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Turks from treestands

heat checker

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Ok, maybe a "silly" question, BUT the "dumb" question is the one that isn't asked. Does anyone hunt turks from in the air? Haven't hunted them in about 20 yrs (Rochester area was about only option). Have had some walk underneath stand while deer hunting, didn't draw on them, seems to me it would be easier to draw on them up in the air versus eye level with them. Plus, you could peg them right to the ground, sort of "turkey on a stick"

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I had this question come up in a clinic. My answer was that with a shotgun, you reduce your killing zone too much to make an ethical shot.

Archery would be a little different as the arrows would be able to penetrate better than pellets, but I personally wouldn't recommend it.

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The problem with that is the birds can pinpoint calling to the exact location that they would be able to tell that the calling was coming from up in the tree and more than likely bust you. the topic has come up in the past in various circles you can give it a whirl let us know how it works out for you.

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I hunt turkeys a bunch in the fall in So. Dak. along with archery deer. In almost 30 years of hunting I have only once, just this past year, shot a turkey from a tree stand. There is usually not enough cover to hide your movement in a tree. They also look to the sky for most of their predation, so any movement from above will send them running. Not saying it can't be done...but a ground blind will put more birds in the bag.

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Heat checker:

I get this question more in the fall, when deer/turkey season are open simultaneously for a week or two.

I think it's a better bet during this time period. Turkeys are more easily patterned during this time, and daily marches to feedng grounds often follow paths of least resistance. One of my first archery birds came in the fall from a treestand in a beautiful draw that 9 times out of 10, the birds use to enter a particular field to feed.

I'm with most of the others in that during spring-time, you do yourself more favors on the ground in a blind, and you're much more mobile.

As for drawing on them, they definitely will look up, but letting them get past you, then drawing has worked well for me.

During deer season when up in the stand with a bow, I sometimes see how much I can get away with. Esp. when they're headed downhill, and you wait until they're past and below, I haven't had too many surprises.


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I have called in and shot 2 toms while sitting in a tree, not in a stand, just on one of the lower branches with the main trunk behind me. This was with a shotgun though, much easier than a bow I am sure.

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