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Frustrating forum


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I'm sure that subject title grabbed your attention. I am frustrated with this site. It's been about a month since I've been able to make it to Lake of the Woods area and here it is, another Friday and I'm stuck in the cities again. It is hard reading all the posts, wanting to get out and not being able to. Maybe I'ld be better off not knowing what I'm missing - nah - that's no fun either.
Anyway, of course my subject title is intended to be humorous and I can only blame myself for not fishin more (OK maybe I can blame my job, my wife, and my house projects a little bit).

Goooood fishin to you who are fishin.

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$5: I have made it out on the lakes a whopping 2 times so far this winter. The third will be this weekend. I could use the same excuses as you. Not more than 4 years ago, i spent every weekend out on the lake and when I mean weekend I mean weekend. Get out there at 6 or 7 Friday and leave at 2 or 3 on Sunday. Only going back to the cabin for the bathroom, food or to clean up a little. Boy do I miss those days.

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What I have found to work is to plan stuff way out in advance. I pick fun things I want to do, ask the boss about them, if I get the ok I get them on the calendar, and then I wait for the magic day. I always got something to look forward to. Spur of the moment stuff is just to hard to pull off. And it tends to make the boss mad.


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It's like cop-killer music... if you don't like it, turn it off.

Of course this is an easy thing to do with crappy music, but it's not quite so easy when you've reading about your passion, is it? Good luck with this difficult issue, I struggle with the same problem.

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I will be like you next year. I have another child on the way. I have gone 15 times to LOW this year. Hopefully, I will get to go once next year. The fishing next year at LOW will be the same if not better than this year with all those small fish that were caught this year.

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blame the wife man!!! Get rid of them girls and it gives you much more time to fish/hunt. It is the only way to go smile.gif

Good Fishin'

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I have a little one who just turned two a few months ago. I was only able to get out a couple of times last year, but I was out at least a couple of times per week this season because I started telling my wife that I was going to resume my favorite hobby back last summer. I am glad that I did that since we had such great ice conditions this year in Brd. I still spend a lot of time with the little one, I just have to do a bit more planning.

Bobbers down!!

[This message has been edited by Brainerdice (edited 03-07-2003).]

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I was fishing a lot earlier this ice season untill I froze my @$$ of on Phalen the first weekend if Febuary.. that's made me yearning for open water since then and really haven't been out much since then. Even before the boat comes out I am still looking forward to spring. I am hoping to learn how to stream-trout fish this april for a few weeks before the lakes clear of ice.

[This message has been edited by Crawlerman (edited 03-07-2003).]

[This message has been edited by Crawlerman (edited 03-07-2003).]

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Alright. My next trip is slotted for April 6th and I have to work next weekend so I may just have to fish for 2-3 weekends in a row. And then comes turkey hunting and open water and opening weekend ........
I guess it just comes down that life if short and you can't sweat the small stuff, you just gotta fish.

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