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How much food?


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On average, how much food will a six week old lab pup eat in a day? I have been feeding 2 1/2-3 cups a day, just enough so she won't have any left at the end of the day. This morning I filled her bowl and she ate it all right away. I gave her another cup this evening, and she ate it all again. I'm thinking she's having a growth spurt, she's never ate this much. Is this normal?

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That sounds to be about the right amount(2-3 cups). You might want to feed her at least twice aday tho. I do twice a day but many say that three times aday is best for that young. The pup is going to eat as much as you give it to eat so its not that it was starving or needed extra food to grow. Check out the the guide on dog food bag, it will recommend the right serving size for the age and weight of your pup.

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when we got our lab she ate 1 cup in the AM and 1 cup in the PM till she was 1 year old. now she eats 1 1/2 cups in the AM and 1 in the PM. she was at 1 1/2 in the PM but she started to get fat. that 1/2 cup dif made her lose 5 pounds in a month

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I continually have food in my dogs bowl so he can fgeed when hewnats to. He's left alone all day and he rearely touches it until the evening. i have left food out like this since he was a pup and he only eats what he needs. I've been lucky with him but

I would guess he eats about the recommended amount that's listed on the bag, Nutrisource. The bag is a guidleine and will generally say something to the efeect that some dogs require more or less and that you'll need to adjust to meet the needs of your dog.

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Follow the guidelines listed on the bag, and adjust accordingly if the pup seems to be get a little pudgy or thin.

Also....studies have shown that eating too much can be detrimental to the dogs health......so letting a dog eat whenever/whatever it wants could be hurting the dog. Obviously if your dog is not eating over the expected daily amount it would not be of concern.

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It depends on the dog food you are using. As 311 says look at the bag, or go the the HSOforum and get the info there. I started feeding my dog a high performance food and he got the runs. I talked to the company rep and he said it was because the dog was getting too much food. I cut back and all is well.

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Plus, the added bonus is that they won't be excreting like a Holstein - which makes it good for your kids, who have doggy-doo duty (at least that's my kid's chores!)

My Springer puppy went through a HUGE growth spurt - sometimes he would be practically inhaling the food. Now that he's getting around 9 months - he's really slowed down in his eating. Sometimes he doesn't eat at all in the morning - depending on the amount of exercise I gave him.

I'm a big believer in scheduled feedings - but my dogs are also kept inside, which makes a difference I guess.

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