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Snowmobilers unite! Help!


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MN-USA needs our help. There is a group trying to take the snowmobiler's portion of the gas tax.

This irresponsible proposal is the centerpiece of the extremist group

Minnesotans for Responsible Recreation (MRR), whose ultimate goal is the total elimination of

snowmobiling and other motorized recreation. Presently the MRR legislation has been

introduced in the Senate as SF3087 and their plan, according to the legislation and their HSOforum

is to -

- Elminate unrefunded gas tax for snowmobiling

- Use your gas tax money to fund their political agenda to end motorized recreation.

Specifically, MRR is pushing something it calls “Five Standards for Protecting Minnesota”

which, while on their face may appear reasonable, actually deny and corrupt the things that we

have fought for and supported for decades, including strong law enforcement, responsible riding

and personal accountability.

MnUSA has sent an invitation to each legislator. If you care about your rights, your sport and

your state’s economy, contact your own legislators and let them know the truth. Invite them to

join you at the MnUSA reception. Snowmobilers need to show a strong support of snowmobiling in Minnesota.

What: Legislators’ Reception

When: Wednesday, March 19 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Where: Best Western Kelly Inn Capitol

I94 & Marion Street

St. Paul, Minnesota

Who: MnUSA representatives, Legislators, Snowmobile Manufacturers,

Minnesota DNR, Explore Minnesota Tourism

Check out the MN-USA HSOforum for more details.

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Thanks for the heads up wally-eye!! While I am all for protecting natural resources, these groups are extremists and threaten what we all have grown up enjoying and would like our offspring to be able to experience in the future. We do need to unite and fight back against these groups or it will be too late.


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These yeahoo's reside in Duluth...reading their HSOforum makes my blood boil. Their make me puke vision is "Minnesota's quiet majority will find peace & quiet, fresh air & healthy trails & waterways on the majority of Minnesota's public land & water & in their own backyards. Expect peace and quiet..." (see www mnresponsiblerec org add the dots where necessary)

They seem very well organized and scary Political power in having Representative Alice Hausman(District 66B, St.Paul) on their board of advisors. These knuckleheads need a lesson in economics. Believe me, I'm first one to welcome peace and quite, but there are plenty of places to experience this in MN (BWCA, most northern MN forests, etc). I wonder what the rural businesses/taverns/hotels/restaurants in MN would do without our recreational enthusiasts?! I can't remember the last time I went to a rural restaurant/bar and saw people snow shoeing, cross county skiing packing the place. This is not only applicable to sleds, but to all gas powered recreation vehicles in MN. They will be after your boat soon!

We do need to fight these losers and protect our beloved motor-powered entertainment!!!

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Well said!! I can't remember the last time I saw some snowshoers, birdwatchers, and cross country skiers packing the bars and restraunts either. Nor do I assume they travel all over the midwest every weekend spending hundreds of dollars supporting our economy just to go catch one fish (sometimes I catch two grin.gif). These moronic people are brainwashing themselves and others. Just like the other one-who-thinks-I-am-silly groups of PETA and such. It's sad, but true.


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 Originally Posted By: Deep_Sinker
They seem very well organized and scary Political power in having Representative Alice Hausman(District 66B, St.Paul) on their board of advisors.

Imagine that ?

A Democrat.

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This was posted on another site I frequent:

From senator Rick Olseen

Thank you for contacting my office regarding ending the use of gas tax money for motorized recreation. I always appreciate hearing from constituents and hope to address your concerns.

Based on a vote today in the Minnesota Senate regarding taxes, which I supported, ATV's will actually being get an increase in funding from gas tax revenue and snowmobile and boat uses from the gas tax will stay at the same percentages they receive today. Hence, assuming the provision becomes law, there will be no reductions in gas tax funding for motorized recreation.

Thanks again for contacting me on this important matter. If I can ever be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to continue to contact my office at 651-296-5419.


Rick Olseen

State Senator District 17

Thank you for your e-mail concerning the legislative proposal by Minnesotans for Responsible Recreation.

Please know that I adamantly and wholeheartedly oppose this legislation. In all honesty, I believe this legislation doesn't have a prayer in passing or even making it to a committee hearing. Please remember that any Representative or Senator can propose legislation, it doesn't mean there is widespread support though. I also want to point out that there is no author for this legislation in the House which indicates a lack of support in the House of Representative.

As an avid snowmobiler (who in my glory (younger) days, used to race) I couldn't think of worse legislation. I believe it is the goal of all Minnesotans to have safe, legal trails for our recreational riders and we have to continue the development and maintenance of our trail systems. If this bill were to ever pass, trail systems and development would be devastated.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please always feel free to contact me at any time.


Representative Larry Hosch

District 14B

(800) 947-8264

(651) 296-4373

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They postponed the legislative reception to April 15th. Same time, same place. The legislature is starting their Easter break at noon on the 19th and MN-USA feels that nobody will show so they decided to change the date.

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