Sandmannd Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 Has anyone watched this? It looked interesting so I recorded it. I watched it and thought it was garbage. These guys are just vigolaties and I can't believe they get away with what they do. I agree to stop the whalers, but why not just turn them in. Then two of the jokers jumped on a Japanees ship and they called in that they were kidnapped cause they wouldn't let them go. No, you jumped on someones ship after throwing chemical bombs and such on it. Do you think they are going to welcome you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black_Bay Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 I watched it and just about threw up. Those goofballs have absolutely no regard for human life. Even their own crew members. While I don't like the idea of whale hunting, there just aren't enough of them, I totally dissagree with their tactics. I checked out Sea Shepherd and they are just a radical animal rights group that has a history of using terrorist like tactics like ramming ships and sabotage. I'm hoping the Japanese send some of their navy down there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gundy89 Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 I did the same thing. Watched the first epsiode and was appalled. It's actually rather amusing to me though. The crew seem like complete idiots following blindly because the whales need them. And the fact that they intentionaly jumped on the japanese ship and then wined when they had trouble getting their people back makes me laugh. If I was the Aussie govmt, I'd be [PoorWordUsage]. What a headache they have to deal with having to negotiate with the japanese and running pickup detail with these a-holes. I can't believe that they actually got put on TV. Makes a lot of the reality TV show garbage look good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daze Off Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 I watched it too and I agree....the "captain" is a complete whack-job and it is not hard to see why GreenPeace invited him to leave without the door hitting him in the rump....Talk about the blind leading the blind! Only surprise was that those responsible for Steve Irwin's estate actually supported this nonesense and allowed his name to be placed on the hull.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CFRay Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 Terrible tactics. Place people on a ship and call the media with a story about hostages. You're right that guy in the leader position is a whack job.I did notice Steve Irwin's name was placed on the ship with tape, and it was starting to come off. Maybe someone else's name is on the ship in the next episode which I will not be watching.I don't want whales to be killed, especially under the premise of "Research" by the Japanese. I don't think this show will add any people to their cause. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted November 24, 2008 Share Posted November 24, 2008 i had high hopes untill i started watching, crazy, nuts, dumb ill stop there, these people need to get jobs. I agree stop whaling but come on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sandmannd Posted November 24, 2008 Author Share Posted November 24, 2008 Yea, I like how when he was talking about the two on that boarded the other ship he was saying that you have to be willing to give your life for what you believe in. So why is this nut job not the one boarding the other ships? The people follow him blindly and he's a joke. I really don't know what they were thinking putting this show on the air. I don't condone the whale hunting either, but you don't stop something you don't agree with by terroristic tactics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted November 25, 2008 Share Posted November 25, 2008 i really want to see whats gonna happen when they really make some people mad and the whalers hurting the crew when they board Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sandmannd Posted November 25, 2008 Author Share Posted November 25, 2008 They'll turn and run like the cowards they are. Whine to the press and try to get the world on their side. Blame everyone else but themselves and of course take no responsibility for their own actions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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