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Apple Ipod Touch


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hi folks

I'm wondering if anyone out there has the Ipod Touch?

I'm usually on top of the tech stuff, but havent paid much attention to portable MP3 players. I'm thinking about getting an Ipod to haul my cd collection around (to the cabin, fishing, etc) and possibly some small videos.

I'm debating between a standard Ipod and the Touch screen version. I have to say that I really like the touch interface. My buddy as an Iphone and it's very slick. I'm not really worried about the storage size, as 16mb would be plenty for what I'd use it for. I also like the idea of being able to surf the web (somewhat) from my couch.

anyone out here own an Ipod Touch? thoughts/opinions?

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I bought one for my daughter. I like it alot. She likes it alot. It sucks battery power while surfing the net. It takes awhile to get used to the touch screen when using the keyboard. It doesnt have radio, not a big deal. Great picture quality for movies. I would buy it again, no regrets!

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Ipods are great. cd's and dvd's (any disc) will be obsolete soon. Just as good or better sound quality as a disc, and it can play videos too. I don't use my 30 gig video alot, but the times I do is well worth it.

Otterbox makes great waterproof boxes for them also. Mine still looks new.

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I have an iPod Touch and love it. The software has just been updated so it now has a lot of the iPhone apps (mail, maps, etc., etc). If you already have one you can do a software upgrade to get the apps. Unfortunately it costs $20 but as I use mine a lot, I didn't mind paying to get the upgrade.

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I had my first chance to use the I phone today. I was really impressed by the clarity and how easy it was to use. The person who owned it had a lot of songs on there (more than I would ever need) and surfing the internet was really cool. If you put in on sleep mood it doesn't take up too much battery.

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Ok, back to the no regrets thing! I am now starting to regret buying the Ipod Touch. Apple has come out with some software update, and wants everyone to pay $19.95 to update the Touch. The new ones come with the new software for free. What a joke. They hold off for the update until after christmas, then nail everyone that bought one with a $20 update fee. I wouldnt have thought a company like Apple would pull something like this. So whos to say if I paid the $20 fee, that 2 weeks from now they do it again. Am I wrong in thinking that they shouldnt be charging $20 for a software update? I would understand if it was hardware, but to charge me for a download.

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I hear ya....Seems to be customer service these days. Nobody gives a rats %$^& about the next guy.

People wonder why our small company always has work, and others can't even give out a free estimate right now. It sure does take a long time for the public to notice good customer service though.

I bought my 30 gig for around $250, now you can get like a 80 or 160 for the same price. They just play games with the consumer to make sure they line their pockets.

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Alright I took the plunge. I have to say this technology is pretty amazing. Checking my weather & stocks, maps is just a click away(in wireless house), photos, videos. Coverflow is super slick!

The worst thing is that I now have to organize my downloaded MP3s/rename some songs/select some missing album art, copy my cd collection. But I'd need to do that with any Ipod and it's long overdue anyway. I'll be spending my night drinking beer and fooling around with the computer!

biggest problem: my wife (after her initial displeasure at my spending this much on a toy) loves it. I heard her ooohing and aaahing for an hour while I was getting my home computer sorta organized. Now she's talking about bringing it to work, on biz trips etc etc..... \:\( wait a minute this one's mine! At least I have a good gift idea for our upcoming anniversary.

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