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new toy

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I'm guessing it's basswood tree, but it's kind of hard to tell.

Oh, I also see a white-capped chickadee. Or is it a bald eagle? whistle.gif

All kidding aside, nice shot of the baldy. It's great to see more and more of them around. I always consider it to be good luck to have one fly over when driving back and forth to work. I've seen two fly over in the last two weeks.

Thanks for sharing.


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Actually, I heard that kenko made a 1.4tc that works with the AF-S of the 70-300vr, and it does. I still have to figure some things out with it, like setting the ev and how bright it really needs to be to use it. it drops the 4.5-5.6 lens down a stop, but it puts me out to the range I've been lusting after. It will work until I can makes a 400-500 lens that I want and can afford. I have found that it also struggles to lock on a BIF when the background in blue or gray. Not perfect but it will suffice.

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Beautiful picture. I live in Maple Grove on the South end of Elm Creek Park and see Bald Eagles quite often. They are one BEAUTIFUL BIRD. We have a place North of Park Rapids too and the Bald Eagles are thick up there, but I never tire of seeing them. Thanks for your GREAT PICTURES.

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Thanks, I actually did not post processing. I opened the images and then saved them for the web in elements. I can see the image with the tc is a little more exposed than the other one. From what I have read that is normal and I can make an adjustment to the ev of about one stop to solve the problem. I still need to mess with it to get it dialed in though.

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