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med action rod to stiff for sunnies?


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hi i have 2 shakespeare agility 7 foot rods med action are they suitable for sunnies slip bobbering. i had a ultra light 5 foot and it broke couldnt get it through reeds etc. reason i ask at work they told me i should only use ultra light or i lose all the fun just want youre advice i really dont want new rods but if it warrants it i will thank you

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I agree with Dietz on the circumstance. I still love my 5 foot ultra light for the fun of the fight when casting crappie fishing on the lake, but in thick weedbeds or reeds or cattails I use a long M and bobber and just place or drop my presentation. Upon Ice out, I get the waders and love fishing this way. The key is the faster action for the set with the bobber.

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A lot of people think you need an ultralight to do any good summertime on panfish. I'd rather see a 6'6" or better medium or medium light rod that can help you cast further than some 5-6 foot buggy whip. Get a fast tip if you are worried about the sensitivity.

I have some little ultralight numbers, but I don't use them to make super casts...too little weight to fling, too little leverage to get it there. They sure are fun when jigging suspended fish or drifting over weed beds.

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I agree that you don't need a little whip to fish panfish, though I typically do. If bobber fishing, which is maybe 0.5% of my time on the water, I will rig up a 6'-6" medium action rod with 6 lb test and usually use a 4 lb leader under a swivel and slip bobber. I am not much of a bobber guy though, my fishing partner usually will run a bobber and he is set up with a 5'-6" L-MF for it and works well for him. For all other times I fish pannies, I use my 4'-6" St. Croix UL-F with 2 or 3 lb test. When I fish them open water, I typically am casting an 1/8 oz. jig tipped with plastic and I like to work it fast to find aggressive fish. I will also sometimes throw micro cranks for them or small inline spinners. I don't get the longest cast with the little rod, but man is it fun to catch fish on that thing. I also use that rod a lot for jigging walleyes in the open water as well. I never hop in the boat without it.

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I have to agree that a medium action rod will work just fine. My favorite length and action for a panfish rod is a medium light action, 7 foot spinning rod.I still use my 5.5 foot Browning ultralight for casting on occasion, but do prefer a longer rod for use with a float/bobber.

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I will use the medium action rod also for bobber fishing. If I'm jigging, I will use a lighter rod like a Ultra light as I like the fight better on a lighter rod. Usually all I use on my panfish poles is 4# test.

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Med will work fine for you. I used it all the time. Now when I go for pannies I have a cheap ($10 at flee) microlight that I put 2 lb test on. It's just more fun for me to have to fight the fish in. If you already have a bigger med rod, you will get along just fine though.

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