Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) - Fair: These fish are only two years old but some are approaching 18 inches. Look for them mixed in with the white bass. Water clarity is excellent and water temperature is around 80 degrees. Remember, largemouth bass must be 18 inches to keep and musky must be 40 inches to keep. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check your boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Diamond Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Stinkbait and chicken liver has been working well, especially early and late in the day. Bluegill - Fair: Most fish are being caught around deeper brush. Crappie - Fair: Fish are being caught around deeper brush or just suspended in open water by drift fishing jigs. The lake is still murky. Remember, no minnows are allowed.

Otter Creek Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Evenings have been best. Bluegill - Good: Try around deeper brush. Yellow Bass - Good: Mornings have been best on small spinners. The lake water is fairly green from an algae bloom.

Coralville Reservoir

The lake level is at normal summer pool. Channel Catfish - Good: Drifting and trolling cut bait has been producing fish. Crappie - Fair: Try casting jigs to steeper banks or deeper brush.

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Lake Wapello

Use chicken livers for channel catfish. Use small jigs tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler for bluegills. Largemouth bass can be caught using spinnerbaits and crankbaits fished around the rock jetties and along rip-rapped shorelines.

Red Haw Lake

Bluegill - Good: Use small jigs tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Attach a small split shot about 10 inches above the hook to give it a little weight. Largemouth Bass - Good: Try areas along the dam and out in front of the rock jetties. Use rubber worms and crankbaits in areas with some submerged structure. Try areas with 6-8 feet of water. Try top waters in the early mornings.

Lake Sugema

Bluegill - Fair: Use small jigs fished under a slip-bobber tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Try different depths until finding aggressive fish. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Use top waters in the early morning and late evenings. Try crankbaits around the rip-rapped shorelines and around the fishing jetties. Crappie - Fair: Use a slip bobber and a minnow to fish around submerged structure and rocky shorelines.

Rathbun Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Fair: Try dead chubs, stinkbait or cut bait. Areas with rocky shorelines are productive this time of year. White Bass - Fair: Anglers have been catching white bass using medium size jigs and chrome colored crankbaits. Look for schools of shad and concentrate around those areas. Walleye - Slow: Anglers have been having some success catching walleyes using crankbaits around the submerged points and rock reefs. Look for changes in depth as fish should be using the ledges. The current lake level is 911.30 feet with normal pool being 904 feet. Water temperature is 78 degrees. Don't forget Lake Rathbun contains zebra mussels so make sure to clean, drain, and dry boats before transporting to another water body. Spray boats and trailers with high pressure hot water (above 104 degrees) or let them dry for at least 10 days (5 days in the sun).

If you have other questions regarding fishing in south central Iowa call the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406.


Don Williams Lake

Crappie - Fair: Nice crappie can be caught near woody debris in the evenings with a slip bobber and minnows. Concentrate on the upper half of the lake.

Beaver Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill can be caught fishing small jigs tipped with crawlers 2 to 4 feet below the surface around much of the standing timber. Crappie - Fair: Drifting panfish jigs around the standing timber mid lake is producing crappie.

Rock Creek Lake

Crappie - Fair: Anglers drifting jigs on the main lake are picking up some crappie. Keep your bait above 6 to 7 feet. If crappie aren't cooperating try drifting small pieces of crawler for bluegills. Bluegill are fair size in Rock Creek right now with many fish around 8 inches.

Big Creek Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill fishing is in the summer pattern of drift fishing small jigs with crawler, especially over the old road beds. Big Creek bluegills are good size with many fish over 8 inches.

Hickory Grove Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Better bluegill catches are now coming from drift fishing or fishing near pallet and brush piles in 6 to 10 feet of water. Fish with small jigs or pieces of crawler under a bobber.

Lake Ahquabi

Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill are being caught drifting or casting crawlers under a bobber along the vegetation edges. Crappie - Good: Crappie are suspended along the northwest shoreline just outside the vegetation line. Cast or drift small panfish jigs or white twisters out from the vegetation. Crappies are also being caught around the fishing shelter.

Red Rock Reservoir

White Bass - Good: White bass are being caught in decent numbers trolling crankbaits or spoons around windswept points. Look for shad schools breaking the surface and be ready to move often to stay with the activity. Good colors to start with are shad imitating colors, such as solid chrome.

Saylorville Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Good: Drift fishing cut creek chubs or dead shad above the mile long bridge will produce some fun catfishing with good chances at fish over 5 pounds. White Bass - Fair: Saylorville white bass fishing has so far been slow to fair. There are large schools of young of the year gizzard shad that the white bass are targeting. Try staying as close to these schools breaking the surface as possible. Also target the usual spots from Sandpiper Beach to the marina point and out from the Oak Grove area. Troll lipless crankbaits or spoons.

Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)

Channel Catfish - Excellent: River levels are excellent for fishing right now and channel catfish are biting consistently on stink baits.

Crappie and bluegill are in summer patterns and can be caught best drift fishing or still fishing over habitat in 6-15 feet of water. White bass fishing on the reservoirs has picked up with the summer heat. For questions on central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Ben Dodd or Andy Otting at 515-432-2823.

Greenfield Lake

Try drifting for bluegills and crappie suspended mid-lake or around cedar tree piles. Greenfield also has a good channel catfish population with many 2 to 3 pound fish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish have been caught around the jetties using shrimp. Fish in shallow water above the thermocline. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills can be caught drifting small jigs tipped with scented bait or a piece of worm. Largemouth Bass - Good: Plastic baits are catching bass around structure and close to shore. Crappie - Fair: Vertically jig minnows around cedar tree piles for 8 to 10-inch crappies. Early morning has been the best.

Meadow Lake

Largemouth bass fishing has slowed this week. Bluegill - Slow: Drift small jigs to catch 8 to 9-inch bluegills. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass can be caught casting plastic baits to shore and around cedar tree piles.

Nodaway Lake

Crappies are being caught around submerged trees and by drifting. Catfish slowed this week. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfishing has been good using shad sides and liver. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill, 7 to 8 inches, are being caught in 4 to 6 feet of water. Crappie - Fair: Drift with tube jigs to catch 10-inch crappie.

Orient Lake

Fishing has slowed this week with the blue-green algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Slow: Two pound catfish are being caught on cutbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegills can be caught drifting along the dam. Tipping jigs with crawler seems to help.

Littlefield Lake

A few bluegills are being picked up drifting. Littlefield has a good channel catfish population. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish can be caught in the corners of the dam and on the north shore using liver. Fish average two pounds. Bluegill - Slow: Drift with small black jigs tipped with night crawler or power bait to catch 7 to 8 fish.

Lake Anita

Largemouth bass fishing has slowed a bit this week. Crappies and bluegills are being caught drifting open water. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills are being caught drifting with small jigs tipped with worms or power bait. Fish are suspended 6 to 9 feet down in open water. Fish are 8 to 9 inches. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are reported to be caught close to shore and around aquatic vegetation casting spinnerbaits and plastic worms. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are being caught drifting with jigs in both arms of the lake. Vertical jigging along submerged road beds with minnows has also been good. Crappies are suspended 6 to 9 feet down. Mornings and late evenings are best.

Willow Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. A few channel catfish were also caught. Channel Catfish - Fair: Cutbait and liver were reported to catch catfish close to shore around structure. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass fishing has been good in the upper end of the lake using a variety of spinners and plugs.

Viking Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. Crappies are suspended off the dam and around the many brush piles. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish can be caught around underwater reefs and rock fields using cutbait. Many fish are 2 to 4 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are being caught casting the shoreline with spinnerbaits and slow trolling crankbaits. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies range in size from 7 to 10 inches and are being caught drifting tube jigs and vertical jigging tree piles.

DeSoto Bend

The middle boat ramp is the only place to launch a boat at Desoto Bend. Largemouth bass fishing continues to be good. Anglers are drifting shallow flats with blood bait and catching channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Fish liver or blood bait on the shallow flats. Most anglers are drifting these baits along the bottom. Fish will average two pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass of all sizes are being caught casting plastic baits to shore.

Lake Manawa

Catfishing has slowed this week. Channel Catfish - Slow: The south and west side of the lake has been good for catfish this week using liver. Fish up to 5 pounds are being caught.

East Nishnabotna

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week. Channel Catfish - No Report: Flows are right for wading and catching catfish.

Middle Raccoon River (above Van Meter)

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week. Channel Catfish - No Report: Crawdads are a good bet for summer catfishing on the river. Smallmouth Bass - No Report: Try fishing a small piece of worm and a lead head jig through the holes.

Cold Springs District Farm Ponds

Bluegills and crappie are in their supper pattern and can be caught along weed edges and suspended in the water column. Largemouth bass are aggressive and easily caught this time of year. Remember to always get permission before fishing private farm ponds. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish can be caught in 4 to 6 feet of water with dip bait or liver. Bluegill - Fair: Cast small jigs close to weed edges or drift open water to catch bluegill. Largemouth Bass - Good: Casting small spinners and jigs around structure and along vegetation has been good for bass. Crappie - Fair: Fish minnows and small jigs around structure to catch crappies.

Largemouth bass are being caught in and around the aquatic vegetation. Suspended bluegill and crappie are being caught drifting or vertical jigging in 6 to 12 feet of water. Interior river flows are right for summer channel catfish fishing. For more information on lakes in the southwest district call the Cold Springs office at 712-769-2587.

Lake Icaria

The water levels are normal and the clarity is good. Bullhead - Good: Several bullheads are being caught on crawlers on the bottom. Channel Catfish - Fair: A few channel catfish are biting in the shallows during the evenings.

Little River Watershed Lake

The lake is full and the fish have been restocked. Channel Catfish - Fair: Some mid-sized channel catfish are being caught from bays during the evenings.

Sands Timber Lake (Blockton Reservoir)

The lake has been drained to allow completion of sediment trapping structures.

Green Valley Lake

The water level is normal. Channel Catfish - Good: A lot of channel catfish are being caught from the shallows and sides of the fish mounds.

Three Mile Lake

The water levels are normal. Channel Catfish - Good: Several channel catfish are being caught from the bays during the evenings.

Twelve Mile Creek Lake

The water levels are normal. Bullhead - Fair: A few real big bullheads can be caught using crawlers. Channel Catfish - Fair: A few channel catfish can be caught from the bays in 4 feet of water.

Water levels are normal. Some lakes are showing some signs of algae development. Water temperature is in the upper 70s.

Missouri River (Sioux City to Little Sioux)

Channel Catfish - Good: Fishing continues to be good for channel catfish. Anglers are having success on various baits with worms, cutbait, and dip baits working the best. Fishing has been good around the mouth of the Floyd River for channel catfish. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flatheads continue to bite on various live baits. Anglers have had the best success on chubs, goldfish, and sunfish around deep water habitat, near wing dikes, and incoming rivers and streams.

Missouri River (Little Sioux to Council Bluffs)

Channel Catfish - Good: Fishing has been good for channel catfish on various baits. Anglers continue to have success on dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead catfish are biting on live baits. Try using live baits such as chubs and sunfish around deep holes near wing dykes, logs, and incoming rivers and streams. Freshwater Drum - Good: Anglers are catching drum on worms.

Missouri River (Council Bluffs to Missouri State Line)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers continue to have success catching channel catfish on various baits such as dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Try in the deeper slack water areas below wing dikes and drift piles. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead fishing continues to be good in and near deeper slack water holes, near logs, incoming rivers and streams, and rocky habitat. Flatheads bite best on live baits such as chubs, bullheads, and sunfish. Freshwater Drum - Good: Anglers are catching drum on worms.

The Missouri River at Decatur, Neb., is at 21 feet/ 29,500 CFS. The Missouri River is up 1.81 feet from last week. Water temperature is 80 degrees.

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DES MOINES, IA - The weekly Iowa fishing reports from 8/1/13 are gathered from local bait shops, angler creel surveys, and county and state parks staff. They are compiled by lake and species then given a rating as to how good the fishing is on each lake by species. There are always current Iowa Fishing Reports in this forum. Enjoy.

For Current Iowa Fishing reports - Click Here

To visit the Iowa Outdoor Fishing-Hunting Community Forum Click Here.


Nelson Park Lake

Channel catfish are being caught from the dam and near the lake bottom below the catfish cages.

Storm Lake (including Little Storm Lake)

Channel Catfish - Fair: Try drifting for catfish using night crawler harnesses. White Bass - Fair: White bass can be caught pulling plugs, crankbaits, or casting white twisters. The dredge machine on Storm Lake is in operation. Stay clear of the dredge, booster pump, and pipeline that runs from the dredge to the east shore.

North Twin Lake

Water levels are about 3 to 4 inches below crest. Water clarity is poor. Fishing for most species is slow, except for catfish. Anglers have been doing well for channel catfish. Try night crawlers, stink bait, cut bait, etc.

Black Hawk Lake

Black Hawk Lake is approximately three inches below crest. Water clarity is good. Black Hawk Lake's fishery was renovated last fall. Although we have been restocking the lake with sport fish, there are not a lot of harvestable size fish in the lake yet.

Browns Lake

Fishing is slow.

Snyder Bend Lake

Fishing is slow.

Little Sioux River (Linn Grove to Correctionville)

Channel catfish have been hitting hard on chicken livers. Use a slip sinker and toss into a snag or along a high bank. The river has come down and is in good shape.

For more information on lakes and rivers in the Black Hawk District contact the Black Hawk District Office at 712-657-2638.

Beeds Lake

Sucker - Good: There are lots of white suckers and a worm and sinker on the bottom should entice them to bite. Channel Catfish - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Good: Crappie - Fair: Try for crappies around the jetties with minnows.

Upper Pine Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: A few catfish are being caught on liver. Bluegill - Good: Small grub-style baits are working. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught near structure.

Lake Smith

Channel Catfish - Fair: Try cutbait, worms, or stinkbait. Fish are probably biting best the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Bluegill - Slow: Largemouth Bass - Fair: A few largemouths are being caught.

Lake Catherine

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats are biting on minnows or chicken liver. Try early morning or right at dark. They are decent size with some running 7-9 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are biting on spinners.

Clear Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish are biting near the grade, on some rock reefs, near the island and perhaps by the city seawall. Your best bet is to fish after dark with small live bait, cutbait, or stinkbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegill numbers are low, but some fish may be caught below docks or on the edge of bulrush. Crappie - Slow: Reports of crappies hitting near the state reef, near the dollar dock and a few by the Ventura grade. Walleye - Slow: Most of the action is in deeper water on the various rock reefs using a small lead head with a quarter piece of nightcrawler. A few walleyes have been taken trolling. Some anglers are drifting around the island and picking some up. Shore fishing can still be ok on the windward shorelines. Muskellunge - No Report: Yellow Bass - Good: Anglers are getting lots of yellows from boats near the state artificial reef, which is out from the state dock area, and from Fisherman's Reef.

