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Kids clubs


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Scheels and Aaustads, also the internet golf stores (golfsmith and the like). 13 is a particularly tough age to buy for: almost between kids clubs and adult. Maybe think about a women's set as another option (but don't tell him that's what they are...).

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I know companies use to make junior sets, slightly shorter than women's, depending on height, though women's clubs might work better for your son, honestly that's what I started with, doesn't mean he has to hit pink balls, I'd check some of the auction sites on the internet for used sets, as well as some of the other online retailers, I wouldn't invest an enormous amount as they will be outgrowing them relatively fast. If your looking at spending some bucks you could always get them custom fitted. Used sets go relatively cheap on most sites. I would probably recommend graphite shaft irons vs steel at those ages, little lighter and more forgiving,

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How bigs the 13 yr old lefty? The reason I ask is if he's big enough, say '5.4" or taller maybe you should just get him a normal started set and have the shafts cut to size. As he grows you can re-shaft the clubs for a small price, or do it yourself, and if he likes the game you can simply add to the starter set.

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