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Bats for Bait


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caught a bat last night in the house and when i finally got him he started making this really loud clicking noise sorta like a transducer but much louder. this got me to thinking, which gave me a headache, but after that confusion i was thinking how good it would work for bait on Calhoun where muskys like to attack transducers, anyone think this would work?

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You're right you're thinking too much!! First of all for this to work, the bat would have to be alive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't live bats fly??

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Open up the bag, put a cucumber in it and close it real fast. When the bat eats the cucumber you now have the perfect live bait to catch those Guardian Fish!

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dont worry he is getting let go when i get home. You think someone would make a lure that could release an electronic pulse similar to a transducer? anyone think it would work?

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Good one Bobb-O! I've been out on Calhoun the last 2 nights, but the transducer eating muskie hasn't returned. Vern

[This message has been edited by vern (edited 01-08-2003).]

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