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Decorative Wrap

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I'd like to attempt a 3-D optical chevron pattern. It has evenly shaped boxes/chevrons that appear to be 3-dimentional. Does anyone have any tips or pointers as to how I would go about doing this wrap? I plan on using silver or some type of flashy holo probably size A for the whole underwrap but I've thought about painting the blank instead of adding all the weight of the underwrap which would most likely be around 5 or 6 inches. I then plan on using black for sure and possibly pink or some shade of red for the rest of the wrapping. The two colored threads to go over the underwrap would be size B or maybe C. I was planning on fumbling through it and figuring it out as I go but wanted to see if anyone knew anything about it before I get in over my head. Any info on how to go about this wrap would be greatly appreciated.

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Bingo. Thanks Upnorth. Just to make sure I'm reading it correctly though i would start with black after underwrapping and basically outline all of my chevrons? Then wrap but alternate between the two colors and only wrap from but to tip? Or can I wrap both directions?

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I have not done this wrap, but it reads:

Thread 1. up the rod

Thread 2. up the rod

Thread 3. down the rod

Thread 4. down the rod

If you want to make an outline of a color that would be up and down for all 4 threads, then you would wrap up with say blue on threads 1 and 2 and then down with red for threads 3 and 4.

You can also use paint to play around and see what it will look like. Just go start, programs, accessories, paint. Then go to view zoom it out and have it show grid lines. You can use the line tool to draw the line diagonally.

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I know there's many books out there but didn't want to buy one for this one project..maybe later though. Thanks for the help so far guys. I think I can pull it off. I'll be starting that butt wrap this weekend and I'll let everyone know how she turns out. I'll try to snap a few pics throughout the build.

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...I'd like to tie it! Right now I just got home from work and am staring at a bag of 22 different thread colors. I thought I had a pretty god idea of the color scheme I wanted to use but now I just don't know. Anyone have any ideas for some cool color choices for this butt wrap (three colors) and the single foot guides (with short trim)? I kinda want it to stand out...

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Matt or anyone else for that matter. I have little app that someone else sent me that will allow you to play with color combos to see how they look together. It shows it in the guide but still give you an idea of how they look together.

Just shoot me an email at svanguilder @ mchsi . com and I will forward it.

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The optical chevron is one of my favorite wraps and not that hard to do. This one has an underwrap of HT Electra blue with 0720 medium gray and 0441 charcoal (all Gudebrod).


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