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2008 snow goose pics

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We were hunting between Yankton and Lake Andes. Fields were not bad because it had been so cold last weekend. Got alittle soupy monday and tuesday but still not too bad. Birds did not decoy very well, the only time we got their attention was when another hunter joined our group and we double our spread size. Those leading edge old birds are a spooky sort. Still working on a bunch of sillosock economies...by the time the juvies show up we should have another twenty dozen or so. Cant wait to get back...I just wanted to stay and keep hunting...dang work!

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Regarding the ducks...unbelievable!! Far and away the most ducks I've ever seen in one spot. I cant even beging to estimate the number. It was on a large area of flooded hay field and over half was black with ducks on it. Mostly Pintails. Awesome, how do you beat three or four sprigs chasing a hen round and round right in your face in full plumage. I love this time of year. Now back on subject, has no one else have any snow goose pictures yet?

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got back late last night after hunting out of Brookings for Sat / Sun

First-ever snow goose quest and it was unforgetable...one of the most incredible sights I have ever seen. I'll get some more pics posted up on here soon but for now I'll give you the celebratory pic for the weekend...I am in the middle. We shot one more snow later in the afternoon yesterday that wasn't included in the pic.


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They are definitely thick in some spots. The weather was way to nice for them and we shot all adult birds, so we definitely worked hard for our birds. I am on the far left of S.A.'s pic. The ducks were spectacular, wish is were like that in the fall. One time, we had 3 drakes coming right in together, a mallard, a GWT, and a Bluebill!

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Very nice work SA...and great picture of all the birds in flight too! Wish I could get out there this spring... we got a good connection if we watned, just not enough time and money.

Keep the pics coming!

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S.A and myself do not own a snow goose decoy, however the guys we hunted with are avid snow goose hunters and have a few shells, converted avery fullbodies, converted floaters, and some texas rags we used some. But we got our geese jump and pass shooting, but did set up some decoys to lay amongst in hopes the geese wouldn't mind flying over us as much when pass shooting.

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Hunted over decoys the last few hunts and things went so-so! hunted by a lake to the south that had several birds around it the night before feeding in a really dirty cornfield. Well to make a long story short Some yay-hoo thought it would be a good idea to jump the roost (100+ thousand birds)the day before. Well they pretty much ruined everyones hunting in that area. Anyway we saw "MAYBE" 150 snows all day in the decoys and killed 7. Kind of frustrating to be honest!


We relocated and found more birds. killed 28 this morning


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