Lake Cornelia

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats should be biting on cutbait or stinkbait. Fish the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Or try during the day on a windward side of the lake. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are keeper sized. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are near the rocks by the harbor and other rocky shorelines. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are around eight inches. Yellow Bass - Good: Yellow bass are 7-7.25 inches

Little Wall Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some channel cats have been caught in the evenings. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Slow:

Crystal Lake

Anglers are saying the algae is not as bad as it was a few weeks ago. Try fishing the deeper dredged water for most species or near some of the sources of inflow on the lake. Northern Pike - Fair: The pike are attracted to some of the sources of cooler water coming into the lake. Channel Catfish - Slow: Bluegill - Good: Anglers are picking bluegills up in 7-8 feet of water but some are deep, too. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers have reported catching lots of largemouth. Fish on the outside edges with a bobber and live bait or try a weedless spoon. Walleye - Fair: Walleyes are around 16-20 inches. Fish deep during the day, and a little shallower during the evening.

Bluebill Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers still catching some catfish off the jetty. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills still biting. Largemouth Bass - Good: Remember the 15-inch minimum length limit on bass.

Interstate Park Lake

There was a partial fish kill this winter on this lake but anglers have been reporting catching a variety of fish this past week. Bluegill - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Fair: Crappies are a nice size and should be biting off the boat ramp point or off the east rock side.

Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown)

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for a variety of species.

Shell Rock River (above Greene)

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for pike, walleye, and catfish. Northern Pike - No Report: Look for areas with cooler water flowing in, if you can find them.

Winnebago River

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for a variety of species.

East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)

The East Fork is fishable. Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers are having nice catches with frogs. Walleye - No Report:

For lake updates and fishing information in the north central area contact the Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife office at 641-357-3517.

Big Spirit Lake

Smallmouth Bass - Slow: Look around rock piles and weed lines for smallmouth with a combination being even better. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Fish have been found in a few different areas but there doesn't seem to be a clear cut pattern. Pitching docks, cranking weed lines, and top-water early and late have all caught a few fish. Walleye - Slow: A few fish have been caught trolling the basin but only a few fish have been coming in.

West Okoboji Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Look for bluegills in and around weeds, with open pockets and weed edges being the most productive. Live bait rigged on a slip bobber rig suspended just above the weeds has been good as well as jigging pilkies and small jigs. A few perch and yellow bass are also being picked up with this presentation. Smallmouth Bass - Slow: The smallies have been relating more so to deeper weed edges and drop-offs. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Look for weed pockets or weed edges for largemouth.

Lost Island Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish action has been fairly steady with 3-5 pound fish. Try stinkbait, cutbait, or worms fished on the bottom around dusk or after dark.

Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)

The water is low and the fish are concentrated in deeper holes. Try a white twister tail for walleye and a worm on bottom should catch just about anything.

For more information contact the Spirit Lake Hatchery at 712-336-1840.


Volga Lake

Water temperature is the mid 70s. Channel Catfish - Fair: Cooler water has slowed catfish activity. Try a hook and worm and let it set near the bottom. Bluegill - Slow: Try the shallow flats with a small jig tipped with a worm under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are hitting a jig tipped with a twistertail or worm. Crappie - Good: Fish are suspended over the deep water brush piles. Try a jig tipped with imitation minnows. Yellow Perch - Slow:

Lake Hendricks

Water temperature is 75 degrees. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish are biting on night crawlers or dead chubs fished under a bobber along the rockier shoreline. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegills are biting on hook tipped with a small chunk of worm fished under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Anglers have been catching largemouth bass using a jig and soft plastics. Top water lures are working well in the evening. Crappie - Good: Anglers have been catching crappies over deeper water structures using small jigs tipped with a minnow.

Lake Meyer

Northern Pike - No Report: Channel Catfish - Slow: Try fishing for catfish along the rocky shorelines. Use a worm on the bottom under a bobber. Bluegill - Slow: Anglers are picking up a lot of small bluegills along the weed beds using yellow or green jigs and soft plastics. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers are catching bass from shore by tossing a hook tipped with a big chunk of nightcrawler and reeled in. Crappie - Slow: Anglers continue to pick up a few suspended in deeper water.

Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)

Fish activity continues to pick up as water level stabilizes. Sucker - Fair: Anglers are catching suckers on a hook tipped with a worm and fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers are using jigs tipped with a worm with some success. Walleye - Fair: Anglers are having luck using dark colored jigs or a hook tipped with a worm or twister tails.

Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)

Sucker - Fair: Suckers are taking worms fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers using worms are doing the best. Walleye - Good: Anglers are having success using a jig tipped with a twister tail or worm and drifting it in current.

Yellow River

Fishing out of a canoe or kayak is allowed without landowner permission. Wading or fishing from the bank requires landowner permission.

Turkey River (above Clermont)

Water level has stabilized and clarity has improved. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Anglers are using a jig tipped a worm with success. Also try a crawdad or a crawdad lure. Walleye - Fair:

Cedar River (above Nashua)

Water levels continue to stabilize with improved clarity. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Catfish have been taking chicken livers and dead chubs. Smallmouth Bass - Excellent: Anglers are using a jig tipped with a twistertail. Smallies 14 inches plus are common. Crappie - No Report: Walleye - Good: Walleye activity has picked up. Anglers are using nightcrawlers and jigs tipped with dark colored twister tails.

Decorah District Streams

Better northeast Iowa streams have receded and cleared since the June floods, but additional rains may still hamper stream clarity. Invertebrate populations were definitely affected by the flooding and mayfly/caddisfly hatches might be sparse for awhile. Hoppers, crickets, ants and beetles will be effective terrestrial patterns for the balance of the season, as well as sub-surface nymphs, wet flies and streamers. Good fish are being caught.

Area rivers are looking good for a change. For more on water levels, visit http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ia/nwis/rt. For trout stocking information, call 563-927-5736. Another excellent weather forecast is in store for the weekend. It doesn't get any better than this for an Iowa summer. For more information, call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

Silver Lake (Delaware)

Anglers have been catching bluegill, largemouth bass, crappie and northern pike. Vegetation has really come on making angling a bit more difficult. Northern Pike - Fair: Weedless spoons work really well near vegetation beds. Bluegill - Fair: Fishing a piece of nightcrawler under a bobber or smaller jigs retrieved over spawning beds works well. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Lots of 7 to 10-inch bass are being caught. Cast spinner baits or weedless baits around vegetation beds. Crappie - Fair: Casting small jigs next to weed beds has been productive.

Casey Lake (aka Hickory Hills Lake)

Channel catfish, largemouth bass and bluegill fishing has been good. Clarity still remains good but vegetation is beginning to encompass the shoreline. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish have been smacking cutbaits, stinkbaits, shrimp and leopard frogs fished on the bottom. Bluegill - Good: Small piece of worm under bobber fished off of jetties or around structure in 3-6 feet of water has been excellent for bluegill. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers have been doing fair on largemouth bass. Try fishing near structure using crankbaits or spinnerbaits.


Anglers have been catching nice size bluegill and crappie but fishing can be hit or miss. Bluegill - Good: Try locating structure in 4-8 feet of water using smaller jigs or piece of crawler under a slip bobber. Crappie - Good: Try locating structure in 4-8 feet of water using smaller jigs or a crappie minnow under a slip bobber.

Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)

The Cedar River is providing some great angling for walleye, smallmouth bass, channel catfish and a few northern pike. Use caution when navigating due to the lower water levels, particularly in Bremer County. Northern Pike - Fair: Larger spinner baits or spoons have been catching some northern pike. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Stink bait and night crawlers fished on the bottom has been really hot. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Look for rock shorelines or rip-rap along banks casting artificial or live baits. Walleye - Good: A jig tipped with half of a crawler is deadly. Crankbaits have been good as well.

Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.

Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)

The Wapsipinicon River level is at 4.87 feet and dropping. Anglers report catching smallmouth bass, walleye and channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Good: Stink bait and night crawlers fished on the bottom has been really hot. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Look for rock shorelines or rip-rap along banks casting artificial or live baits. Walleye - Good: A jig tipped with half a crawler is deadly. Crankbaits have been good as well.

Maquoketa River (above Monticello)

There have been reports of smallmouth bass, walleye and channel catfish being caught. Channel Catfish - Good: Stink bait and night crawlers fished on the bottom has been really hot. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Look for rock shorelines or rip-rap along banks casting artificial or live baits. Walleye - Good: A jig tipped with half a crawler is deadly. Crankbaits have been good as well.

Manchester District Streams

Area Manchester District trout streams are currently in excellent condition.

Interior rivers in northeast Iowa continue to recede and have been providing some excellent angling. The weather forecast looks beautiful for the upcoming weekend. Manchester District trout streams are all in excellent condition, for further information call district office in Manchester at 563-927-3276.


Mississippi River Pool 9

River level at Lansing is 8.6 feet and is expected to hold steady near this level over the next week. Army Road near New Albin is open but could be rough because of flood damage. Heytman's Landing at the lower end of pool 9 is difficult to use due to siltation. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Good: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 10

River level at Lynxville is 14.1 feet and is expected to remain stable near this level over the next week. All ramps on pool 10 are open. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Good: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 11

River stage at Guttenberg is 5.7 feet currently and is expected to fall slightly over the next week to 5 feet. All Pool 10 ramps are open but parking at the Turkey River landing is limited due to flood mud. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Good: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

River levels on the Upper Mississippi have fallen quickly back to normal summer levels and are expected to remain stable over the next week. Stable river levels on the Mississippi can create great fishing and now is a great time to get back on the river. All boat ramps are open. Water temperatures are in the upper 70s.

Mississippi River Pool 12

Water level at the lock and dam in Dubuque is at 4.9 feet and the water level at the railroad bridge is 7.9 feet. Water levels are dropping and water clarity is good. Water temperature is around 72 degrees. Channel Catfish - Good: People fishing for drum report catching a lot of smaller catfish. You can also try stink bait fished above brush piles. If you use this method, make sure to move often if you do not get bites. Bluegill - Good: Many fish are being caught along rock piles and snags. Use a simple hook and worm for best results. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Some smallies are being caught along current areas near rock. Spinners and crankbaits are best but some are also being caught by the bluegill anglers on worms. Largemouth Bass - Good: Numerous 12-inch largemouths are being reported caught nearly everywhere. Most folks are using minnow imitation lures but some are also being caught by the bluegill anglers using worms. Crappie - Fair: Small crappies have moved into brush pile areas. A bobber and worms or small minnows seems to be catching some 10 to 11-inch crappie. Yellow Perch - Fair: A real nice yellow perch have been reported from the tail water and by folks fishing on wing dams. Some of these perch are up to 13 inches but finding concentrations is difficult. Walleye - Fair: Conditions are favorable for fishing on wing dams. Learn how to fish above the dams using a three-way rig and a worm. Also crankbaits have been effective fished on wing dams. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are being caught on simple egg sinkers and worm rigs. Drum can be a great eating fish but you must keep them on ice after caught and remove all red meat from fillets.

Mississippi River Pool 13

Water levels at the Bellevue Lock and Dam is at 4.8 feet. Water is clear and water temperature is around 72 degrees. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are reported to be biting on stink bait near log piles. Anchor above the rock piles and let the smell of the stink bait ooze into the brush pile drawing out the catfish. Flathead Catfish - Fair: Several flatheads were reported by folks bluegill fishing. Larger flatheads can be caught using live fish as bait. Fish near brush piles and deeper water locations with eddy currents. Bluegill - Excellent: Many nice bluegills are being caught in the tail waters and several other locations right now. Most anglers are using worms and bobbers or split shot rigs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Some smallmouth are being caught along rock piles throughout the pool. Smallmouth concentrate along areas that are rocky and have current. Use jigs or spinners for best results. Anglers are also reporting catching rock bass while smallmouth fishing. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Sub-legal bass are providing good action on spinner baits in Pool 13. Try fishing around rocky points or rip rap areas for best luck. The size of the largemouth bass has been small but good for kids fishing. Crappie - Fair: Several small crappies were reported in Pool 13 this week. A crappie rig seemed to work best tipped with small minnows. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Hordes of drum are being caught in Pool 13. A simple rig with an egg sinker and worm rig yields the best results. Drum can be great eating fish but you must be prepared to keep them on ice and remove all red meat from fillets.

Mississippi River Pool 14

Water levels at Fulton are at 4.9 feet and dropping. Water clarity is quite good. The cold fronts have lowered water temperatures to 72 degrees. Finally water conditions have improved and the bite is on once again in Pool 14. Places like Rock Creek are open for business so take advantage and get out fishing. Channel Catfish - Fair: Mixed reports on channel catfish this week. If you are going after catfish anchor and fish above the brush piles and let the stink bait ooze into the hole. Bluegill - Excellent: It has been several months of high water levels and bluegills seemed to have grown well. Many 8 and even 9 inchers have been reported. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Small largemouth bass are being caught seemingly everywhere on Pool 14. The size is mainly under the legal size limit of 14 inches but folks are having a ball catching 12 inch fish. Walleye - Fair: Wing dam fishing is available to anglers now that the water receded. Folks are mainly throwing crankbaits on the dams for best results. Freshwater Drum - Good: Several drum were reported by folks using a worm rig on the bottom. Drum can be excellent eating but you need to keep them on ice for best flavor.

Mississippi River Pool 15

Water level at LeClaire is at 4.6 and dropping. Finally some angling was reported on Pool 15 this week. Channel Catfish - Good: Several folks reported fishing for channel catfish mostly using worms but some tried cut bait. Either way they also caught a few drum as well. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: A few smallies were also reported. Try crankbaits for bigger smallmouth. Imitation crayfish cranks can be quite effective. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers reported catching many sub-legal largemouth bass this week. Folks are working rock piles with jigs and spinners.

The water levels in the district have dropped substantially and the river is quite low now. Presently the issue for boaters is logs and debris that have been rearranged from the months of flooding on the river. Cold fronts have lowered water temperature to 72 degrees. Water is fairly clear in most locations.

Mississippi River Pool 16

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 15 in Davenport is 4.89 feet. The docks are now in at the Fairport Recreational Area. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on nightcrawlers, stinkbait, and cut shad. Try anchoring above snag piles along the main channel or side channels. Some channel cats are still being caught floating leeches under a bobber along riprap shorelines. White Bass - Fair: Some white bass are being caught in Sunset Marina casting jigs and twister tails. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught fishing wax worms or nightcrawlers under a bobber in Sunset Marina. Try around the docks. Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught in Sunset Marina fishing small minnows under a bobber. Try around the docks. Some crappies are also being caught in the Andalusia Island complex. Try fishing brush piles in the backwaters and side channels with jigs and minnows. Walleye - Fair: Try jigs and minnows in Sylvan Slough or trolling crankbaits. Some walleyes are also being caught trolling the main river by Sunset Marina or around the wing dams along Credit Island. Some walleyes are also being caught casting crankbaits on the wing dams.

