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Jiffy Recoil problems!



Have been having a lot of problems with the recoil on my jiffy auger. I get it all put together and after a couple pulls the cord cord works its way out farther and farther until i have to take it apart again to get it to work. Is the spring going out? I replaced the starter handle and rope and this didnt have any effect on the problem. anyone have any suggestions?

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Theres a little notch in the rewind spool. Put the rope in that notch. Preload the spring by turning the spool with rope in the notch.. Might take a few times to get the preload just right. If your doing that correctly, then one end of the springs loops or spring retainer pins isn't holding that preload.

If your not comfortable with taking apart the recoil then bring it in to any small engine shop.

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Just had this happen to me, the end of the spring is comming out of the cord disc. And unwinding the spring with pull. You can bend the inside loop so it touches the center post, but D-Rock said replace the spring $9.20 and he put it in and showed me how to wind it.

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