cupcake Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 all right here is the ? a fellow worker was telling me a story that he thought was illegal i personally don't but am probably wrong. (great idea either way) Take a old pickle or mayo jar (glass) poke some holes in the lid place your minnows in the jar and submerge in a hole obviouslly attatching a line to pull back up. in therory looks like a school of minnows to attract fish. legal or not that is the question. apoligize for spelling errors. Darrin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
white80a Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 just a clear minnow bucket then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoggs222 Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 I believe it is legal. My dad used to have a minnow saver on mille lacs in his permanent. You put the minnows in the metal container and attach a plastic soda bottle to it a couple feet under the ice (for redrilling purposes). You have fresh bait when you get back up there. He always said that the hole he put that in was always the hotter of the holes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMF89 Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 While I've never heard of doing that, I've also never heard of it being illegal either. And I can't see any current laws having loopholes that apply to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craigums Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 It can't be illegal if you don't get caught Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cletus Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote:It can't be illegal if you don't get caught poor attitude that gives sportsmen a bad name.While I don't see this tactic as being illegal... I really don't see how having baitfish in a clear jar would be helpful. Fish at any distance use vibration and sent... and I don't believe having baitfish in a jar would provide either of these. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craigums Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote:Quote:It can't be illegal if you don't get caught poor attitude that gives sportsmen a bad name. its a joke, lighten up slack-jawed yokel...It's obviously not illegal if they are in a jar and cannot get out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cletus Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote: Quote: Quote: It can't be illegal if you don't get caught poor attitude that gives sportsmen a bad name. its a joke, lighten up slack-jawed yokel...It's obviously not illegal if they are in a jar and cannot get out So, if they were in a jar and COULD get out, that would be illegal? lol Just sayin... I am sure there are many people out there that DO have the attitude of it not being illegal if they don't get caught. just not a responsible thing to say. PETA loves to hear comments like this... just drives them more. Good fishing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hanson Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 I'm sitting here trying to figure out this question. Is it legal or not? I personally don't know and have thought long and hard about it. Why would you even want to do this is my question in return? I can think of a number of different strategies (clearly legal) that require this kind of effort that will help put fish on the ice for you. From doing some research, checking out maps, augering lots of holes, switching up lures, modifying your presentation, and basically becoming a better fisherman. So many people want the "easy" way, the "quick" solution, or the "miracle" lure nowadays. But you know what, thats not how it works. Over the years, I've read about the half augered hole with the lantern in it, chumming, lighted baits, lights under the ice, WD40, and now a glass jar full of water and live minnows to attract fish? I realize everyone wants to gain an "edge" but is that "edge" worth attaining when it will cost you $100 and more when a CO pays you a visit? There are clearly legal ways to help you gain that "edge", and they don't involve tricks or gimics. They involve hard work, time on the ice/water, learning about the species you are targeting, and becoming a better fisherman! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cletus Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote: I'm sitting here trying to figure out this question. Is it legal or not? I personally don't know and have thought long and hard about it. Why would you even want to do this is my question in return? I can think of a number of different strategies (clearly legal) that require this kind of effort that will help put fish on the ice for you. From doing some research, checking out maps, augering lots of holes, switching up lures, modifying your presentation, and basically becoming a better fisherman. So many people want the "easy" way, the "quick" solution, or the "miracle" lure nowadays. But you know what, thats not how it works. Over the years, I've read about the half augered hole with the lantern in it, chumming, lighted baits, lights under the ice, WD40, and now a glass jar full of water and live minnows to attract fish? I realize everyone wants to gain an "edge" but is that "edge" worth attaining when it will cost you $100 and more when a CO pays you a visit? There are clearly legal ways to help you gain that "edge", and they don't involve tricks or gimics. They involve hard work, time on the ice/water, learning about the species you are targeting, and becoming a better fisherman! GOOD POST!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jehe123456 Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glockwinger Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote:hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal?? First of all, welcome to the best fishing site on the web! There is a lot to learn and great info to glean from this site. That being said: Hanson: 7593 productive posts jehe: Noob Please post without being divisive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant Pearson Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote:hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal?? welcome to FM!! Stick around a while and you'll learn that Hanson is full of tips and suggestions that will help you in the long run. He's full of knowledge that could and possibly will help you out. Not bashing or anything like that, but my suggestion is stay humble around the "old timers" like Hanson (no offense) and you'll learn a few things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cupcake Posted December 6, 2007 Author Share Posted December 6, 2007 hanson, it was shop talk and he was saying that someone had told this. therory being a jar full of minnows visually would be a attractant.i guess it would be no different than dropping fake weeds down to attract fish. it was a question, a topic at reason i lurk on these boards getting chastised on fishing integerity for a ?i'm sure you use a plain hook and any jig, spoon, etc would have been considered a "miracle" lure at some point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glenn_S Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 I think the larger issue would be if the glass jar froze and broke in the lake. Then you have glass in the water. Overall, I think it would be a bad idea. Reminds me of that goofy clear lure that you put a minnow in. It just won't work.Glenn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slipperybob Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 hmmm, glass container on hard water???