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Ok, I'm a little older now and my mellon has ripened sence I purchased my last helmet. I'm not looking for something cheap.

What I'm looking for is a GOOD quality helmet at a reasonable price. I don't do a lot of trail riding, but if I hookup with somethingfishy and the rest of you guys I will probably need a mellon guard that is whorty of Mother Nature grin.gif.

If you can help me out with a brand/style and vender that would be great.

Sure wish that last ride would've worked out for me. Thanks for posting the pics and vid, looks like it was a good time.

Sorry fishy, if you get to know me, you will understand grin.gif



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most any dealership or Bob's Cycle will carry something on inventory for you to try on. I would suggest that so you can make sure that what you purchase actually fits.

HJC, Fox, Thor, Sparx, O'Neil, and SIXSIXONE are a few of the top of the line skull buckets to check out.

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Look at Dennis Kirk, thats where I bought mine. I bought a Thor, I paid about $200 for it, but I decided to buy a good one that was light, because the one complaint I had with my old helmet was my neck would get sore after a day of just goofing around. The Thor I got weighs about 1/3 of what my old helmet weighed, and no more sore neck! Dennis Kirk has helmets of all price ranges, and brands.

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You ride a Polaris, why not a Polaris helmet. They have a ton of them on their site under $200, and they are nice looking.

I am partial to Thor helmets myself, but the sizes don't seem to be the same from one to another. I have two Thor's and a Polaris, all XL, and each one fits a little different. I know I said to look online, but definitely try them on for size. Motocross helmets work the best along with some good goggles.

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I'd recommend trying some on. What feels good for you may not for the next guy.

One thing to look for is the rating. DOT is the standard and every helmet should at least be rated for that, and then there is Snell which is a higher rating than DOT for crash testing (think faster speeds). That will explain why some cost more than others.

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Stopped in at a Polaris dealer tonight and tried on a number of helmets. It looks like the melon is going to need a 2XL, and of course they had none in stock. Now, what are your thuoghts on Fiberglass or Polycarbonate? I know poly is lighter.

Open face with goggles or face shield? There is a double face shield that is not supposed to fog up and a mouth piece that hooks into the side vents. Do they work?



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I like open face with goggles because it works better in summer. I agree the full face shield is warmer in winter, but I haven't gotten cold in the winter with a open helmet and goggles with a thin face mask. The one Somethingfishy has is real nice, but I wouldn't want it in the warmer months. Probably why he has two helmets. On his, the full face opens up. Would have been nice when I was snowmobiling.

When I had a snowmobile I had a Bell helmet with a double shield and it rarely fogged up, so they do work.

On my helmet now it has a small deflector in it to deflect your breath downward, which is why I like the Thor's, but there are others that have it and also some goggles that have it. The goggles or a full face helmet do sometimes fog up when sitting still, but I normally have them off until I get moving, which is why I use the quick straps on the goggles.

Just options for you to consider. You want it to be comfortable because you could be wearing it all day.

Some of my buddy's refuse to wear them, and they wonder why they get dusty watery eyes, cold face, and tree branches in their face. If I'm going to really ride, it's a helmet all the way. Protects you in many ways and makes a more comfortable, pleasing day and ride.

Wow, sorry for the book! ha I probably haven't said that many words in person to anyone here. blush.gif

It's just important to me.

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I would agree with Roofer on the motocross style helmet for above 30deg but for anything below that I like a full face, but there are alot of people that wear Motocross helmets all the time. Both of mine are HJC and I am pretty happy with both of them. I would get one that is Snell rated too. Cheaper ones arnt but a $40 savings isnt really going to matter if you crash! \:D

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Thanks for all your input. I'm leaning towards the goggle setup and hoping my windshield will make up for the helmet shield in the winter. Now I just have to find a 2XL to pull over the melon.


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I use an HJC motocross helmet with goggles and a no-fog. I use this set-up for snowmobiling as well as 4-wheeling. The no-fog is pretty much for a little more face protection when it gets real cold. I got fed up with my full face fogging up. And if you wear a balclava you head and face stay plenty warm.

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