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Changing V-Belt


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I took my belt off of my 98 grizz yesterday. It came off no problem, however I am having a heck of a time putting the new one back on. Do I have to take apart my clutch to put the new one back on? I tried to just roll it back on the way I took it off, however it isn't cooporating. Anyone have a few "easy methods" to try?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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On a 660 grizzly there is two 6mm bolt holes about 1" out from the center of the clutch, If you thread a bolt in one of those holes it will push the cluth sheaves apart so you can put the belt on. I dont know if a 600 has this or not but I thought I would throw it out there.

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 Originally Posted By: Dozer
On a 660 grizzly there is two 6mm bolt holes about 1" out from the center of the clutch, If you thread a bolt in one of those holes it will push the cluth sheaves apart so you can put the belt on. I dont know if a 600 has this or not but I thought I would throw it out there.

ITS A BOY!!!! 9 lbs 4 OZ Born Thursday 3/6. grin.gifgrin.gif

Well my life slowed down for a couple of hours and I got a chance to look at the wheeler again and it in fact does have those two holes you are talking about. I called the local dealer and he said that the machine should have had some sort of tool to use to push the sheaves out. Being that I bought it used, I couldn't locate that tool he was talking about.

Can I just go to a local auto parts store and buy 6 mm bolts that will work. Do you know off hand how long the bolts need to be? I probably need to purchase a couple of different thread patterns or is it a pretty standard thread? Thanks again for your help.


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First off, Congrats on the arrival of your new riding partner. Teach him well!!!!

Your dealership would be the best place to find the parts. Maybe purchase just what you need, but check out your local auto parts store for a comparable part. I often hear of people cross-referencing different parts for a lower price.

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