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Redpolls and a Boreal chickadee.


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I am making an attempt at organising my pictures tonight and was going through some of the redpolls I took in the last few days. Here are a couple of them. Is this first one just a really light colored common red poll? I would like to think its a Hoary, but I don't think it is. It seems to have too much streaking, but it was alot lighter then the rest. I dunno.




I also found another Boreal on Admiral Rd today. It didn't really want his picture taken, but I got one.


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Great pics, Jay. Wish I'd get even one redpoll this winter at my feeder. Sigh. \:\(

There seems to be a fair amount of plumage variation in common redpolls. I've seen several individuals over the years I thought might be hoaries, but only two that turned out to be. I think you're right on this bird. Too much streaking to be a hoary.

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Johnny, this one was on Admiral Rd on the deer carcass thats in the ditch witrh the deer skins. I didn't see it today though.

Finbay, I think you'll have to make another trip to the bog before winters over. The one on Blue Spruce Rd has become pretty dependable for showing up.

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