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Anyone ever own an 03 Firecat?


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I was thinking of picking one up this summer. I just want to know if these are known to have a lot of problems since they were a new model in '03. Would you recommend one is what I'm asking I guess? Thanks.

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If I remember correctly, the F7 did have some issues that year, not sure what. I had a 04 F6 which was great, not one problem. the new F8 was also great this year. I would do a little research on the 03.

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Rode one today for the first time, It was a ’04 F7 that my girlfriends dad just got yesterday. It rode just like a rev if not better, I like it. The guy that sold it to him just never rode it and wanted to get ride of it. It’s on that market so if you are interested drop me an email. The sled has a lot of power and is easy to control, I can throw it around really easy and would be a great sled for boondocking in the mountains grin.gifcool.gif
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I have 2 '03 F5 sno pros. No problems at all, and great machines. I would recommend one.

The '03 F7's were the fastest of this model produced and they still hold relatively good value. There are no known issues with the F7's or the F5's that I have ever heard, besides a couple simple recalls (steering post, gas tank/filler cap).

Obviously, we're talking sleds...they can always be money pits, but I have seen many sleds go several thousand miles without major issues. The engines have been strong performers.

A lot of owners modify these sleds and that's where things go wrong from what I see. Be careful what you buy. If it's been beat on, you'll get what you pay for.

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