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No allstate this next year


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ive been hearing rumors about there being a no allstate hunting liscense this next season? and having to pay 36 dollors for bow and another 36 rifle,and black powder? just wondering if anyone else has heard about this?

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startribune has an acticle in yesterday's paper. there is also a link in one of the hunting forums. 26 per license all season was 78 bucks BOW, Rifle, Muzzleloader. 3x26=same price makes sense if you can buy you bow and get yoru big buck then you just go doe hunting and your not out 76 bucks

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I don't like the idea of the all-season liscense going away, and heres why: with the all season, you get three tags. If you did not get a deer in the rifle season, the tags were still valid for muzzleloader season, and the rest of the archery season. If they do away with all season and we have to buy a liscence for bow/rifle/muzzleloader, each liscense will have one tag; so if you don't get a deer with the rifle, the tag that came with your rifle liscense is worthless; if you want to take two deer in muzzleloader season you will have to buy a bonus tag, and wind up spending more money that you would have with just the all-season liscense.

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 Originally Posted By: Crow Hunter
...so if you don't get a deer with the rifle, the tag that came with your rifle liscense is worthless; if you want to take two deer in muzzleloader season you will have to buy a bonus tag, and wind up spending more money that you would have with just the all-season liscense.

2007 prices

firearms $26 + firearms-smokepole$26 + bonus good for both$13 = $65

All-season was $78

If'n ya don't plan on arching.

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I beleave the reason for doing this was to make it easyer for people to figure out. The other reason was because you could only buy one firearms licence. If you hunted regular firearms and didnt shoot a deer you couldnt leagaly purchase and hunt in the muzzle loader season. This way you could if you choose to.

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