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Hmmm... Did anybody realize...


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I have two... one's old... could be considered an antique... that one's better off being used for landscaping decoration or whatsoever... other one's too small...

Why buy new one when the money could be well-used for the Expo???I guess I'll have to figure something out...

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on your way to the expo stop at a target. grab a shopping kart form the lot. bring it to the expo - fill it - unload into your truck - and on your way home drop your kart back at target.

*****now i know the kart is red and not pink...... but sometimes red things can get the job done as well. \:D

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Would the cart be big enough??? and durable? A wheelbarrow would be better... I could always paint the wheelbarrow pink... cant do that with carts that Im going to return...

Ohhh Chris definitely will do his job whether hes on or off duty... No way would I want to lose over $1000 worth of stuff to him and have him rub it in my nose everytime I see him out there... "See this lure, I caught a 55"er on it" or something... I couldnt live with myself...

Dang... Im counting down the days and Chris' counting down the hours... makes me wonder who's counting down the minutes...

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 Originally Posted By: Rebel9921

Dang... Im counting down the days and Chris' counting down the hours... makes me wonder who's counting down the minutes...

9,961 minutes

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i'll be there friday when it opens for sure. i will be saturday as well sometime just to hang out but not sure when.

just got the news..... i will be living on the big pond as of may 1..... oh boy! i cant wait!

you going to be back up this way for the summer dan? we will have to work out a mille lacs/alex/sham trade off.....

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Luke... Definitely hope to bump into you at the Expo as I'll be there on Friday and Saturday... Saturday with my brother... Hows your mom doing by the way???

Last I knew... you caught a 53" monster a week after I caught my first one... so if its another one... you definitely gotta get the pics posted... Must have been an excellent year for you... a 52", 53", "guiding" me to my first one, and now a monster in November!!!! Sweet!!!

Just upload them at photobucket then paste the URL here... or you could email them and I could do that for you... Not a problem...

In case anybody is wondering... If you see a deaf guy with a ponytail wearing a red/black Abu Garcia jacket, thats probably me... or if I happen to find a BIG wheelbarrow, listen for the clickety-clack of the wheel or whatsoever... grin.gif

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Barrowed this from another site:

We will be having the swap meet at Bebops in Blaine Sat 3/8, bebops is located only a couple miles from the show. This year they have moved us to other side, which will give us more room to display tackle. The official time is 7-9pm, and they will have bartender and waitress for us on staff starting at 6pm for those that want to come early and eat.

Also a famous WI Musky Lake band will be playing on Saturday at BeBops, Eagle River Band, will start at 830 til Mid, they are a country/rock band, and there is no cover charge.

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Yep, that's the EJ 55 I was thinking of......I was brainstorming on who would have 2 Lax fish!!! That thing was a beast....

You must have a couple monsters too, eh? No need to share details, just a simple "congrats" is in order!

Yes, Eagle is my backyard lake here in town. Fun times, crappy access, but lot's of nice fish. Despite the metro pressure I still seem to find fish out there!


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I think I need to re-word my reply. By saying "backyard", I mean within 5 minutes...... By no means am I living the good life with a muskie lake literally in my backyard!!!

When the wind is right I can actually hear the jet skis on Weaver Lake in MG from my driveway (less than 1/2 mile as the crow flies), now that's annoying!

What's the old phrase "If I only knew back then what I do know now?" I went to high school with a girl that lived on White Bear Lake......should've married her..... Then I'd have a muskie lake in my, or as my backyard!



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I should have stayed in MN to as I was Baptised in WBL, but being stranded here I blame on my father. I still call myself a Minnesotan regardless of where I live and I have managed to get back withing spitting distance of the border grin.gif

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I'm going to bring a WBL map to the get together today and do a little "tutorial" on how I fish the lake. I'll cover summer, a.k.a. the dodging sailboat season, and how I approach the lake come fall, my favorite time out there.

Great lake with numbers and size too, hard to beat for an in-town lake really.....


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