Mississippi River Pool 17

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 16 in Muscatine is 4.14 feet. Big Timber (The Breaks) is now open. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on stinkbait, nightcrawlers, and shad guts. Fish above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught in Big Timber fishing worms under a bobber. Try fishing around brush piles and logs.

Mississippi River Pool 18

River stage at Lock and Dam 17 at New Boston is 5.16 feet. The Toolesboro road and boat ramp are now open. Channel Catfish - No Report: Try fishing for channel catfish by anchoring above snag piles and wing dams in the main channel or side channels. Try nightcrawlers, stinkbait, or cut shad for bait.

Mississippi River Pool 19

River stage at Lock and Dam 18 above Burlington is 2.51 feet. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on cut shad, shad guts, and nightcrawlers. Some channel catfish are also being caught on stinkbait. Try fishing above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught in the backwaters. Try fishing brush piles and snags in the side channels with jigs and minnows. Walleye - Slow: A few walleyes are starting to be caught on the wing dams trolling crankbaits or three-way rigs with a half a nightcrawler.

Mississippi River Pools 16-19: Fishing has picked up on Pools 16-19 with the lower water conditions. Main channel water temperature is around 75 degrees. Remember to clean, drain, and dry your boat before going to another water body. If you have questions about fishing Pools 16-19 contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.


Lake Odessa

The boat ramps at Schafer's and Sand Run are now open. Water levels are still about a foot above the normal fall levels. DNR staff are working to get the silt and sand off the road so they can reopen it. Channel Catfish - Good: Look to the button bush thickets to find the catfish. Crappie - Good: Good numbers of crappies can be found around the tree falls and the beaver lodges.

Lake Geode

Cooler weather should bring out some anglers this weekend. Bluegill - Fair: The bluegills have moved deeper for the summer. Look for them to be just off the ledges to the deep water.

Lake Belva Deer

Water temperature is 74 degrees. Thermocline is at 10 to 12 feet. Don't bother fishing any deeper, because there is no oxygen, or fish below that depth. Bluegill - Fair: Anglers have been catching bluegills down about 6 to 8 feet around the trees and up around the mounds at the upper end of the lake.

Lake of the Hills

Lake of the Hills is the only lake in West Lake Park where the use of live minnows as bait is allowed. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Chicken liver or stinkbait, go chicken liver. Bluegill - Good: Look for them suspended down 3-4 feet around the habitat. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass are now hitting on plastic worms. White spinner baits have also been hot lately. Crappie - Fair: Work the brush piles along the dam using minnows.

Railroad Lake

The use of live minnows is not permitted on Railroad Lake. Channel Catfish - Good: The catfish have been biting on stinkbait and chicken liver along the old creek channel on the south side. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are biting along 110th and along the north shore in the stump field. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use white spinner baits to locate the bass along the rocks and the submerged wood. Crappie - Good: Anglers working the flooded timber and old creek channel on the south side have been catching some crappies.

Skunk River (Coppock to Mississippi River)

The river level seems fairly constant. Water temperature remains in the low 70s. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfishing has been pretty good lately. Try under any mulberry tree hanging over the water or try grass frogs as bait.

Iowa River (Columbus Junction to Mississippi River)

Water levels continue to drop slowly. Channel Catfish - Good: The three baits to use are frogs, chubs and crawdads. Work the brush piles and the drop-offs at the edges of the sandbars.

For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Station at (319) 694-2430.

Iowa Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Chicken livers and stinkbait are working well. Bluegill - Good: Some fish are around the weed edges and some are out in deeper water. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Try around the weed edges and lay downs. Crappie - Fair: Most fish are suspended in open water. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check your boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Lake Macbride

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some are being caught around shallow rock while others have pulled out to deeper water. Crawlers and stinkbait are working best. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Fish around shallow structure or deeper drop-offs. Walleye - Slow: Most fish are being caught trolling flats with crankbaits or spinner rigs. Water temperature is in the low to mid 80s. The 10 hp motor restriction and 5 MPH speed limit is in effect. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check your boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Pleasant Creek Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Livers and stinkbait have been working best. White Bass - Good: Fish shallow, wind-blown shorelines with small crankbaits or jigs, or chase schools of fish in open water with top-water baits, crankbaits, or other small, flashy baits. Walleye - Fair: Some better fish are being caught by jigging leeches. Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) - Fair: These fish are only two years old but some are approaching 18 inches. Look for them mixed in with the white bass. Water clarity is excellent and temperature is around 80 degrees. Remember, largemouth bass must be 18 inches to keep and musky must be 40 inches to keep. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check your boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Diamond Lake

The lake is still murky. Remember, no minnows are allowed here. Channel Catfish - Good: Stinkbait and chicken livers have been working well, especially early and late in the day. Bluegill - Fair: Most fish are being caught around deeper brush. Crappie - Fair: Fish are being caught around deeper brush or just suspended in open water by drift fishing jigs.

Otter Creek Lake

The lake water is fairly green from an algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Good: Evenings have been best. Bluegill - Good: Try around deeper brush. Yellow Bass - Good: Mornings have been best on small spinners.

Coralville Reservoir

The lake is at normal summer pool level. Channel Catfish - Good: Drifting and trolling cut bait has been producing fish. Crappie - Fair: Try casting jigs to steeper banks or deeper brush.

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Lake Wapello

Try using spinnerbaits or crankbaits for largemouth bass. Target areas with rocky shorelines or the edges of aquatic vegetation areas. Use stinkbait for channel catfish. Try off the rock jetties or fishing pier.

Red Haw Lake

Bluegill - Good: Use small jigs tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Try casting around the shoreline and submerged structure or around the fishing jetties. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use rubber worms and crankbaits in areas with submerged structure. Also try areas around the rock jetties and the shorelines that are rip-rapped. Try top-waters in the early mornings.

Lake Sugema

Bluegill - Fair: Try small jigs under a slip-bobber tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Add a split shot about 12 inches above the hook. Try different depths until finding aggressive fish. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Try plastic worms and spinnerbaits around the rocky shorelines and around the fishing jetties.

Rathbun Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Fair: Try using stinkbait or cut bait. Target areas with rocky shorelines such as around the bridge at Bridgeview or along the dam. White Bass - Fair: Anglers have been catching white bass using medium size jigs and chrome colored crankbaits. Look for schools of shad and concentrate around those areas. Walleye - Slow: Walleye fishing has improved as the lake gets closer to normal pool. Try crankbaits around the submerged points and rock reefs or nightcrawlers in the same areas. Look for changes in depth as fish should be using the ledges. The current lake level is 910.06 feet with normal pool being 904 feet. The water temperature is 78 degrees. Don't forget Lake Rathbun contains zebra mussels so make sure to clean, drain, and dry boats before transporting to another water body. Spray boats and trailers with high pressure hot water (above 104 degrees) or let them dry for at least 10 days (5 days in the sun).

If you have other questions regarding fishing in south central Iowa call the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406.


Don Williams Lake

Crappie - Fair: Nice crappie can be caught near woody debris in the evenings with a slip bobber and minnows. Concentrate on the upper half of the lake.

Beaver Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill can be caught fishing small jigs tipped with crawlers 2 to 4 feet below the surface around much of the standing timber. Crappie - Fair: Drifting panfish jigs around the standing timber mid lake is producing crappie.

Rock Creek Lake

Crappie - Fair: Anglers drifting jigs on the main lake are picking up some crappie. Keep your bait above 6 to 7 feet. If crappie aren't cooperating try drifting small pieces of crawler for bluegills. Bluegill are fair size in Rock Creek right now with many fish around 8 inches.

Roberts Creek Lake

Crappie - Good: Anglers drifting small jigs or trolling small crankbaits are catching decent numbers of 9 to 11-inch white crappies.

Big Creek Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill fishing is in the summer pattern of drift fishing small jigs with crawler, especially over the old road beds. Big Creek bluegills are good size with many fish over 8 inches.

Hickory Grove Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Better bluegill catches are now coming from drift fishing or fishing near pallet and brush piles in 6 to 10 feet of water. Fish with small jigs or pieces of crawler under a bobber.

Lake Ahquabi

Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill are being caught drifting or casting crawlers under a bobber along the vegetation edges. Crappie - Good: Crappie are suspended along the northwest shoreline just outside the vegetation line. Cast or drift small panfish jigs or white twisters out from the vegetation. Crappies are also being caught around the fishing shelter.

Red Rock Reservoir

White Bass - Good: White bass are being caught in decent numbers trolling crankbaits or spoons around windswept points. Look for shad schools breaking the surface and be ready to move often to stay with the activity. Good colors to start with are shad imitating colors, such as solid chrome.

Saylorville Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Good: Drift fishing cut creek chubs or dead shad above the mile long bridge will produce some fun catfishing with good chances at fish over 5 pounds. White Bass - Fair: Saylorville white bass fishing has so far been slow to fair. There are large schools of young of the year gizzard shad that the white bass are targeting. Try staying as close to these schools breaking the surface as possible. Also target the usual spots from Sandpiper Beach to the marina point and out from the Oak Grove area. Troll lipless crankbaits or spoons.

Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)

Channel Catfish - Excellent: River levels are excellent for fishing and channel catfish are biting consistently on stink baits.

Crappie and bluegill are in summer patterns and can be caught best drift fishing or still fishing over habitat in 6-15 feet of water. White bass fishing on the reservoirs continues to be fair to good. For questions on central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Ben Dodd or Andy Otting at 515-432-2823.

Greenfield Lake

Try drifting for bluegills and crappie suspended mid-lake or around cedar tree piles. Greenfield also has a good channel catfish population with many 2 to 3-pound fish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish have been caught around the jetties using shrimp. Fish in shallow water above the thermocline. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills can be caught drifting small jigs tipped with scented bait or a piece of worm. Largemouth Bass - Good: Plastic baits are catching bass around structure and close to shore. Crappie - Fair: Vertical jigging with minnows around cedar tree piles has been good for 8 to 10-inch crappies. Early morning has been the best time.

Meadow Lake

Largemouth bass fishing has slowed this week. Bluegill - Slow: Drift small jigs to catch 8 to 9-inch bluegills. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass can be caught casting plastic baits to shore and around cedar tree piles.

Nodaway Lake

Crappies are being caught around submerged trees and drifting. Catfish have slowed this week. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfishing has been good using shad sides and liver. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill in the 7 to 8-inch size range are being caught in 4 to 6 feet of water. Crappie - Fair: Drift with tube jigs to catch 10-inch crappie.

Orient Lake

Fishing has slowed this week with the blue-green algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Slow: Two pound catfish are being caught on cutbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegills can be caught drifting along the dam. Tipping jigs with crawler seems to help.

Littlefield Lake

A few bluegills are being picked up drifting. Littlefield has a good channel catfish population. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish can be caught in the corners of the dam and on the north shore using liver. Fish average two pounds. Bluegill - Slow: Drift with small black jigs tipped with night crawler or power bait to catch 7 to 8 fish.

Lake Anita

Largemouth bass fishing has slowed a bit this week. Crappies and bluegills are being caught vertically jigging over the road beds. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills are being caught vertically jigging small jigs tipped with worms or power bait. Fish are around road beds and other submerged structure. Fish are 8 to 9 inches. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are reported to be caught close to shore and around aquatic vegetation casting spinnerbaits and plastic worms. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are being caught drifting with jigs in both arms of the lake. Vertically jigging along submerged road beds with minnows has also been good. Mornings and late evening hours are best.

Willow Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. A few channel catfish are also caught. Channel Catfish - Fair: Cutbait and liver were reported to catch catfish close to shore around structure. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass fishing has been good in the upper end of the lake using a variety of spinners and plugs.

Viking Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. Crappies are suspended off the dam and around the many brush piles. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish can be caught around underwater reefs and rock fields using cutbait. Many fish are 2 to 4 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are being caught casting the shoreline with spinnerbaits and slow trolling crankbaits. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are running 7 to 10 inches and are being caught drifting tube jigs and vertical jigging tree piles.

DeSoto Bend

The middle boat ramp is the only place to launch a boat at Desoto Bend. Largemouth bass fishing continues to be good. Anglers are drifting shallow flats w/ blood bait and catching channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Fish liver or blood bait on the shallow flats. Most anglers are drifting these baits along the bottom. Fish average two pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass of all sizes are being caught casting plastic baits to shore.

Lake Manawa

Catfishing has slowed this week. Channel Catfish - Slow: The south and west side of the lake has been good for catfish this week using liver. Fish up to five pounds are being caught.

East Nishnabotna

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week. Channel Catfish - No Report: Flows are right for wading and catching catfish.

Middle Raccoon River (above Van Meter)

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week. Channel Catfish - No Report: Crawdads are a good bet for summer catfishing on the river. Smallmouth Bass - No Report: Try fishing a small piece of worm and a lead head jig through the holes.

Cold Springs District Farm Ponds

Bluegills and crappie are in their summer pattern and can be caught along weed edges and suspended in the water column. Largemouth bass are aggressive and easily caught this time of year. Remember to always get permission before fishing private farm ponds. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish can be caught in 4 to 6 feet of water with dip bait or liver. Bluegill - Fair: Cast small jigs close to weed edges or drift open water to catch bluegill. Largemouth Bass - Good: Casting small spinners and jigs around structure and along vegetation has been good for bass. Crappie - Fair: Fish minnows and small jigs around structure to catch crappies.

Largemouth bass are being caught in and around the aquatic vegetation. Suspended bluegill and crappie are being caught vertically jigging in 6 to 12 feet of water. Interior river flows are right for summer channel catfish fishing. For more information on lakes in the southwest district, call the Cold Springs office at 712-769-2587.

Lake Icaria

The water levels are normal and the clarity is good. Bullhead - Good: Several bullheads are being caught on crawlers on the bottom. Channel Catfish - Fair: A few channel catfish are biting on liver or cut bait.

Little River Watershed Lake

The lake is full and the fish have been restocked. Channel Catfish - Fair: Some mid-sized channel catfish are being caught from bays during the evenings.

Sands Timber Lake (Blockton Reservoir)

The lake has been drained to allow completion of sediment trapping structures.

Green Valley Lake

The water level is normal. Channel Catfish - Good: A lot of channel catfish are being caught using liver or cut bait from the shallows and sides of the fish mounds.

Three Mile Lake

The water levels are normal. Channel Catfish - Fair: Several channel catfish are being caught from the bays during the evenings.

Twelve Mile Creek Lake

The water levels are normal. Bullhead - Fair: A few big bullheads can be caught using crawlers or small liver chunks. Channel Catfish - Fair: A few channel catfish can be caught on liver.

Water levels are normal. Some lakes are showing signs of algae development. Water temperature has dropped to the mid 70s.

Missouri River (Sioux City to Little Sioux)

Channel Catfish - Excellent: Fishing continues to be good for channel catfish. Anglers are having success on various baits such as worms, cutbait, dip baits, minnows, and crawfish. Fishing has been good around the mouth of the Floyd River for channel catfish. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flatheads continue to bite on various live baits. Anglers have had the best success on chubs, goldfish, and sunfish near deep water habitat, wing dikes, revetments, and incoming rivers and streams.

