Yesterday I bought a 6'8" medium extra fast St. Croix Avid. I've had one friend say take it back and get a ML fast and another friend that says get a M fast because they use different guides and are more sensitive. I want one mostly for jigging walleyes anywhere from 8'-25'. I have been using a Guide Series 6'6" ML fast and can't complain it's just that I listen to my buddies and they say I'll catch more if I used a more sensitive rod. The one thing I like about the avid St. Croix is it comes with a lifetime warranty. Thanks in advance.
Yesterday I bought a 6'8" medium extra fast St. Croix Avid. I've had one friend say take it back and get a ML fast and another friend that says get a M fast because they use different guides and are more sensitive. I want one mostly for jigging walleyes anywhere from 8'-25'. I have been using a Guide Series 6'6" ML fast and can't complain it's just that I listen to my buddies and they say I'll catch more if I used a more sensitive rod. The one thing I like about the avid St. Croix is it comes with a lifetime warranty. Thanks in advance.
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