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Opinion wanted


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Ok i found this vid on Youtube awhile ago and posted it in a different forum, i dont think i ever posted it here. A lot of people got mad saying i was bashing spearing and stuff not sure why. Since this is the spearing forum let me know what you guys think. Does it make you mad? Do you think there just kids? Are they just beginners that need some guidence? Give your opinion


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I wouldnt say you were bashing spearing. I think that those kids just need some guidence and patience. it was kind of comical in a way. but I could see were people would get the wrong idea about the sport. could also be a good training video on what not to do.

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Looks like some beginners learning spearing by themselves. We all have to learn some way. Not everyone has a mentor to show them the way. I give the kids a pat on the back for getting outside and enjoying themselves.

And I got a thorough laugh from the video! These kids are sure learning the hard way! Kinda shows that not every one gets their limit every time spearing, but also shows that everyone gets lucky once in a while.

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I have faith that most rational people will have common sense enough to know that most spearers are not that way.

I was more upset with this video when it was the only one out there. Then it seemed to have more validity. As I see more "good" spearing videos on YouTube it helps to show that this video does not represent the "norm" of spearing.

I think the kid’s intent was good, with this video and the others they made. I can agree that their finished spearing video may need some help. I would like to see them create a new video to replace this one, to show what they have learned so far. In the end it is their decision. I say grab your video camera and get more videos out there that do represent spearing in the “correct” way.

I am all for more YouTube spearing videos!!!!

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 Originally Posted By: mrklean
I was personally bothered by the video, im glad there getting out there but they need a little better thought process.

What bothered you about it? Other than losing the 1 fish, the only thing I see that they did wrong is to not get the spear in the water before throwing it...

Kids are going to do some dumb things, we all did. If they are fishing they aren't out doing drugs, stealing, or causing trouble.

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 Originally Posted By: merkman
I have faith that most rational people will have common sense enough to know that most spearers are not that way.

but all people aren't rational. someone out there will see that and tell everyone how bad spearing is

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 Originally Posted By: mrklean
I was personally bothered by the video, im glad there getting out there but they need a little better thought process.

Everyone is a bit different, but there not showing good things towards the sport. I dont like the video!

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