Missouri River (Little Sioux to Council Bluffs)

Channel Catfish - Good: Fishing has been good for channel catfish on various baits. Anglers continue to have success on dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead catfish are biting on live baits. Try using live baits such as chubs and sunfish around deep holes near wing dykes, logs, and incoming rivers and streams. Freshwater Drum - Good: Anglers are catching drum on worms.

Missouri River (Council Bluffs to Missouri State Line)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers continue to have success catching channel catfish on various baits such as dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Try in the deeper slack water areas below wing dikes and drift piles. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead fishing continues to be good in and near deeper slack water holes, near logs, incoming rivers and streams, and rocky habitat. Flatheads bite best on live baits such as chubs, bullheads, and sunfish. Freshwater Drum - Good: Anglers are catching drum on worms.

The Missouri River at Decatur, Neb., is 21.45 feet/ 31,500 CFS. The Missouri River is up .45 feet from last week. Water temperature is 73 degrees.

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DES MOINES, IA - The weekly Iowa fishing reports from 8/8/13 are gathered from local bait shops, angler creel surveys, and county and state parks staff. They are compiled by lake and species then given a rating as to how good the fishing is on each lake by species. There are always current Iowa Fishing Reports in this forum. Enjoy.

For Current Iowa Fishing reports - Click Here

To visit the Iowa Outdoor Fishing-Hunting Community Forum Click Here.


Nelson Park Lake

Channel catfish are being caught from the dam and near the lake bottom below the catfish cages.

Storm Lake (including Little Storm Lake)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers drift fishing with night crawlers have been doing. White Bass - Fair: White bass can be caught pulling plugs, crankbaits, or casting white twisters. Walleye - Slow: Some anglers are catching walleye while trolling shad raps. The successful anglers have been putting in a lot of time in order to catch fish. The dredge machine on Storm Lake is in operation. Stay clear of the dredge, booster pump, and the pipeline that runs from the dredge to the east shore.

North Twin Lake

Water levels are about 3 to 4 inches below crest. Water clarity is poor. Fishing for most species is slow, except catfish. Anglers have been doing well for channel catfish. Try using night crawlers, stink bait, cut bait, etc.

Black Hawk Lake

Black Hawk Lake is approximately three inches below crest. Water clarity is good. Black Hawk Lake's fishery was renovated last fall. Although we have been restocking the lake with sport fish, there are not a lot of harvestable size fish in the lake yet.

Little Sioux River (Linn Grove to Correctionville)

Channel catfish have been hitting hard on chicken livers. Use a slip sinker and toss into a snag or along a high bank. The river has come down and is in good shape. Fishing around the Linn Grove Dam for catfish has been good too.

For more information on lakes and rivers in the Black Hawk District contact the Black Hawk District Office at 712-657-2638.

Beeds Lake

Sucker - Good: There are lots of white suckers in Beed's. A worm and sinker on the bottom should entice them to bite. Channel Catfish - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Good: Crappie - Fair: Try for crappies around the jetties with minnows.

Upper Pine Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: A few catfish are being caught on liver. Bluegill - Good: Small grub-style baits are also working. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught near structure.

Lake Smith

Channel Catfish - Fair: Try with some cutbait, worms, or stinkbait. Fish are probably biting best the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Bluegill - Slow: Largemouth Bass - Fair: A few largemouth bass are being caught.

Lake Catherine

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats are biting on minnows or chicken liver. Try early morning or right at dark. They are decent size with some running 7-9 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are biting on spinners.

Clear Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish are biting near the grade, on some of the rock reefs, near the island, and perhaps by the city seawall. The best bet is to fish after dark with small live bait, cutbait, or stinkbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegill numbers are low, but some fish may be caught below docks or on the edge of bulrush. Crappie - Slow: Reports of crappies hitting near the state reef, near the dollar dock and a few by the Ventura grade. Walleye - Slow: Most of the action is in deeper water on the various rock reefs using a small lead head with a quarter piece of nightcrawler. A few walleyes have been taken trolling. Some anglers are drifting around the island and picking some up. Shore fishing can still be ok on the windward shorelines. Some walleyes can be picked up in or near the edge of the bulrush also. Muskellunge - No Report: Yellow Bass - Good: Anglers are getting lots of yellows from boats near the state artificial reef, which is out from the state dock area, and from Fisherman's Reef.

Lake Cornelia

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats should be biting on cutbait or stinkbait. Fish from the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Or try during the day on a windward side of the lake. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are keeper size. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are near the rocks by the harbor and other rocky shorelines. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are around eight inches. Yellow Bass - Good: Yellow bass are small 7-7.25 inches

Little Wall Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some channel cats have been caught in the evenings. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Slow:

Crystal Lake

Anglers are saying the algae is not as bad as a few weeks ago. Try the deeper dredged water for most species or near some of the sources of inflow on the lake. Channel Catfish - Slow: Bluegill - Good: Anglers are picking bluegills up in 7-8 feet of water but some deep too. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers have reported catching lots of largemouth. Fish on the outside edges with a bobber and live bait or try a weedless spoon. Walleye - Fair: Walleyes are around 16-20 inches. Fish deep during the day and a little shallower during the evening.

Bluebill Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers still catching catfish off the jetty. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills still biting. Largemouth Bass - Good: Remember the 15-inch minimum length on bass.

Interstate Park Lake

There was a partial fish kill last winter but anglers have been reporting catching a variety of fish this past week. Bluegill - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Fair: Crappies are a nice size and should be biting off the boat ramp point or off the east rock side.

Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown)

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for a variety of species.

Shell Rock River (above Greene)

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for pike, walleye and catfish. Northern Pike - No Report: Look for areas with cooler water flowing in, if you can find them.

Winnebago River

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for a variety of species.

East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)

The East Fork is fishable. Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers are having nice catches with frogs. Walleye - No Report:

For lake updates and fishing information in the north central area contact the Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife office at 641-357-3517.

Big Spirit Lake

Smallmouth Bass - Slow: Look around rock piles and weed lines for smallmouth with a combination being even better. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Fish have been found in a few different areas but there doesn't seem to be a clear cut pattern. Pitching docks, cranking weed lines, and top water early and late have all caught a few fish. Walleye - Slow: A few fish have been caught trolling the basin but only a few fish have been coming in. Shore fishermen have also been catching a few slots around sunset.

West Okoboji Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Look for bluegills in and around weeds, with open pockets and weed edges being the most productive. Live bait rigged on a slip bobber rig suspended just above the weeds has been good as well as jigging pilkies and small jigs. A few perch and yellow bass are also being picked up with this presentation. Smallmouth Bass - Slow: The smallies have been relating more so to deeper weed edges and drop-offs. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Look for weed pockets or weed edges for largemouth.

Lost Island Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish action has been fairly steady with 3-5 pound fish. Try stinkbait, cutbait, or worms fished on the bottom around dusk or after dark.

Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)

The water is low and the fish are concentrated in the deeper holes. Try a white twister tail for walleye and a worm on bottom should catch just about anything.

For more information contact the Spirit Lake Hatchery at 712-336-1840.


Volga Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Cooler water has slowed catfish activity. Try a hook and worm set near the bottom. Bluegill - Slow: Try the shallow flats with a small jig tipped with a worm under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are hitting a jig tipped with a twistertail or worm. Crappie - Good: Fish are suspended over the deep water brush piles. Try a jig tipped with imitation minnows. Yellow Perch - Slow:

Lake Hendricks

Lots of people have been enjoying the lake but reports of catching fish have been sketchy. Channel Catfish - No Report: Try night crawlers or stink baits fished under a bobber along the rockier shoreline. Bluegill - No Report: Try using a hook tipped with a small chunk of worm fished under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Anglers have been catching largemouth bass using a jig and soft plastics. Top water lures are working well in the evening. Crappie - Slow: Anglers have been catching crappies over deeper water structures using small jigs tipped with a minnow.

Lake Meyer

Northern Pike - No Report: Channel Catfish - Slow: Try fishing for catfish along the rocky shorelines. Use a worm or stink bait fished on the bottom under a bobber. Bluegill - Slow: Anglers are picking up a lot of small bluegills along the weed beds using yellow or green jigs and soft plastics. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers are catching bass from shore by tossing a hooked tipped with a big chunk of nightcrawler and reeled in. Crappie - Slow: Anglers continue to pick up a few suspended in deeper water.

Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)

Fish seem to be more active in the morning with action picking up again in the late afternoon. Sucker - Fair: Anglers are catching suckers on a hook tipped with a worm and fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers are using jigs tipped with a worm or darker colored twistertail with some success. Walleye - Fair: Anglers are having luck using dark colored jigs or a hook tipped with a worm or twister tails.

Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)

Sucker - Fair: Suckers are taking worms fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers using a jig tipped with worms are doing the best. Walleye - Good: Anglers are having success using a jig tipped with a twister tail or worm and drifting it in the current.

Yellow River

Fishing out of a canoe or kayak is allowed without landowner permission. Wading or fishing from the bank requires landowner permission.

Turkey River (above Clermont)

Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Anglers are using a jig tipped a worm with success. Also try a crawdad or a lure imitating crawdads. Walleye - Fair: Try along cut banks or deeper holes around woody debris.

Cedar River (above Nashua)

Channel Catfish - Excellent: Catfish are beginning to take stink baits but will take chicken livers and dead chubs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers are using a jig tipped with a twistertail. Smallies 14 inches plus are common. Crappie - Fair: Anglers have been finding crappies around brush piles. Walleye - Fair: Walleye activity has slowed some. Anglers are using nightcrawlers and jigs tipped with a twister tail.

Decorah District Streams

Northeast Iowa streams are looking good but additional rains are still hampering stream clarity. Invertebrate populations were definitely affected by the flooding and mayfly/caddisfly hatches might be sparse for awhile. Hoppers, crickets, ants and beetles will be effective terrestrial patterns for the balance of the season, as well as sub-surface nymphs, wet flies and streamers. Good fish are being caught.

Area rivers continue to look good and another weekend with beautiful weather is in store for us. For more on water levels, please visit http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ia/nwis/rt. For trout stocking information, call 563-927-5736. For more information, call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

Silver Lake (Delaware)

Anglers have been catching bluegill, largemouth bass, crappie and northern pike. Vegetation has really come on making angling a bit more difficult. Northern Pike - Fair: Weedless spoons near vegetation beds work really well. Bluegill - Fair: A piece of nightcrawler under a bobber or smaller jigs retrieved over spawning beds works well. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Lots of 7 to 10-inch bass are being caught. Cast spinner baits or weedless baits around vegetation beds. Crappie - Fair: Casting small jigs next to weed beds has been productive.

Casey Lake (aka Hickory Hills Lake)

Channel catfish, largemouth bass and bluegill fishing has been good. Clarity still remains good but vegetation is beginning to encompass the shoreline. Channel Catfish - Good: Cutbaits, stinkbaits, shrimp and leopard frogs fished on the bottom have been smacking the channel catfish. Bluegill - Good: Small piece of worm under bobber fished off of jetties or around structure in 3-6 feet of water has been excellent. Largemouth Bass - Good: Try crankbaits or spinnerbaits near structure.


Anglers have been catching nice size bluegill and crappie but fishing can be hit or miss. Bluegill - Good: Locate structure in the 4-8 feet of water using smaller jigs or piece of crawler under a slip bobber. Crappie - Good: Locate structure in the 4-8 feet of water using smaller jigs or a crappie minnow under a slip bobber.

Manchester District Streams

Area Manchester District trout streams are currently in excellent condition.

George Wyth Lake

George Wyth is providing some decent fishing for bluegill, crappie, and largemouth bass near the Cedar Falls/Waterloo metro area. Bluegill - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Fair:

Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)

The Cedar River has been providing excellent catfishing as well as some action for smallmouth bass and walleye. Catfish can be caught on a variety of presentations including prepared stink baits, cutbaits, and nightcrawlers. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Smallmouth Bass - Good: Walleye - Fair:

Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)

The Shell Rock has been providing excellent fishing during recent weeks for channel catfish and walleye. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Walleye - Good:

Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)

The Wapsipinicon has been slow compared to some of the other area rivers over recent weeks, but fishing action has started to pick up recently. Northern Pike - Fair: Channel Catfish - Good: Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Walleye - Fair:

Maquoketa River (above Monticello)

The Maquoketa is in excellent condition and is providing good opportunities for channel catfish, smallmouth bass and walleye. Channel Catfish - Good: Smallmouth Bass - Good: Walleye - Good:

Rivers and streams in northeast Iowa are currently providing excellent fishing for channel catfish, smallmouth bass and walleye. A light jig tipped with a nightcrawler provides a good tackle option right now because it will catch all three of these primary river game species. Fishing reports from lakes in the area are not as good during these dog days of summer, so consider focusing on the flowing waters at this time. Trout streams are in great condition. For more info call 563-927-3276


Mississippi River Pool 9

River level at Lansing is 8.4 feet and is expected to hold steady near this level over the next week. Army Road near New Albin is open but could be rough because of flood damage. Heytman's Landing at the lower end of pool 9 is difficult to use due to siltation. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Excellent: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 10

River level at Lynxville is 14.2 feet and is expected to remain stable near this level over the next week. All ramps on pool 10 are open. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Excellent: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 11

River stage at Guttenberg is 5.6 feet and is expected to fall slightly over the next week to 5 feet. All Pool 11 ramps are open but parking at the Turkey River landing is limited due to flood mud. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Excellent: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop offs and sand flats.

River levels on the Upper Mississippi have fallen quickly back to normal summer levels and are expected to remain stable over the next week. Stable river levels on the Mississippi can create great fishing and now is a great time to get back on the river. All boat ramps are open. Water temperature is in the mid 70s.

Mississippi River Pool 12

Water level at the lock and dam in Dubuque is at 5.2 feet and the water level at the RR Bridge is at 7.9 feet. Water levels are rising slightly and clarity is good. Water temperature is around 75 degrees. Channel Catfish - Good: People fishing for drum report catching a lot of smaller catfish. You can also try stink bait above brush piles. If you use this method, make sure to move often if you do not get bites. Flathead Catfish - Good: Many crappie and bluegill anglers are also reporting catching flathead especially when fishing along rock piles. The flatheads are generally in the smaller range of the species but can be quite good to eat. Bluegill - Excellent: Many fish are being caught along rock piles and snags throughout the pool. Use a simple hook and worm for best results. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Some smallies are being caught along current areas near rock. Spinners and crankbaits are best but some are also being caught by the bluegill anglers on worms. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Numerous 12-inch largemouths are being reported caught nearly everywhere. Most folks are using minnow imitation lures but some are also being caught by the bluegill anglers using worms. Crappie - Fair: Small crappies have moved into brush pile areas. A bobber and worms or small minnows seems to be catching some 10 to 11-inch crappie. Yellow Perch - Fair: Yellow perch have been reported from the tail water and by folks fishing on wing dams. Some of these perch are up to 13 inches but finding concentrations is difficult. Walleye - Fair: Conditions are favorable for fishing on wing dams right now. Learn how to fish above the dams using a three-way rig and a worm. Also crankbaits have been effective fished on wing dams. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are being caught on simple egg sinkers and worm rigs. Drum can be a great eating fish but you must keep them on ice after being caught and remove all red meat from fillets.

