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A new Paint Job

10,000 Casts

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My 1999 Crestliner Sportfish has taken on some scratches over the years. Comming in diaginal to a boatlift in 3 footers on Ottertail will do it.

Last year I bought the decals that Valv was selling on here and I kept them in the closet and now I am going to pull them out and put them on. So I went out and bought a heat gun and started peeling them off earlier this evening.

While peeling them off I got to thinking if a fresh paint job is in order? Just a black or maroon even gray would be fine, not too picky and the sides are all that needs to be painted, the bottom can stay the way it is.

How difficult would it be to strip the sides down and paint them a solid color? Would a simple automotive paint work? Or should I use something else?

Is this something that I should take to an autobody shop??? Maybe I can strip it and they can paint it?

Or should I just clean her up, put the decals on and let her be?

Thanks for any advice,

Appreciate it!

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Unless you have a gawdawfull amount of scratches there is no need to strip the paint. Stripping would be needed if you were having a flaking/adhesion problem or sooo many scratches by the time you work them all out you'd save time by doing so (or lack the knowledge of properly feathering out scratches). Follow up and don't skip with a proper primer suited to aluminum substrates.

Unless you already have a paint gun and a compressor strong enough to drive it you'd defenitley be better off having a paint shop refinish it. Likely be better off anyways if you lack the knowledge,a lot of variables involved with painting.

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I have no doubt that CastNBlast is right about being better off taking it in and getting it done. However, I've done two boats myself and I thought they turned out just fine (and I knew/know nothing about painting anything). If you want to save a few bucks (quite a few) and don't mind taking a weekend, I'd suggest doing it yourself per the instructions available through a search on this forum (more info available than you'll know what to do with). I have no doubt it'll turn out great!

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