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I have also been watching from the begining and this season has made me say [PoorWordUsage]. I guess its suppose to be on till 2010 so we have two more years asking, will they get off???

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Just ask my wife; this is the most frustrating show on TV right now, but I can't stop watching it. It has been treading water for far too long, completely forgets about old plot lines (the other hatches? the Dharma Initiative? The black cloud monster???), and just continues to add new ones. For as many characters as they kill off, they find the most ridiculous ways to add more to the confusion. I feel like we have completely skipped over about 2 seasons worth of subject matter and gone directly into season 6 or 7. But, as much as I complain, I'll continue to watch (I love that Micheal is back!) and see how it pans out, but I'm bracing myself for a big letdown after all is said and done.

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they have explained the darma initiative and what happened I seem to remember or thought which explained the other hatches but I know they addressed the black smoke but forget what they said about it..remember it couldn't cross the electric fence...

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ozzie, I need more than the fact that Ben gassed them all off. Why were they there to begin with, what was with all of the stations/hatches? I know they were used for different types of subject testing, but what for? And the black cloud may not be able to cross those fences, but I know at the beginning of this season they were at the cockpit portion of the plane where the pilot was ripped out by the cloud. So they were worried about it then, and could hear it all the time, and now don't care about crossing into previously seen areas? I don't think so... Not ripping on you, just FRUSTRATED with the lack of closure given to us.

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yeah I am the perfect watcher of the series I guess for the fact I remember bits and pieces of the past episodes but am intrigued to see what happens next...HAHA \:\)

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They did explain the darma initiative but i think only a little, i still believe that there is more to come with it. This show is so crazy its like where will they go, then they just kill off a main character. When they did the snap shot of the survivors thats what made me even more confused.

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Hey guys, just thought I would see if I could get this topic going again!!

The show always leaves me confused and wanting more! I always end up asking my family for input on what their opinion is and what they think certain things meant, etc. However, I would like to get some different points of view on this season and maybe any predictions you may have??

This show is way too good not to be talked about!!

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Well, I think they have gone from treading water to a full-on sprint to the end of the season. I am getting caught up in the time travel aspect, and have even tried to chart things happening and when they occur relative to the freighter and to the island. I keep coming back to the fact that the doctor washes up dead on shore on the island, a morse code message is sent from the island asking about him, the doctor is on the freighter to hear it himself when it is received, only to be killed moments later and thrown overboard. WOW. I'm still hooked...

Thursday night is getting pretty full of shows, with Office, 30 Rock, Scrubs (no longer) and now Lost. I really don't have a lot of reason to watch TV other nights other than possibly Deadliest Catch when I'm in the mood, and Boston Legal when they decide to run it.

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Thursday night is definately a busy TV night. I love the Office and Lost. Both were great tonight!

Lost was crazy again, and I have no idea what to think right now! I might have a better idea after I watch it again! I just stinks that we have to wait 2 weeks to see it the finale!

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Looks like in 2 weeks they might show them leaving the island. Do you think Micheal is going to blow up the boat? Either a bunch of people die or stay on the island, not sure which yet. I think Sawyer and Lock want to stay, but not all the people being ferried out the boat. I coworker asked how they are going to make people believe the baby is kate's even though she wasn't pregnant before the plane ride. She would have been 5 or 6 months pregnant right? Kind of ironic everyone going to save Hurley/Ben and to get the mercanaries. Good show, but the gray tornado cloud thingy is a stretch. Is Claire gone for good now? Also, after the plane ride when they are being interviewed someone said they looked pretty good for being stranded so long. How are they going to justify that.

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Unplugging the phone tonight from 7-10 pm, making fresh popcorn and watching LOST on the basement bigscreen tonight. There has been a huge 4 year build up to tonight; I hope we're not too disappointed!

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I thought the season finale was good. The stunner at the end with Locke being dead was very suprising. Sounds like the island is angry. Ben making the island move is another stretch, but it will be interesting to see where it went along with the people. Also, Ben said they were deep underground to locke. How deep, who knows, but there was ice below them where the turnstyle was that Ben activated. Why I don't know. How does Ben get off the island? Why doesn't Desmond know who Charles Whitmore is, maybe he doesn't know he is Ben's enemy i guess. This episode brought more questions than it gave answers. It keeps me tuning in for more.

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How does Ben get off the island?

Remeber he told lock that the one who moves the island doesn't get to stay on the island. That room was close to some kind of negative energy field according to the tape that locke was watching. In a fast forward a few weeks back they show Ben wearing that jacket and with the wound on his arm getting up in the middle of a dessert (the same desert where they found the polar bear skeleton?). Then he makes it to that hotel where there is a room waiting for him? Very bazaar!

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Originally Posted By: rosspj59
How does Ben get off the island?

Remeber he told lock that the one who moves the island doesn't get to stay on the island. That room was close to some kind of negative energy field according to the tape that locke was watching. In a fast forward a few weeks back they show Ben wearing that jacket and with the wound on his arm getting up in the middle of a dessert (the same desert where they found the polar bear skeleton?). Then he makes it to that hotel where there is a room waiting for him? Very bazaar!

Oh ya, thanks for jolting my memory. I wish the show didn't have so many breaks. I forget a lot of what happens. I should start watching this season over again.

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