Mississippi River Pool 13

Water levels at the Bellevue Lock and Dam is at 5.6 feet and rising slightly. Water is clear and water temperature is around 75 degrees. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are reported to be biting on stink bait near log piles. Anchor above the rock piles and let the smell of the stink bait ooze into the brush pile drawing out the catfish. Flathead Catfish - Fair: Several flatheads were reported by folks bluegill fishing. Larger flatheads can be caught using live fish as bait. Fish near brush piles and deeper water locations with eddy currents. Bluegill - Excellent: Many nice bluegills are being caught throughout the pool right now. Size ranges from 6.5 inches to 9 inches. Most anglers are using worms and bobbers or split shot rigs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Some smallmouth are being caught along rock piles throughout the pool. Smallmouth concentrate along areas that are rocky and have current. Use jigs or spinners for best results. Anglers are also reporting catching rock bass while smallmouth fishing. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Sub-legal bass are providing good action on spinner baits in Pool 13. Try fishing around rocky points or rip rap areas for best luck. The size of the largemouth bass has been small but good for kids fishing. Crappie - Good: Several small crappies were reported in Pool 13 this week on rigs tipped with small minnows. Walleye - Fair: Some walleyes were reported using three way rigs above the wing dams. Small chunks of worms or floating crankbaits yield the best results. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: A simple rig with an egg sinker and worm rig yields the best results. Drum can be great eating fish but you must be prepared to keep them on ice and remove all red meat from fillets.

Mississippi River Pool 14

Water levels at Fulton are at 5.4 feet and rising. Water clarity is quite good but a green algae hatch has made water cloudy in some locations. The water temperatures is at 75 degrees. Conditions are good at most all boat ramps so get out and enjoy the end of summer. Channel Catfish - Good: If you are going after catfish anchor and fish above the brush piles and let the stink bait ooze into the hole. Bluegill - Excellent: It has been several months of high water levels and bluegills seemed to have grown well. Many 8 and even 9 inchers have been reported. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Small largemouth bass are being caught seemingly everywhere on Pool 14. The size is mainly under the legal size limit of 14 inches but folks are having a ball catching 12-inch fish. Walleye - Good: Wing dam fishing is available to anglers now that the water receded. Folks are mainly throwing crankbaits on the dams for best results. Some anglers are using plainer boards along channel edges. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Several drum were reported by folks using a worm rig on the bottom. Drum can be excellent eating but you need to keep them on ice for best flavor.

Mississippi River Pool 15

Water level at LeClaire is at 4.6 feet and steady. Some quality angling was again reported on Pool 15 this week. Channel Catfish - Good: Several folks were reported fishing for channel catfish mostly using worms but some also trying cut bait. Either way they also caught a few drum as well. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: A few smallies were also reported by anglers mainly fishing for bass. Try using crankbaits for bigger smallmouth bass. Imitation crayfish cranks can be quite effective. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers reported catching many sub-legal largemouth bass this week. Folks are working rock piles with jigs and spinners. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Freshwater drum are being caught all along the channel boarder by anglers using worms for bait. Boat ramps such as Eagles Landing can be a great spot to catch drum.

The water levels in the district have dropped substantially and the river is quite low. A slight bump occurred this week but the river is projected to remain low. Presently the issue for boaters is logs and debris that have been rearranged from the months of flooding on the river. Water temperature is at 75 degrees and water clarity is good.

Mississippi River Pool 16

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 15 in Davenport is 4.89 feet. The docks are now in at the Fairport Recreational Area. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on nightcrawlers, stinkbait, and cut shad. Try anchoring above snag piles along the main channel or side channels. Some channel cats are still being caught floating leeches under a bobber along riprap shorelines. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught fishing wax worms or nightcrawlers under a bobber in Sunset Marina. Try around the docks. Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught in Sunset Marina fishing small minnows under a bobber. Try fishing around the docks. Some crappies are also being caught in the Andalusia Island complex. Try fishing brush piles in the backwaters and side channels with jigs and minnows. Walleye - Fair: Try fishing with jigs and minnows in Sylvan Slough or trolling crankbaits. Some walleyes are also being caught trolling the main river by Sunset Marina or around the wing dams along Credit Island. Some walleyes are also being caught casting crankbaits on the wing dams.

Mississippi River Pool 17

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 16 in Muscatine is 4.31 feet. Big Timber (The Breaks) is now open. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on stinkbait, nightcrawlers, and shad guts. Try above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. White Bass - Good: Some white bass are being caught below the spillway at Lock and Dam 16. Try casting small white jigs and twister tails in the areas where there is flow coming through the spillway. Fishing has been best right before dark. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught in Big Timber fishing worms under a bobber. Try fishing around brush piles and logs. Bluegills are also being caught below the spillway at Lock and Dam 16 fishing pieces of nightcrawler on the bottom. Walleye - Fair: Some walleyes are being caught on the wing dams. Try trolling crankbaits or three-way rigs tipped with half a nightcrawler on the upstream side of the wing dams. Casting crankbaits over the top of the wing dams can produce some fish as well.

Mississippi River Pool 18

River stage at Lock and Dam 17 at New Boston is 5.15 feet. The Toolesboro Road and boat ramp are now open. Channel Catfish - No Report: Try fishing for channel catfish by anchoring above snag piles and wing dams in the main channel or side channels. Try using nightcrawlers, stinkbait, or cut shad for bait.

Mississippi River Pool 19

River stage at Lock and Dam 18 above Burlington is 2.55 feet. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on cut shad, shad guts and nightcrawlers. Some channel catfish are also being caught on stinkbait. Try fishing above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. Crappie - No Report: Try fishing brush piles and snags in the side channels with jigs and minnows. Walleye - No Report: Look for walleyes on the wing dams trolling crankbaits or three-way rigs with a half a nightcrawler. Casting crankbaits over the top of the wing dams can produce some fish as well.

Mississippi River Pools 16-19: Fishing has picked up on Pools 16-19 with the lower water conditions. Use caution when boating due to the lower water conditions. Remember to clean, drain, and dry your boat before going to another water body. If you have questions about fishing Pools 16-19 contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.


Lake Odessa

All the ramps as well as the Toolesboro Road are open. There is a lot of water moving through Odessa right now both from the inlet and outlet. Wildlife has the water level dropping fairly fast yet trying to dry out some of the areas that were flooded for most of the spring and summer. Channel Catfish - Good: Look to the button bush thickets to find the catfish. Anglers have been catching them on chicken liver and cut bait. Crappie - Good: Good numbers of crappies can be found around the tree falls and the beaver lodges.

Lake of the Hills

Remember, Lake of the Hills is the only lake in West Lake Park where the use of live minnows as bait is allowed. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Catfishing remains hot. The popular baits remain chicken liver and stinkbait. Bluegill - Fair: Continue to look for them around the shallow habitat. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass are now hitting on plastic worms. White spinner baits have also been hot lately. Crappie - Fair: Work the brush piles along the dam using minnows.

Railroad Lake

The use of live minnows is not permitted on Railroad Lake. Channel Catfish - Good: The catfish have been biting on Stinkbait and chicken liver along the old creek channel on the south side of the lake. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are biting along 110th and along the north shore in the stump field. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use white spinner baits to locate the bass along the rocks and the submerged wood. Crappie - Good: Anglers working the flooded timber and old creek channel on the south side have been catching some crappies.

Skunk River (Coppock to Mississippi River)

The river level seems to be fairly constant. Water temperature remains in the low 70s. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish continue to bite. Work the brush piles.

Iowa River (Columbus Junction to Mississippi River)

Water levels seem to have leveled off. Nice weather to be out on the river. Channel Catfish - Good: The go to baits continue to be frogs, chubs and crawdads. Work the brush piles and the drop-offs at the edges of the sandbars.

For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Station at 319-694-2430.

Iowa Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Chicken livers and stinkbait are working well. Bluegill - Good: Some fish are around the weed edges and some are out in deeper water. Crappie - Good: Most fish are suspended in open water. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check the boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Lake Macbride

Channel Catfish - Slow: Some are being caught around shallow rock while others have pulled out to deeper water. Crawlers and stinkbait are working best. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Fish around shallow rock and wood. Crappie - Fair: Look for main lake lay downs to hold crappies. Walleye - Slow: Most fish are being caught trolling flats with crankbaits or spinner rigs. Water temperature is in the low to mid 80s. The 10 hp motor restriction and 5 MPH speed limit is in effect. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check the boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Pleasant Creek Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Livers, crawlers and stinkbait have been working best. White Bass - Good: Fish shallow, wind-blown shorelines with small crankbaits or jigs, or chase schools of fish in open water with top water baits, crankbaits, or other small, flashy baits. Walleye - Fair: Some better fish are being caught by jigging leeches on humps and roadbeds. Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) - Fair: These fish are only two years old but some are approaching 18 inches. Look for them mixed in with the white bass. Water clarity is excellent and water temperature is around 80 degrees. Remember, largemouth bass must be 18 inches to keep and musky must be 40 inches to keep. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check the boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Diamond Lake

The lake is still murky. Remember, no minnows are allowed here. Channel Catfish - Good: Stinkbait and chicken livers have been working well, especially early and late in the day. Bluegill - Fair: Most fish are being caught around deeper brush. Crappie - Fair: Fish are being caught around deeper brush or just suspended in open water by drift fishing jigs.

Otter Creek Lake

The lake water is fairly green from an algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Good: Evenings have been best. Bluegill - Good: Try around deeper brush. Yellow Bass - Good: Mornings have been best on small spinners.

Union Grove Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Chicken livers and stinkbait are working best. Bluegill - Good: Wax worms are working best, but crawlers are producing as well. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Fish along rock banks and the dam face for best results. Crappie - Slow:

Coralville Reservoir

The lake is at normal summer pool level. Channel Catfish - Fair: Drifting and trolling cut bait has been producing fish. Crappie - Fair: Try casting jigs to steeper banks or deeper brush.

Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)

Channel Catfish - Good:

Cedar River (Cedar Rapids to Moscow)

Channel Catfish - Good:

Wapsi River (Troy Mills to Oxford Junction)

Smallmouth Bass - Fair:

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Lake Wapello

Largemouth bass have been hitting on crankbaits and spinnerbaits. Target areas with rip-rapped shorelines and aquatic vegetation such as lily pads. Rubber worms or top water lures can also be fished among the lily pads. Use chicken liver for channel catfish and try area around the rock jetties.

Red Haw Lake

Bluegill - Good: Use small jigs tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Try near the shoreline and submerged structure, around the fishing jetties or along the dam. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use rubber worms around the submerged structure. Also try areas around the rock jetties and along the face of the dam. Try top waters in the early mornings in the same areas.

Lake Sugema

Bluegill - Fair: Use small jigs and a slip-bobber tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Add a split shot about 12 inches above the hook. Look for open areas among the aquatic vegetation and drop the nightcrawler in those areas. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Try plastic worms and spinnerbaits along the edges of the aquatic vegetation. Also try the same baits near the shorelines and around the fishing jetties.

Rathbun Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Fair: Try chicken liver around areas with rocky shorelines such as around the bridge at Bridgeview or along the dam. White Bass - Fair: Anglers have been catching white bass using chrome colored crankbaits. Look for areas where the shad are concentrated. Walleye - Slow: Walleye fishing has improved as the lake gets closer to normal pool. Try crankbaits that mimic gizzard shad around the submerged points and rock reefs. Look for changes in depth as fish should be using the ledges. The current lake level is 908.06 feet with normal pool being 904 feet. The water temperature is 77 degrees. Don't forget Lake Rathbun contains zebra mussels so make sure to clean, drain, and dry boats before transporting to another water body. Spray boats and trailers with high pressure hot water (above 104 degrees) or let them dry for at least 10 days (5 days in the sun).

If you have other questions regarding fishing in south central Iowa call the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406.


Beaver Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill can be caught fishing small jigs tipped with crawlers 2 to 4 feet below the surface around much of the standing timber. Crappie - Fair: Drifting panfish jigs around the standing timber mid lake is producing crappie.

Rock Creek Lake

Crappie - Fair: Anglers drifting jigs on the main lake are picking up some crappie. Keep your bait above 6 to 7 feet. If crappie aren't cooperating try drifting small pieces of crawler for bluegills. Bluegill are fair size with many fish around 8 inches.

Roberts Creek Lake

Crappie - Good: Anglers drifting small jigs or trolling small crankbaits are catching decent numbers of 9 to 11-inch white crappies.

Big Creek Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill fishing is in the summer pattern of drift fishing small jigs with crawler, especially over the old road beds. Big Creek bluegills are good size with many fish over 8 inches.

Hickory Grove Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Better bluegill catches are now coming from drift fishing or fishing near pallet and brush piles in 6 to 10 feet of water. Fish with small jigs or pieces of crawler under a bobber.

Lake Ahquabi

Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill are being caught drifting or casting crawlers under a bobber along the vegetation edges. Crappie - Good: Crappie are suspended along the northwest shoreline just outside the vegetation line. Cast or drift small panfish jigs or white twisters out from the vegetation. Crappies are also being caught around the fishing shelter.

Red Rock Reservoir

White Bass - Excellent: White bass are being caught in good numbers trolling crankbaits or spoons around windswept points. Look for shad schools breaking the surface and be ready to move often to stay with the activity. Good colors to start with are shad imitating colors, such as solid chrome.

Saylorville Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Good: Drift fishing cut creek chubs or dead shad above the mile long bridge will produce some fun catfishing with good chances at fish over five pounds. White Bass - Fair: Saylorville white bass have been hit or miss with most anglers. The action will be great on one day and dead at the same spot the following day. Anglers have to follow the large schools of young of the year gizzard shad that the white bass are targeting. Try staying as close to these schools breaking the surface as possible. Troll or cast lipless crankbaits or spoons.

Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)

Channel Catfish - Excellent: River levels are getting a little more challenging for boats, but channel catfishing has been good using stink baits.

Crappie and bluegill are in summer patterns and can be caught best drift fishing or still fishing over habitat in 6-15 feet of water. White bass fishing on the reservoirs continues to be fair to good. For questions on central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Ben Dodd or Andy Otting at 515-432-2823.

Greenfield Lake

Try drifting for bluegills and crappie suspended mid-lake or around cedar tree piles. Greenfield also has a good channel catfish population with many fish in that 2 to 3 pound range. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish have been caught around the jetties using shrimp. Fish in shallow water above the thermocline. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills can be caught drifting small jigs tipped with scented bait or a piece of worm. Largemouth Bass - Good: Plastic baits are catching bass around structure and close to shore. Crappie - Fair: Vertical jigging with minnows around cedar tree piles has been good for 8 to 10-inch crappies. Early morning has been the best time.

