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Question aboot tents


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Would it be legal to camp on a lake? And would I need a shelter tag for a tent that was on a lake if I was not going to be fishing out of it?

[This message has been edited by Bobb-o (edited 02-06-2003).]

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Not sure where we are staying yet, one of the guys from AZ said he had secured a fishhouse for the weekend, they fly in Thurs, we come up Fri AM, then they fly out Sun Eve.

[This message has been edited by danny berg (edited 02-06-2003).]

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Just remember when you are out there: "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how many cases you put down." look for the blue two-man Eskimo portable covered in beer cases, stop by and say hello. If i am passed out, poke me with a stick or something.

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