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Not sure what's sadder. DW not stepping down when his voice gives out or Fox for not being able to pull someone/anyone out of the stands to replace him. I definitely know saddest. Was in Vegas this week and had a worker bee riding on Stewart with 8:1 odds. Doh! Story of my trip. cry.gif

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I normally like dw but I wish he would have went back to his rv early. Dang his voice sure sounded likel nails on the chalkboard. Nice to see Burton pull it off. Sure looked like Stewart was ready to blow his top during the interview, but he managed to keep his cool this week. Great Bristol finish.

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I made a comment to my buddy about DW as well. He should not have been in the booth with his voice like that. If he wanted some commentary, set him up with a computer and the other boys up with a computer and do instant messaging to the other guys so they can break in and help the guy out or something. Just don't go on the air when you sound like you are gargling blood on your last breaths of life.

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