Trany Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 Sorry about my links, the formatting got pretty messed up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpshooterdeluxe Posted October 23, 2008 Share Posted October 23, 2008 prices wont affect me...up or down its all about trapping a few coons to save some nests and shooting a few coyotes to save my sanity over the long winter! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trany Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 Not to rag, but this is what I am talking about, everyone is in this for their own good. But if everyone thinks about the community as a whole everyone does better. Either I am completely high on goofenthol, or I am not making a logical point about real life examples of real situations.If everyone respects the community there will be better and more fruitful trapping in the future, I might offend some old timers and young-ins' but my principles will make this better for all of us, as I have stated before this is what I do for an occupation. I just want to share my knowledge with everyone to make this beneficial for all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trapperdirk Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 Originally Posted By: trapperdirkLookit the way they screw us on otters with all that singed B.S. TD If you think you are being screwed on your otters sell them to someone else. If you can't find anyone else who will pay more then you are getting paid the fair market value. If they were worth more (demand) the market would dictate that price. You don't know the price your going to get in advance when sending them to auction . Once they are there and put in lots you can't call them back .I get ticked at the grading at certain times of year . Late otters do get singed but ones from an earlier date aren't yet if you sell late they seem to be all bought as singed .Send an otter in on a spring sale or last sale you caught at prime time in the late fall . You will see . I bet it gets jammed in as a singe .I have lived and trapped through the high times and the low times and will continue to as always,, as long as there is a buyer or by gawd I will learn how to sew my own clothes out of furs . The wolves now I only sell private for wall hangers or taxidermy trade and guaranteed to do better on . TD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
walleye101 Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 TrapperdirkAs far a grading furs goes there is a huge difference between auction grading and local fur buyer grading. The local fur buyer is grading the fur that he is going to pay for, thus even the most honest buyer has some incentive for downgrading. Even subconsiously, a fur boardering between two grades is more likely to go to the lower grade to minimize risk. The auction house is simply grading into the most similar lots and the bidders will determine the price of each lot. Since they are paid on commission they have absolutely no reason to try to jam good quality fur into lesser valued lots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brownie77 Posted October 24, 2008 Share Posted October 24, 2008 I can sum it all up really easy. If ya love trappign go trap, if you are worried about money, McDonalds is always hiring great smiles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
walleye101 Posted October 25, 2008 Share Posted October 25, 2008 If you have a problem with a civil discussion about fur markets maybe you should avoid the topic called "Market Outlook".I love to trap and enjoy every catch. But I also enjoy skinning, fleshing, handling and putting up fur. I get a lot of satisfaction and take pride in putting together a quality lot of fur. And I have always enjoyed the marketing end, from whatching the old country buyers grade fur, learning handling tips and speculating on prices. More recently I have enjoyed the major auctions, with great interest in the grading process. I enjoy grading my own lot before shipping and seeing how close I come to the professional graders. But I do miss the ambiance of the local fur buying shops, and try to find a reason to sell a few odds and ends locally from time to time. Now that the auction houses broadcast online, I get a kick out of listening and watching as individual lots sell. If that means I am in it for the money, well I even enjoy watching lots and species that I do not have my own furs in. To me this is all part of trapping and I enjoy the process from end to end. But when all is said and done, I admit I enjoy getting the fur check as well, so if that means I am in it for the money, so be it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
psegriz Posted November 1, 2008 Share Posted November 1, 2008 I myself don't have a problem with any kind of civil discussion on the market outlook. I love to trap and enjoy every catch but with the economy the way it is and just buying a new house, I can't afford to trap if I don't pay the gas bill.If I can Make my gas bill I will trap but when I get close to not paying it I will pull traps. Not because I want to but because I have to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
protrapper Posted November 2, 2008 Share Posted November 2, 2008 Just to update. The fur market has tanked for everything.. Most local buyer are paying dirt cheap for big coon, or they dont even want them.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
walleyes12 Posted November 3, 2008 Share Posted November 3, 2008 HOLD your fur! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
protrapper Posted November 3, 2008 Share Posted November 3, 2008 The best thing to do is unload your junk fur as fast as you catch it. Save your best for late winter when the auctions heat up. That should set the mark... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
walleyes12 Posted November 4, 2008 Share Posted November 4, 2008 The best thing to do is unload your junk fur as fast as you catch it. Save your best for late winter when the auctions heat up. That should set the mark... Good point on the junk fur, Get rid of it now. Hold your quality fur till the december auction is over with and cleans out, then sell your top grade fur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
protrapper Posted November 4, 2008 Share Posted November 4, 2008 If the market turns around. any spike in price and I will sell fast, It aint lookin good. Got 50 some coons. 20 some rats 2 beav, and 30 some mink today. Volume will make you money this year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
walleyes12 Posted November 5, 2008 Share Posted November 5, 2008 volume should always make you money! With the raining/snowy weather I am having, I am struggling getting volume! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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