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote: hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal?? Negative or a compliment with out an “Instant Graemlins” Funny how those things work. 1)hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal ?? 2)hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal ?? 3)hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal ?? 4)hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal ?? Either way, this I would think is legal, but subject and should be filed in the "good conversation" basket of FM. Their are many other things on the market, that would be more effective and legal to spend you time and money on. Kinda like Hanson said, why risk it? If a CO was to roll up on you and you where in the "act" of using this device, he/she might write you a ticket, that you will have to work your self out of. Further more, found guilty of something and have to pay money for using it. In my book, I would rather buy some new equipment with that money and go fishing with that time, than take the risk. Now, on the other hand, I would contact the your local CO/DNR office and ask them. If you are just trying to prove a buddy wrong at work, this is what I would do. If you are going to use this device and it is legal, please post back and report how it worked. Good luck! P.S. If the post at the top of this page was negative, Hanson does offer a great opinion on this site. I enjoy reading his post's and god sakes, he was only try to answer the question the orignal poster asked. I feel negative posting, hinders good posters from wanting to post in future. Its like why come on this great site and get bashed. Then again, I figure Hanson has weathered this site for years and has a tough back side . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gr8whthunter76 Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 hanson............I find your post kind of funny, I have to admit! I find it funny because it kind of sounds like you are chewing the guy out for a simple question and preaching to him about bla bla bla because he is looking for the simple way to catch fish or put more fish on the ice. I bet though if I would come into your fish house, I would see either a vexlar or a camera so that you can get the edge. If you think about a camera, not the most ethical piece of equipment in the world if you ask me. Hell I say if it works, do it! I don't know if it is legal myself, but I have been known to, in the second hole of my fish house I drop a decoy down the hole sometimes to bring in the big slimes lurking in the water. An old timer told me about that one time and it works, so I use it! I have even used it to attract perch and other fish, they seem to like the movement. I think we are all looking for the edge, miracle lure and easy way to bag some more fish and that is why we are on here trading secrets of the trade! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gr8whthunter76 Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote:hanson, is it lonely up there on your pedestal?? holy dump that is funny! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deitz Dittrich Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 I do think Hanson brings up some very good points...To the question. I have heard of quite a few old timers doing this. And while I'm not sure how effective it is, as long as you do not release any of the minows alive into the water. I do believe its legal.. but I dont know for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eric Wettschreck Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Hansons points are spot on.A jar full of minnows down the hole is no different, in legal terms, than a minnow bucket down the hole. Perfectly legal. Not something I'd try, and I question the effectivness, but it's legal. Maybe would work better if you are in a permanent shack and not doing much moving around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NyQuiLlama Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 I am skeptical and personally don't plan on trying this, but I always appreciate people sharing ideas, no matter how crazy they sound (ahem... reelweeds).On the question of legality, I'd think probably, as long as you maintain that this is your method of keeping your bait fresh (not necessarily a lie). That said, if Johnny law is seen waltzing across the ice I'd probably pull it up. I'm sure that they could find a reason that it's illegal if they want to.Hell, maybe it works. If the concern is the glass jar breaking and "polluting the lake," maybe you could try a plastic pickle jar, or maybe you could emulate a bigger school of baitfish with a large clear plastic bag.Like I said, I'm not trying this, but if someone does and it works... I'd like to have an open forum where people can tell me about it without feeling like a gimmick-crazy buffoon.Those of you who do try this, please post here and let us know the results. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slipperybob Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Here's my next gimmick, a school of crappie decoys!!! Just like duck hunting... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HeavyD Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 I know for a fact this legal technique works when using a Captain Morgan jug, but a mason jar? That's as unethical as trying to pick up girls in a Prius when everyone knows they'll just jump into an Esaclade. A little common sense goes a long ways when trying to hustle them big females. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NyQuiLlama Posted December 6, 2007 Share Posted December 6, 2007 Quote: Here's my next gimmick, a school of crappie decoys!!! Do you use the classic v-formation? I've found that more of a circle (with baits in the center landing zone), to be more effective. In all seriousness though, I'll bet a school of crappie decoys spread around your shack ala reelweeds would be quite effective. I give it 2 years until we see it on the market. They will probably robotically swim as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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