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Springer size


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At what age was your springer close to full grown? How close to full size were they at at 5 months? My pup is only 20 lbs at 5 months and I cannot remember what my 65 lb springer was like at that age.

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Where am I gonna pick up my new springer? I love a 40 pounder? I have been out of the dog world for a decade ~ time to return!

Any suggested HONEST breeders? Does anyone know a Jerry Anderson from River Falls area?

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You know, there are a couple of Springer trails in central Minnesota coming up in April, and I know for a FACT that a number of good breeders will be there. You might want to look at the ESS HSOforum, find out those dates and come down. You can talk to a ton of people who would be more than happy to sell you a good Springer.

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My springer is right at the 40lb range. I got him from Cedar Knoll Kennels. They are kinda a small hobby type kennel with some real top notch bloodlines like Sand Creek and Pine Shadows. Kevin and Joy were great to work with and my pup is fantastic.

I would say he was within a few pounds of his current weight by 9 mos.

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My now ~10month old female is roughly 42lbs. She's carrying just a little of "winter bulk" from post hunting season so I'd say she'd weigh in right at the 40lb mark in the heat of hunting season. I'd say she was close to that mark at 7-8 months. I don't forsee her gaining all that much more. I picked her up from Tom Miller who often has a litter ready to go and posts this in the Puppies for sale forum right here on FM.

She did real good this year for a first year in the field and we made great progress. It's a little hard to judge as I was running her next to my 2 1/2 year old male (which happens to be 46lbs) that I consider to be a machine in the field. Actually right at the end of the season you could tell that her confidence and hence intensity/speed really started to kick in. So with seeing this, now the 08' training schedule is going to switch to more advanced one on one work with planted birds to solidify/build this confidence even more.

Just for the record my female was out of Tom's Chewbacca and Lacy (I beleive that was their names).

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For an update, my now 6 month old is 25 lbs. Her body has grown into her head size and she looks full grown. Her food intake has taken a sharp drop and she is very active. I wonder if this is it? She will have to drag the roosters by the tail back to me since she is such a little thing. But cute as a button.

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6 months? No way is she done growing. I would say she will be on the smaller side coming in at 25lbs @ 6 months... but she still has 3-6 months of growth and filling her body out to go.

Her food intake may have gone down some if she has sore teeth... you're right in the teething stage at 6 months.

Good Luck!


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