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Kid Pictures

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I am sure I have seen a post like this before, but I thought it would be nice to bring it up again.

Halloween Celebration at the Pumpkin Patch - Anyone else ready for fall yet?


The twins at Grandpa and Grandmas camper - Not to sure about taking a nap!!!!


Macy had no problem napping at home, as long as she could make a bed in a laundry basket????


Come on Dad we want to go, now!!


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Thanks - I like the sepia too. I'm trying for some better tone consistancy on these 3 shots, one of them isn't my picture and I've been messing with the pp so much that I probably need to go back to the original shots and start over. The corners are a new editing feature on PhotoBucket - at least tonight was the first time that I saw it, kinda fun though!

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