Meadow Lake

Fish the cedar tree piles at Meadow. Bluegill - Fair: Vertical jig cedar tree or drift small jigs to catch 8 to 9-inch bluegills. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass can be caught casting plastic baits to shore and around cedar tree piles.

Nodaway Lake

Crappies are being caught around submerged trees and drifting. Catfish have slowed this week. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfishing has been good using shad sides and liver. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill in the 7 to 8-inch size range are being caught in 4 to 6 feet of water. Crappie - Fair: Drift with tube jigs to catch 10-inch crappie.

Orient Lake

Fishing has slowed this week with the blue-green algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Slow: Two pound catfish are being caught on cutbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegills can be caught drifting along the dam. Tipping jigs with crawler seems to help.

Littlefield Lake

A few bluegills and crappie are being picked up drifting. Littlefield has a good channel catfish population. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish can be caught in the corners of the dam and on the north shore using liver. Fish average two pounds. Bluegill - Slow: Drift with small black jigs tipped with night crawler or power bait to catch 7 to 8 fish. Crappie - Fair: Late afternoon has been a good time to catch 10-inch crappie drifting white twister tails.

Lake Anita

Largemouth bass fishing was fair this week. Crappies and bluegills are being caught vertically jigging over the road beds. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills are being caught vertically jigging small jigs tipped with worms or power bait. Fish are around road beds and other submerged structure. Fish are 8 to 9 inches. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are reported to be caught close to shore and around aquatic vegetation casting spinnerbaits and plastic worms. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are being caught drifting with jigs in both arms of the lake. Vertically jigging along submerged road beds with minnows has also been good. Mornings and late evening hours are best.

Willow Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. A few channel catfish were also caught. Channel Catfish - Fair: Cutbait and liver were reported to catch catfish close to shore around structure. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass fishing has been good in the upper end using spinners and plugs.

Viking Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. Crappies are suspended off the dam and around the many brush piles. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish can be caught around underwater reefs and rock fields using cutbait. Many fish are 2 to 4 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are being caught casting the shoreline with spinnerbaits and slow trolling crankbaits. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies range in size from 7 to 10 inches and are being caught drifting tube jigs and vertical jigging tree piles.

DeSoto Bend

The middle boat ramp is the only place to launch a boat at Desoto Bend. Largemouth bass fishing continues to be good. Anglers are drifting shallow flats w/ blood bait and catching channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Fish liver or blood bait on the shallow flats. Most anglers are drifting these baits along the bottom. Fish will average two pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass of all sizes are being caught casting plastic baits to shore.

Lake Manawa

Crappie fishing has picked up around the docks. Catfishing is also good. Channel Catfish - Good: The south and west side of the lake has been good for catfish this week using liver. Fish up to 5 pounds are being caught. Crappie - Fair: Crappie are being caught around the docks with minnows.

East Nishnabotna

Flows are low enough to access the fishing in the river by wading. Try drifting crawdads around structure and the outside river bends. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught with crawdads and liver in the deeper holes.

Middle Raccoon River (above Van Meter)

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week. Channel Catfish - No Report: Crawdads are a good bet for summer catfishing on the river. Smallmouth Bass - No Report: Try fishing a small piece of worm and a lead head jig through the holes.

Cold Springs District Farm Ponds

Bluegills and crappie are in their summer pattern and can be caught along weed edges and suspended in the water column. Largemouth bass are aggressive and easily caught this time of year. Remember to always get permission before fishing private farm ponds. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish can be caught in 4 to 6 feet of water with dip bait or liver. Bluegill - Fair: Cast small jigs close to weed edges or drift open water to catch bluegill. Largemouth Bass - Good: Casting small spinners and jigs around structure and along vegetation has been good for bass. Crappie - Fair: Fish minnows and small jigs around structure to catch crappies.

Suspended Bluegill and crappie fishing has slowed a bit but can still be caught vertical jigging in 6 to 12 feet of water. Channel catfishing has been good in the interior rivers. For more information on lakes in the southwest district call the Cold Springs office at 712-769-2587.

Missouri River (Sioux City to Little Sioux)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers are having success on various baits such as: worms, cutbait, dip baits, minnows, and crawfish. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flatheads continue to bite on various live bait and cut bait. Anglers have had the best success on chubs, goldfish, and sunfish near deep water habitat, wing dikes, revetments, and incoming rivers and streams. Walleye - Slow: A few walleye have been reported.

Missouri River (Little Sioux to Council Bluffs)

Channel Catfish - Anglers continue to have success on dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead catfish are biting on live bait and cut bait. Try live baits, such as chubs and sunfish, around deep holes near wing dykes, logs, and incoming rivers and streams. Walleye - Slow: A few walleye have been reported. Freshwater Drum - Good: Anglers are catching drum on worms.

Missouri River (Council Bluffs to Missouri State Line)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers continue to have success catching channel catfish on various baits such as dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Try in the deeper slack water areas below wing dikes and drift piles. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead fishing continues to be good in and near deeper slack water holes, near logs, incoming rivers and streams, and rocky habitat. Flatheads bite best on live baits such as chubs, bullheads, and sunfish. Freshwater Drum - Good: Anglers are catching drum on worms.

The Missouri River at Decatur, Neb., is 19.31feet/24,100CFS. The Missouri River is down 2.14 feet from last week. Water temperature is 75 degrees.

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DES MOINES, IA - The weekly Iowa fishing reports from 8/15/13 are gathered from local bait shops, angler creel surveys, and county and state parks staff. They are compiled by lake and species then given a rating as to how good the fishing is on each lake by species. There are always current Iowa Fishing Reports in this forum. Enjoy.

For Current Iowa Fishing reports - Click Here

To visit the Iowa Outdoor Fishing-Hunting Community Forum Click Here.


Nelson Park Lake

Channel catfish are being caught from the dam and near the lake bottom below the catfish cages.

Storm Lake (including Little Storm Lake)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers drift fishing with night crawlers have been doing. White Bass - Fair: White bass can be caught pulling plugs, crankbaits, or casting white twisters. Walleye - Slow: Some anglers are catching walleye while trolling shad raps. The successful anglers have been putting in a lot of time in order to catch fish. The dredge machine on Storm Lake is in operation. Stay clear of the dredge, booster pump, and the pipeline that runs from the dredge to the east shore.

North Twin Lake

Water levels are about 3 to 4 inches below crest. Water clarity is poor. Fishing for most species is slow, except for catfish. Anglers have been doing well for channel catfish. Try night crawlers, stink bait, cut bait, etc.

Black Hawk Lake

Black Hawk Lake is approximately three inches below crest. Water clarity is good. Black Hawk Lake's fishery was renovated last fall. Although we have been restocking the lake with sport fish, there are not a lot of harvestable size fish in the lake yet.

Little Sioux River (Linn Grove to Correctionville)

Channel catfish have been hitting hard on chicken livers. Use a slip sinker and toss into a snag or along a high bank. The river has come down and is in good shape. Fishing around the Linn Grove Dam for catfish has been good.

For more information on lakes and rivers in the Black Hawk District contact the Black Hawk District Office at 712-657-2638.

Beeds Lake

Sucker - Good: There are lots of white suckers in Beed's. A worm and sinker on the bottom should entice them to bite. Channel Catfish - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Good: Crappie - Fair: Try for crappies around the jetties with minnows.

Lower Pine Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Some very nice channel catfish from Lower Pine Lake on liver. Largemouth Bass - Fair:

Upper Pine Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: A few catfish are being caught on liver. Bluegill - Good: Small grub-style baits are working. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Crappie - Fair: Some crappies are being caught near structure.

Lake Smith

Channel Catfish - Good: Try cutbait, worms, or stinkbait. Fish are probably biting best the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. Bluegill - Slow: Largemouth Bass - Fair: A few largemouths are being caught in the evening and early morning.

Lake Catherine

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats are biting on minnows or chicken liver. Try early morning or right at dark. They are decent size with some running 7-9 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are biting on spinners.

Clear Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish are biting near the grade, on some of the rock reefs, near the island, and perhaps by the city seawall. Best fishing is after dark with small live bait, cutbait, or stinkbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegill numbers are low, but some fish may be caught below docks or on the edge of bulrush. Crappie - Slow: Reports of crappies hitting near the state reef, near the dollar dock and a few by the Ventura grade. Walleye - Slow: Most of the action is in deeper water on the various rock reefs using a small lead head with a quarter piece of nightcrawler. A few walleyes have been taken trolling. Some anglers are drifting around the island and picking some up. Shore fishing can still be ok on the windward shorelines. Some walleyes can be picked up in or near the edge of the bulrush. Muskellunge - No Report: Yellow Bass - Good: Anglers are getting lots of yellows from boats near the state artificial reef, which is out from the state dock area, and from Fisherman's Reef.

Lake Cornelia

Channel Catfish - Good: Cats should be biting on cutbait or stinkbait. Fish from the last hour of sunlight to an hour after sunset. or try during the day on a windward side of the lake. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are keeper size. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are near the rocks by the harbor and other rocky shorelines. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are around eight inches. Yellow Bass - Good: Yellow bass are 7-7.25 inches

Little Wall Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some channel cats have been caught in the evenings. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Slow:

Crystal Lake

Most anglers are fishing the deeper dredged water to catch fish. Channel Catfish - Slow: Bluegill - Good: Anglers are picking bluegills up in 7-8 feet of water but some deep too. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers have reported catching lots of largemouth. Fish on the outside edges with a bobber and live bait or try a weedless spoon. Walleye - Fair: Walleyes are around 16-20 inches. Fish deep during the day and a little shallower during the evening.

Bluebill Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers still catching some catfish off the jetty. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills still biting. Largemouth Bass - Good: Remember the 15-inch minimum length limit.

Interstate Park Lake

There was a partial fish kill this winter on this lake but anglers have been reporting catching a variety of fish this past week. Bluegill - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Fair: Crappies are a nice size and should be biting off the boat ramp point or off the east rock side.

Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown)

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for a variety of species. Channel Catfish - Good:

Shell Rock River (above Greene)

Water levels have gone down. No reports, but fishing should be good for pike, walleye, and catfish. Northern Pike - No Report: Look for areas with cooler water flowing in, if you can find them. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish should be biting well. Try whatever you have available: worms, cutbait, stinkbait, live bait. Some of the best action can be had by throwing a slip sinker rig right in front of a snag/logjam and waiting for a bite. Smallmouth Bass - Good:

Winnebago River

Anglers are catching pike, smallmouth bass, and catfish on artificial lures on the Winnebago from Mason City to Rockford. Northern Pike - Good: Anglers are catching their limits on artificial lures. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish should be biting well. Try whatever you have available: worms, cutbait, stinkbait, live bait. Some of the best action can be had by throwing a slip sinker rig right in front of a snag/logjam and waiting for a bite. Smallmouth Bass - Good:

East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)

The East Fork is fishable. Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers are having nice catches with frogs. Walleye - No Report:

For lake updates and fishing information in the north central area contact the Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife office at 641-357-3517.

Big Spirit Lake

Smallmouth Bass - Slow: Look around rock piles and weed lines for smallmouth with a combination being even better. Largemouth Bass - Slow: Fish have been found in a few different areas but there doesn't seem to be a clear cut pattern. Pitching docks, cranking weed lines, and top-water early and late have all caught a few fish. Walleye - Slow: A few fish have been caught trolling the basin but only a few fish have been coming in. Shore anglers have been catching a few slots around sunset.

West Okoboji Lake

Bluegill - Fair: Look for bluegills in and around weeds, with open pockets and weed edges being the most productive. Live bait rigged on a slip bobber rig suspended just above the weeds has been good as well as jigging pilkies and small jigs. A few perch and yellow bass are also being picked up with this presentation. Smallmouth Bass - Slow: The smallies have been relating more so to deeper weed edges and drop-offs. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Look for weed pockets or weed edges for largemouth.

Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)

The water is low and the fish are concentrated in deeper holes. Try a white twister tail for walleye and a worm on bottom should catch just about anything.

For more information contact the Spirit Lake Hatchery at 712-336-1840.


Volga Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Cooler water has slowed catfish activity. Try a hook and worm set near the bottom. Bluegill - Slow: Try in the shallow flats. Use a small jig tipped with a worm under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass are hitting a jig tipped with a twistertail or worm. Crappie - Good: Fish are suspended over the deep water brush piles. Try using a jig tipped with imitation minnows. Yellow Perch - Slow:

Lake Hendricks

Water is cloudy due to rain over the weekend. Lake levels are up about one foot. Channel Catfish - No Report: Try night crawlers or stink baits under a bobber along the rockier shoreline. Bluegill - No Report: Try a hook tipped with a small chunk of worm under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers have been catching largemouth bass using spinnerbaits. Crappie - Fair: Anglers have been catching crappies in the old river channel or deeper water using small jigs tipped with a minnow.

Lake Meyer

There is a greenish tint to the water but little submersed vegetation at this time. Fish seem to be biting better in the evening and closer to dark. Northern Pike - No Report: Channel Catfish - Slow: Try near submersed trees. Use a worm or cut bait fished on the bottom under a bobber. Bluegill - Fair: Anglers are picking up a lot of small bluegills using a piece of worm under a bobber. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers are catching bass from shore by casting and retrieving a hook tipped with a big chunk of nightcrawler, or by using brightly colored jigs. Crappie - Slow: Anglers continue to pick up a few suspended in deeper water.

Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)

Fish seem to be more active in the morning with action picking up again in the late afternoon. Sucker - Slow: Anglers are catching suckers on a hook tipped with a worm and fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Excellent: Anglers are using jigs tipped with a worm or darker colored twistertail with some success. Crankbaits have also been working. Walleye - Fair: Anglers are having luck using dark colored jigs or a hook tipped with a worm or twister tails.

Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)

Sucker - Fair: Suckers are taking worms fished along the bottom. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers using small hair jigs and crankbaits are doing the best. Walleye - Good: Anglers are having success using a jig tipped with a dark colored twister tail or worm and drifting it in the current.

Yellow River

Fishing out of a canoe or kayak is allowed without landowner permission. Wading or fishing from the bank requires landowner permission.

Turkey River (above Clermont)

Dirty water from rain in the upper watershed has made its way throughout the system. Clarity should start to improve. Anglers are finding fish in the shallower water. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Anglers are using a jig tipped a worm with success. Also try a crawdad or a lure imitating crawdads. Walleye - Good: Try along cut banks or around woody debris.

Cedar River (above Nashua)

River levels have come up a bit and clarity has decreased with the three inch rain last weekend. Water is clearing slowly. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish are beginning to take stink baits but will take chicken livers and dead chubs. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Anglers are using a jig tipped with a twistertail. Smallies, 14 inches plus, are common. Crappie - Slow: Anglers have been finding crappies around brush piles. Walleye - Slow: Anglers are using nightcrawlers and jigs tipped with a twister tail.

