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MN DNR Steve Jonesi and MI Chapter 54 at the EXPO

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MI Chapter 54 is raffling off a day on the water with Steve Jonesi to help MN DNR Waterville Hatchery move the Sucker Fry hatchery to their facility, this is being done to protect our lakes from the possibility of VHS in Lake Superior, this is for feeding Muskies in MN, its is a great way to help protect and support the MN Muskie Program, all of the profits will be awarded to Regional Fisheries Manager Jack Lauer at our Regular meeting next Wednesday night, and somebody's spending the day with one of MN best Muskie guides and true friend to the fish, if you haven't fished with Steve your missing out on a great experience.

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This somewhat ties to the muskie stamp post.....money can be directed in other ways, this is an example.

A day with Jonesi is a hoot! He will work his tail off, all day/night long, and all the while make you think you're having the most fun ever. You'll not be disappointed, a day with Steve is simply put a treat, great muskie guy, and simply put a great guy to spend a day on the water with!

I'm buying tickets.......


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I havne't yet gotten to fish with Steve, however those days are numbered. I will get to enjoy his company during Operation Muskie, and he then he is taking me and my bro out on the big pond.

I hope that everyone will support this whole heartedly and a huge thanks to Steve and the MI chapter for stepping up to do this.

Steve is truly one of the class acts in the guide world.

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I plucked down $5 for it... Steve Jonesi had an overall wonderful personality... very easy to talk with... looking forward to chatting with him more tomorrow... Just hope I win the raffle then I'll see how a day is like with him...

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