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Greetings Ladies

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Yes i know.. at times we never know if we are coming and going..

This is the 3 rd that Hunter has been pacing and whining going from my daughter Heather to myself and in under 5 mins heather had seizures.. At first i was wondering but now the 3rd time, he senses them..

Yes i would be interested in that let it snow.. will drop you a line soon.

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I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I have a 4yr old daughter and she just started having seizures in the last year. We have nothing to go on right now so its hard with the unknown. Lots of doctor visits and lots of meds. Its difficult but its good that you have some personal distractions to take your mind of the hard things in life.

Welcome to the Hot Spot Outdoors!

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It's a hard thing to see, and even after 14 years it doesn't get any easier. Heather was first mis diagonoise at 2 1/2 the doc said up here heather had a behaver problem, then she went into a coma, flight for life came up from Duluth and the time we got there she was all ready in the er, her tumors were 1. half the size of her brain the other two were 1/4 her brain was getting pushed into her brain stem and into her spine, so at 2 1/2 heather had 35 treatments of radiation, the youngest go under go that many, then 9 1/2 years of chemo that followed, gamma knife radiation as well. Heather is now 39 pounds, 44 inches tall, shes will be 17 in dec, she cant understand anything, full diaper cant talk or hear and she cant see very well. It's hard cause you have no clue if shes in pain or not. Her teeth are rotting fast from the chemo taking its toll on her, her spine is small still, and if she goes on growth hormones her spine will twist. This little girl been through hell and back many times.. So her seizures are from them taking some of her brain trying to remove the tumors.. She used to have 7 min ones grand mull, now at lease they last maybe 1 min but she has over 10 a day and some days nothing.. Still working on the right meds after all these years. I am here if you ever want to talk about meds for seizures, we did alot of them for sure.

She hasn't got her monthly as of yet, she might not seizures meds will at times prevent it from coming, most docs say no but mayo saids yes.. shes in full diaper so it wont be hard, not if she wasn't she wouldn't know to keep something on. What i get mad at , is she will not ever go to school, prom, have a boyfriend, see the world, fall in love, that makes me very sad. Shes so strong the docs at mayo told us she would never see xmas of 93.. They have no clue why shes still here.

I asked when she was flown to Duluth, not for her to be ok, i asked for time with her.. and i have had time, that was very important to me..

There are times when i think to myself, close your eyes my baby girl and be pain free and at peace, then i see her look at me or a slight smile and i feel so guilty for even thinking that.. It is very hard to go through this as a child and its hard for a parent to see your baby go thought all this as well.

So i can understand alot so if any of you need someone to talk to, i am here for ya.

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I'll keep you and your doctors in my prayers.

My one year old neice started having seizures this spring. So far it looks like the doctors were able to figure the cause out as they removed a small tumor from the temporal region of her brain. No seizures since the surgery and the doctors feel they got all the tumor. A person sure feels helpless when a young person in having these types of medical issues.

God Bless.

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My wife and I talked about you and your family last night after I read your post yesterday. As our conversation continued, we talked of how so many of us take "life" for granted. So often, we (I know I'm guilty) get caught up in our own daily trials and tribulations, we fail to realize just how lucky we really are to have happy, healthy children. I gave extra hugs to my kids last night (and actually sat by the crib and said a small prayer of thanks). My heart goes out to you and your family -- can't imagine what it must be like to cope some days.

You will continue to be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your story with us.


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