Decorah District Streams

Northeast Iowa streams are looking good but additional rains are still hampering stream clarity. Invertebrate populations were definitely affected by the flooding and mayfly/caddisfly hatches might be sparse for awhile. Hoppers, crickets, ants and beetles will be effective terrestrial patterns for the balance of the season, as well as sub-surface nymphs, wet flies and streamers. Good fish are being caught.

Area rivers continue to look good and another weekend with beautiful weather is in store. For more on water levels, visit http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ia/nwis/rt. For trout stocking information, call 563-927-5736. For more information, call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

George Wyth Lake

George Wyth is providing some decent fishing for bluegill, crappie, and largemouth bass near the Cedar Falls/Waterloo metro area. Bluegill - Fair: Largemouth Bass - Fair: Crappie - Fair:

Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)

The Cedar River has been providing excellent catfishing as well as some action for smallmouth bass and walleye. Catfish can be caught on prepared stink baits, cutbaits, and nightcrawlers. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Smallmouth Bass - Good: Walleye - Good: Anglers have been catching some larger walleye fishing crankbaits.

Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)

The Shell Rock has been providing excellent fishing during recent weeks for channel catfish and walleye. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Walleye - Good:

Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)

The Wapsipinicon has been slow compared to the other area rivers over recent weeks, but fishing action has started to pick up. Northern Pike - Fair: Channel Catfish - Good: Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Walleye - Fair:

Maquoketa River (above Monticello)

The Maquoketa is in excellent condition and is providing good opportunities for channel catfish, smallmouth bass, and walleye. Channel Catfish - Good: Smallmouth Bass - Good: Walleye - Good:

Rivers and streams in northeast Iowa are providing excellent fishing for channel catfish, smallmouth bass and walleye. A light jig tipped with a nightcrawler is a good option now because it will catch all three species. Fishing reports from lakes in the area are not as good during these dog days of summer, so consider focusing on the flowing waters. Trout streams are in great condition. For more info call 563-927-3276.


Mississippi River Pool 9

River level at Lansing is 8 feet and is expected to hold steady at this level over the next week. Army Road near New Albin is open but could be rough because of flood damage. Heytman's Landing at the lower end of pool 9 is difficult to use due to siltation. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Excellent: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass are active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 10

River level at Lynxville is 13.4 feet and falling slightly over the next week. Boaters should use caution launching in the lower water to avoid backing off the end of ramps. Bluegill fishing has been good at the roadside fishing access areas near Harpers Ferry, and the fishing piers at Marquette and Bussey Lake. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Excellent: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop-offs and sand flats.

Mississippi River Pool 11

River stage at Guttenberg is 5.3 feet currently and is expected to fall slightly over the next week to 5 feet. All Pool 11 ramps are open but parking at the Turkey River landing is limited due to flood mud. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish biting on stink bait and worms. Bluegill - Excellent: Lower water levels and better water quality have got bluegills biting again. Look for fish along shoreline structure in backwaters and slow running sloughs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Smallmouth bite is picking up along current breaks on rocky shorelines. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass active in backwaters and near shorelines next to wing dams. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing on wing dams is improving. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are actively biting on worms or small bits of crawler fishing along the main channel drop offs and sand flats

The Upper Mississippi is back to normal summer levels and is expected to remain stable over the next week. Stable river levels on the Mississippi can create great fishing and now is a great time to get on the river. All boat ramps are open. Water temperature is in the upper 70s.

Mississippi River Pool 12

Water level at the lock and dam in Dubuque is at 5.0 feet and the water level at the railroad bridge is at 7.6 feet. Water levels are steady and water clarity is good. Water temperature is around 72 degrees. Channel Catfish - Good: People fishing for drum report catching a lot of smaller catfish. You can also try stink bait fished above brush piles, but make sure to move often if you do not get bites within the first 15 minutes. Flathead Catfish - Good: Many crappie and bluegill anglers are reporting catching flatheads, especially when fishing along rock piles. The flatheads are generally in the smaller size range of the species but can be quite good to eat. Bluegill - Excellent: Fish are being caught along rock piles and snags throughout the pool. Use a simple hook and worm for best results. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Some smallies are being caught along current areas near rock. Spinners and crankbaits are best but some are also being caught by the bluegill anglers on worms. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Numerous 12-inch largemouths are being reported caught nearly everywhere, mostly on minnow imitation lures but some by bluegill anglers using worms. Crappie - Good: Small crappies have moved into brush piles. A bobber and worms or small minnows seems to be catching some 10 to 11-inch crappie. Yellow Perch - Fair: Yellow perch have been reported from the tail water and by folks fishing on wing dams. Some of these perch are up to 13 inches but finding concentrations is difficult. Walleye - Fair: Conditions are favorable for fishing on wing dams right now. Learn how to fish above the dams using a three way rig and a worm. Also crankbaits have been effective fished on wing dams. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Drum are being caught on simple egg sinkers and worm rigs. Drum can be a great eating fish but you must keep them on ice after being caught and remove all red meat from fillets.

Mississippi River Pool 13

Water levels at the Bellevue Lock and Dam is 5.0 feet. Water is clear and water temperature is around 72 degrees. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish are reported to be biting on stink bait near log piles. Anchor above the rock piles and let the smell of the stink bait ooze into the brush pile drawing out the catfish. Flathead Catfish - Fair: Several flatheads were reported by bluegill anglers. Larger flatheads can be caught using live fish as bait. Fish near brush piles and deeper water locations with eddy currents. Bluegill - Excellent: Many nice bluegills are being caught throughout the pool. Size ranges from 6.5 inches to 9 inches. Most anglers are using worms and bobbers or split shot rigs. Smallmouth Bass - Good: Some smallmouth are being caught along rock piles throughout the pool. Smallmouth concentrate along areas that are rocky and have current. Use jigs or spinners for best results. Anglers are also reporting catching rock bass while smallmouth fishing. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Sub-legal bass are providing good action on spinner baits in Pool 13. Try around rocky points or rip rap areas for best luck. The size of the largemouth bass has been small but good for kids fishing. Crappie - Good: Several small crappies were reported in Pool 13 this week on rigs tipped with small minnows. Walleye - Fair: Some walleyes were reported using three-way rigs above the wing dams. Small chunks of worms or floating crankbaits yield the best results. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: A simple rig with an egg sinker and worm rig yields the best results. Drum can be great eating but you must be prepared to keep them on ice and remove all red meat from fillets.

Mississippi River Pool 14

Water levels at Fulton are at 5.0 feet and steady. Water clarity is quite good but a green algae hatch has made water cloudy in some locations. The water temperatures is 72 degrees. Conditions are good at most all boat ramps so get out and enjoy the great fishing. Channel Catfish - Good: If you are going after catfish anchor and fish above brush piles and let the stink bait ooze into the hole. Bluegill - Excellent: Many 8 and even 9 inchers have been reported. Lots of rock bass also being caught when bluegill fishing. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: Some smallies are being reported on the rock rip rap areas of the pool especially by Clinton. Largemouth Bass - Excellent: Small largemouth bass are being caught seemingly everywhere on Pool 14. The size is mainly under the legal size limit of 14 inches but folks are having a ball catching 12-inch fish. Walleye - Good: Wing dam fishing is available to anglers now that the water receded. Folks are mainly throwing crankbaits on the dams for best results. Some are using plainer boards along channel edges. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Several drum were reported by folks using a worm rig on the bottom. Drum can be excellent eating but you need to keep them on ice for best flavor.

Mississippi River Pool 15

Water level at LeClaire is at 4.6 feet and steady. Some quality angling was again reported on Pool 15 this week. Channel Catfish - Good: Several folks were reported fishing for channel catfish mostly using worms but some also trying cut bait. Either way they also caught a few drum as well. Smallmouth Bass - Fair: A few smallies were reported by anglers mainly fishing for bass. Try using crankbaits for bigger smallmouth bass. Imitation crayfish cranks can be quite effective. Largemouth Bass - Good: Anglers reported catching many sub-legal largemouth bass this week. Folks are working rock piles with jigs and spinners. Freshwater Drum - Excellent: Freshwater drum are being caught all along the channel boarder by anglers using worms for bait. Boat ramps such as Eagles Landing can be a great spot to catch drum.

The water levels in the district have are low. The river dropped about one foot from last week. Presently the issue for boaters is logs and debris that have been rearranged from the months of flooding on the river. Water temperature is at 72 degrees and water clarity is good.

Mississippi River Pool 16

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 15 in Davenport is 4.76 feet. River conditions are low so use caution when boating. Channel Catfish - No Report: Bluegill - No Report: Crappie - No Report: Walleye - Fair: Some walleyes are also being caught trolling the main river by Sunset Marina or around the wing dams along Credit Island. Some walleyes are also being caught casting crankbaits on the wing dams.

Mississippi River Pool 17

Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 16 in Muscatine is 3.54 feet. River conditions are low so use caution when boating. Walleye - Fair: Some walleyes are being caught on the wing dams. Try trolling crankbaits or three-way rigs tipped with half a nightcrawler on the upstream side of the wing dams. Casting crankbaits over the top of the wing dams can produce some fish as well.

Mississippi River Pool 18

River stage at Lock and Dam 17 at New Boston is 3.94 feet. The Toolesboro Road and boat ramp are now open. Channel Catfish - No Report: Try fishing for channel catfish by anchoring above snag piles and wing dams in the main channel or side channels. Try nightcrawlers, stinkbait, or cut shad for bait. White Bass - Good: Some white bass are being caught by the dam and on the wing dams. Try casting crankbaits or in-line spinners. Typically the bite is best early in the morning or right before dark.

Mississippi River Pool 19

River stage at Lock and Dam 18 above Burlington is 1.75 feet. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught on cut shad, shad guts, and nightcrawlers. Some channel catfish are also being caught on stinkbait. Try fishing above snag piles along the main channel and side channels. Crappie - No Report: Fish brush piles and snags in the side channels with jigs and minnows. Most crappie fishing reports are coming from area lakes and farm ponds. Walleye - Slow: Look for walleyes on the wing dams trolling crankbaits or three-way rigs with a half a nightcrawler. Casting crankbaits over the top of the wing dams can produce some fish as well.

Mississippi River Pools 16-19: River conditions are low so use caution when boating. Remember to clean, drain, and dry your boat before going to another water body. If you have questions about fishing Pools 16-19 contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.


Lake Odessa

All the ramps as well as the Toolesboro Road are open. There is a lot of water moving through Odessa right now both from the inlet and outlet. Wildlife has the water level dropping fairly fast yet trying to dry out some of the areas that were flooded for most of the spring and summer. Burris ditch is very shallow right now. Channel Catfish - Good: Look to the button bush thickets to find catfish. Anglers have been catching them on chicken liver and cut bait. Crappie - Good: Good numbers of crappies can be found around the tree falls and the beaver lodges.

Lake Belva Deer

Bluegill - Fair: Work off the edges of the underwater mounds in the lake. The fish are down about 10 feet. Crappie - Fair: Anglers are finding crappies in the same places as the bluegills.

Lake of the Hills

Remember, Lake of the Hills is the only lake in West Lake Park where the use of live minnows as bait is allowed. Channel Catfish - Excellent: Catfishing remains hot. The popular baits remain chicken liver and stinkbait. Bluegill - Good: They're down about 3 to 4 feet. You'll have to move around to find them so I would recommend drift/ trolling for them. Largemouth Bass - Good: Bass are now hitting on plastic worms. White spinner baits continue to work very well. Crappie - Fair: Work the brush piles along the dam using minnows. The depth of the fish varies from day to day.

Railroad Lake

The use of live minnows is not permitted on Railroad Lake. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish have been biting on stinkbait and chicken liver along the old creek channel on the south side. Bluegill - Good: Bluegills are biting along 110th and along the north shore in the stump field. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use white spinner baits to locate the bass along the rocks and the submerged wood. Crappie - Fair: Anglers working the flooded timber and old creek channel on the south side have been catching some crappies.

Skunk River (Coppock to Mississippi River)

The river level has been dropping slowly; some of the riffles are too shallow to boat through now even with the smaller Jon boats. Water temp remains in the low 70s. Channel Catfish - Good: Catfish continue to bite. Work the brush piles and below the rock riffles.

Iowa River (Columbus Junction to Mississippi River)

Water levels are dropping slowly some of the bigger sand bars are really sticking out. Channel Catfish - Good: The go to baits continue to be frogs, chubs and crawdads. Work the brush piles and the drop-offs at the edges of the sandbars.

For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Station at 319-694-2430.

Iowa Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Chicken livers and stinkbait are working well. Bluegill - Good: Some fish are around the weed edges and some are out in deeper water. Crappie - Good: Most fish are suspended in open water. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check the boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Lake Macbride

Channel Catfish - Fair: Some are being caught around shallow rock while others have pulled out to deeper water. Crawlers and stinkbait are working best. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Fish around shallow rock and wood. Crappie - Fair: Look for main lake lay downs to hold crappies. Walleye - Slow: Fish are being caught by trolling flats or rock reefs. Water temperature is about 80 degrees and the water has quite a bit of color to it. The 10 hp motor restriction and 5 MPH speed limit is in effect. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check the boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Pleasant Creek Lake

Channel Catfish - Fair: Livers, crawlers and stinkbait have been working best. White Bass - Good: Fish shallow, wind-blown shorelines with small crankbaits or jigs, or chase schools of fish in open water with top-water baits, crankbaits, or other small, flashy baits. Walleye - Fair: Some better fish are being caught by jigging leeches on humps and roadbeds. Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) - Fair: These fish are only two years old but some are approaching 18 inches. Look for them mixed in with the white bass. Water clarity is excellent and water temperature is around 80 degrees. Remember, largemouth bass must be 18 inches to keep and musky must be 40 inches to keep. The invasive species, brittle naiad, is present. Check the boat, trailer, and equipment before leaving the lake.

Diamond Lake

The lake is still murky. Remember, no minnows are allowed here. Channel Catfish - Good: Stinkbait and chicken livers have been working well, especially early and late in the day. Bluegill - Fair: Most fish are being caught around deeper brush. Crappie - Fair: Fish are being caught around deeper brush or just suspended in open water by drift fishing jigs.

Otter Creek Lake

The lake water is fairly green from an algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Good: Evenings have been best. Bluegill - Good: Try around deeper brush. Yellow Bass - Good: Mornings have been best on small spinners.

Union Grove Lake

Channel Catfish - Good: Chicken livers and stinkbait are working best. Bluegill - Good: Wax worms are working best, but crawlers are producing as well. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Fish along rock banks and the dam face for best results. Crappie - Slow:

Coralville Reservoir

The lake is at normal summer pool. Channel Catfish - Fair: Drifting and trolling cut bait has been producing fish. Crappie - Fair: Try casting jigs to steeper banks or submerged brush piles with jigs.

Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)

Channel Catfish - Good:

Cedar River (Cedar Rapids to Moscow)

Channel Catfish - Good:

Wapsi River (Troy Mills to Oxford Junction)

Smallmouth Bass - Fair:

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Lake Wapello

Anglers should try rubber worms or top-water lures fished among the lily pads. Largemouth bass have also been hitting on crankbaits and spinnerbaits. Target areas with rip-rapped shorelines and aquatic vegetation, such as lily pads. Use chicken liver for channel catfish and try around the rock jetties.

Red Haw Lake

Bluegill - Good: Use a chunk of nightcrawler on a bare hook and put a bobber about 8-12 inches above the bait. Try near the shoreline, around the fishing jetties or along the dam. Largemouth Bass - Good: Use rubber worms around the stake beds. Try spinnerbaits in areas around the rock jetties and along the face of the dam. Try top-waters in the early mornings in the same areas.

Lake Sugema

Bluegill - Fair: Use small jigs and a slip-bobber tipped with a chunk of nightcrawler. Add a split shot about 12 inches above the hook. Look for open areas among the aquatic vegetation and drop the nightcrawler in those areas. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Try top-water baits in the mornings and evening. Use plastic worms and spinnerbaits along the edges of the aquatic vegetation.

Rathbun Reservoir

The current lake level is 908.35 feet with normal pool being 904 feet. The water temperature is 77 degrees. Channel Catfish - Fair: Try chicken liver and prepared stink bait around areas with rocky shorelines. Also try areas such as coves and bays that have some water running into them. Walleye - Slow: Walleye fishing remains slow but has improved as the lake gets closer to normal pool. The best baits to use have been crankbaits that mimic gizzard shad around the submerged points and rock reefs. Look for areas where there is a change in depth from deeper to shallower water. Don't forget Lake Rathbun contains zebra mussels so make sure to clean, drain, and dry boats before transporting to another water body. Spray boats and trailers with high pressure hot water (above 104 degrees) or let them dry for at least 10 days (5 days in the sun).

If you have other questions regarding fishing in south central Iowa call the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406.


Beaver Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill can be caught fishing small jigs tipped with crawlers 2 to 4 feet below the surface around much of the standing timber. Crappie - Fair: Drifting panfish jigs around the standing timber mid lake is producing crappie.

Rock Creek Lake

Crappie - Fair: Anglers drifting jigs on the main lake are picking up some crappie. Keep your bait above 6 to 7 feet. If crappie aren't cooperating try drifting small pieces of crawler for bluegills. Bluegill are fair size in Rock Creek with many fish around 8 inches.

Roberts Creek Lake

Crappie - Good: Anglers drifting small jigs or trolling small crankbaits are catching decent numbers of 9 to 11-inch white crappies.

Big Creek Lake

Bluegill - Good: Bluegill fishing is in the summer pattern of drift fishing small jigs with crawler, especially over the old road beds. Big Creek bluegills are good size with many fish over 8 inches.

Lake Ahquabi

Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill are being caught drifting or casting crawlers under a bobber along the vegetation edges. Crappie - Good: Crappie are suspended along the northwest shoreline just outside the vegetation line. Cast or drift small panfish jigs or white twisters out from the vegetation. Crappies are also being caught around the fishing shelter.

Red Rock Reservoir

White Bass - Excellent: White bass are being caught in good numbers trolling crankbaits or spoons around windswept points. Look for shad schools breaking the surface and be ready to move often to stay with the activity. Good colors to start with are shad imitating colors, such as solid chrome.

Saylorville Reservoir

Channel Catfish - Good: Drift fishing cut creek chubs or dead shad above the mile long bridge will produce some fun catfishing with good chances at fish over five pounds. White Bass - Fair: Saylorville white bass have been hit or miss with most anglers. The action will be great on one day and dead at the same spot the following day. Anglers have to follow the large schools of young of the year gizzard shad that the white bass are targeting. Try staying as close to these schools breaking the surface as possible. Troll or cast lipless crankbaits or spoons.

Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)

Channel Catfish - Excellent: River levels are challenging for boats, but channel catfishing has been good using stink baits.

Crappie and bluegill are in summer patterns and can be caught best drift fishing or still fishing over habitat in 6-15 feet of water. White bass fishing on Red Rock Reservoir continues to be good. For questions on central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Ben Dodd or Andy Otting at 515-432-2823.

Greenfield Lake

Try drifting for bluegills and crappie suspended mid-lake or around cedar tree piles. Greenfield also has a good channel catfish population with many 2 to 3 pound fish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish have been caught around the jetties using shrimp. Fish in shallow water above the thermocline. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills can be caught drifting small jigs tipped with scented bait or a piece of worm. Largemouth Bass - Good: Plastic baits are catching bass around structure and close to shore. Crappie - Fair: Vertically jigging with minnows around cedar tree piles has been good for 8 to 10-inch crappies. Early morning has been the best.

Meadow Lake

Fish the cedar tree piles. Bluegill - Fair: Vertically jig cedar trees or drift small jigs to catch 8 to 9-inch bluegills. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass can be caught casting plastic baits to shore and around cedar tree piles.

Nodaway Lake

Crappies are being caught around submerged trees and drifting. Catfish have slowed this week. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfishing has been good using shad sides and liver. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegill in the 7 to 8-inch size range are being caught round brush piles in 4 to 6 feet of water. Crappie - Fair: Drift with tube jigs to catch 10-inch crappie.

Orient Lake

Fishing has slowed this week with the blue-green algae bloom. Channel Catfish - Slow: Two pound catfish are being caught on cutbait. Bluegill - Slow: Bluegills can be caught drifting along the dam. Tipping jigs with crawler seems to help.

Littlefield Lake

A few bluegills and crappie are being picked up drifting. Littlefield has a good channel catfish population. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish can be caught in the corners of the dam and on the north shore using liver. Fish average two pounds. Bluegill - Slow: Drift with small black jigs tipped with night crawler or power bait to catch 7 to 8 fish. Crappie - Fair: Late afternoon has been a good time to catch 10-inch crappie drifting white twister tails.

Lake Anita

Largemouth bass fishing was fair this week. Crappies and bluegills are being caught vertically jigging over the road beds. Bluegill - Fair: Bluegills are being caught vertically jigging small jigs tipped with worms or power bait. Fish are around road beds and other submerged structure. Fish are 8 to 9 inches. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are reported to be caught close to shore and around aquatic vegetation casting spinnerbaits and plastic worms. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are being caught drifting with jigs in both arms of the lake. Vertically jigging along submerged road beds with minnows has also been good. Mornings and late evening hours are best.

Willow Lake

Largemouth bass fishing remains good. A few channel catfish were also caught. Channel Catfish - Fair: Cutbait and liver were reported to catch catfish close to shore around structure. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Bass fishing has been good in the upper end of the lake using spinners and plugs. Redear Sunfish - Fair: Redear sunfish are being caught using night crawlers under a bobber. Redears can reach sizes of 10 plus inches.

Viking Lake

Largemouth bass fishing is good. Crappies are suspended off the dam and around the many brush piles. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish can be caught around underwater reefs and rock fields using cutbait. Many are 2 to 4 pounds. Largemouth Bass - Fair: Largemouth bass are being caught casting the shoreline with spinnerbaits and slow trolling crankbaits. Fish are all sizes. Crappie - Fair: Crappies range in size from 7 to 10 inches and are being caught drifting tube jigs and vertically jigging tree piles.

DeSoto Bend

The middle boat ramp is the only place to launch a boat at Desoto Bend. Largemouth bass fishing continues to be good. Anglers are drifting shallow flats w/ blood bait and catching channel catfish. Channel Catfish - Fair: Fish liver or blood bait on the shallow flats. Most anglers are drifting these baits along the bottom. Fish will average two pounds. Largemouth Bass - Good: Largemouth bass of all sizes are being caught casting plastic baits to shore.

Lake Manawa

Crappie fishing has picked up around the docks. Catfishing is also good. Channel Catfish - Good: The south and west side of the lake has been good for catfish using liver. Fish up to five pounds are being caught. Crappie - Fair: Crappie are being caught around the docks with minnows.

East Nishnabotna

Flows are low enough to access the fishing in the river by wading. Try drifting crawdads around structure and the outside river bends. Channel Catfish - Good: Channel catfish are being caught with crawdads and liver in the deeper holes.

Middle Raccoon River (above Van Meter)

We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week. Channel Catfish - No Report: Crawdads are a good bet for summer catfishing on the river. Smallmouth Bass - No Report: Try fishing a small piece of worm and a lead head jig through the holes.

Cold Springs District Farm Ponds

Bluegills and crappie are in their summer pattern and can be caught along weed edges and suspended in the water column. Largemouth bass are aggressive and easily caught this time of year. Remember to always get permission before fishing private farm ponds. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish can be caught in 4 to 6 feet of water with dip bait or liver. Bluegill - Fair: Cast small jigs close to weed edges or drift open water to catch bluegill. Largemouth Bass - Good: Casting small spinners and jigs around structure and along vegetation has been good for bass. Crappie - Fair: Fish minnows and small jigs around structure to catch crappies.

Bluegill and crappie fishing has been spotty in southwest Iowa. Channel catfishing has been good in the interior rivers. For more information on lakes in southwest Iowa, call the Cold Springs office at 712-769-2587

Lake Icaria

The water clarity is fairly good and temperatures are in the mid 70s. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills can be caught from the fish mounds. Crappie - Fair: Crappies are hanging around the fish mounds and the edges of the tree piles.

Little River Watershed Lake

Water level is near full and the lake is easily accessible. Channel Catfish - Fair: A lot of mid-sized channel catfish are being caught from shoreline areas. Small liver chunks and stink baits are working the best.

Green Valley Lake

The water levels are normal. Some algae is present but not excessive. The water temperature is in the mid 70s. Bluegill - Fair: A few bluegills are being caught from the edges of the rooted vegetation and fish mounds. Crappie - Fair: The crappies are on the fish mounds and the stake beds.

Summitt Lake

The lake has refilled and the fishery has been restocked.

Three Mile Lake

The water level is near normal. Channel Catfish - Fair: Channel catfish are biting on liver and stink baits. Yellow Bass - Fair: A lot of small yellow bass are being caught on small crawlers or jigs. Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) - Fair: Anglers are catching a few wipers on small liver chunks on the bottom or suspended just off the bottom.

Twelve Mile Creek Lake

The water quality is fair and temps are in the mid 70s. Bluegill - Good: Some nice bluegills are being caught from the edges of the rooted vegetation. Small jigs and small crawlers seem to be working the best. Crappie - Fair: Several crappies can be caught from the edges of the vegetation and the fish mounds. Walleye - Slow: A few walleyes have been caught from the steep shoreline areas and deeper rocky areas.

Water levels are near normal. Some green algae is appearing but usually not severe.

Missouri River (Sioux City to Little Sioux)

Channel Catfish - Good: Fishing continues to be good for channel catfish. Anglers are having success on various baits such as: worms, cutbait, dip baits, minnows, and crawfish. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flatheads continue to bite on live bait and cut bait. Anglers have had the best success on chubs, goldfish, and sunfish near deep water habitat, wing dikes, revetments, and incoming rivers and streams. Walleye - Slow: A few walleye have been reported.

Missouri River (Little Sioux to Council Bluffs)

Channel Catfish - Good: Fishing has been good for channel catfish on various baits. Anglers continue to have success on dip baits, worms, and cutbait. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead catfish are biting on live bait and cut bait. Try using live baits such as chubs and sunfish around deep holes near wing dykes, logs, and incoming rivers and streams. Walleye - Slow: A few walleye have been reported.

Missouri River (Council Bluffs to Missouri State Line)

Channel Catfish - Good: Anglers continue to have success catching channel catfish dip baits, worms and cutbait. Try the deeper slack water areas below wing dikes and drift piles. Flathead Catfish - Good: Flathead fishing continues to be good in and near deeper slack water holes, near logs, incoming rivers and streams and rocky habitat. Flatheads bite best on live baits such as chubs, bullheads, and sunfish.

The Missouri River at Decatur, Nebraska is at 19.6 feet/25,000 CFS. The Missouri River has risen slightly from last week. Water temperature is 73 degrees.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Bighorn sheep at Lemoille canyon.   
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    • Power output is:  amps x volts = watts   If your charger is pushing 10amp at 12 volt: 12 x 10 = 120 watts.  2 banks = 240 watts.   240 watts / 120v at your outlet = 2 amp.   Efficiency isn't 100% so it's gonna be more than 2 amp on your garage circuit, but maybe like 2.4 amps.     I think.... It's been a while, LOL.  Either way 20amps output on a charger for a 12v battery isn't the same as pulling 20amps off your garage circuit.
    • Wanderer, thank you. I did look at the breakers for my garage/outside outlets and they are 20 amp.  I reached out to the company that makes dual pro chargers with the question and this is the reply I received.:     Thank you for reaching out to us here at PCS. The Sportsman series charger, although rated ay 10 amps per bank, draws only 5 amps from AC when all banks are charging. As the Professional series which provides 15 amps per bank, has a maximum AC draw of 7.5 amps with all banks charging.  
    • That’s an interesting point.  While I understand how Amps work, I can’t say I’m fully versed in the draw of modern on board chargers.   By modern code, outdoor and outbuilding outlets should be 20 Amp.  If your outside or garage outlets are 15 Amp, they’re undersized.  But that is quite possible if the garage was built before that code became enforced.   With heavy use, you may not be able to keep up on daily charging without the 10 Amp per channel charger, however that’s with very aggressive use for consecutive days.  On our June muskie trip we run up to 15 hours a day for up to 7 days on a 24V Ulterra and by mid week we’re starting to see the batteries not reach full charge.  That’s a lot of bank running at nearly 2 mph on windy shores.   We charge at a dock with up to 6 boats per dock plugged in - some with 36 volt systems.  Now I’m not sure if all the outlets are on a dedicated circuit but I’m betting they aren’t.  But they’re all 20A outlets with a lot of draw on them.  At max draw, they’re not keeping up but also not tripping the breakers.   What I’m saying, without a technical review is: you’re probably fine either way.  You probably won’t tax your batteries so much that they can’t recover on a 5 Amp per channel overnight charge and a 10Amp per channel charger probably won’t be too much to plug into your 15A outlet - if it really is a 15A.  If you’re sure, you’re sure, but I would double check if you’re not 100%.
    • Another question- I wil be running 24 volts on the trolling motor for this boat, what amperage onboard charger should I buy? Some have told me 10 amps per channel, but at full draw that would be 20 amps, and my outlets at home and where I plug in at the lake is only 15 amps, is 5 amps per channel enough to charge batteries overnite after using spotlock during the day? Thanks for the help.
    • Got a look at a condor yesterday at Pinacles national park. This was the best I could zoom with my phone.  
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