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Best Tasting Fish Through the Ice


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Here's another vote for shore lunch's CAJUN seasoning although we tend to mix ours with flour or CHEF ROBERTS mix on occasion.
I haven't tried eelpout yet,I didn't know how to prepare it till now.I'll have to give that one a shot the next time my wife disappoints herself through the ice,eh?
I like any fresh caught fish that I am allowed to clean myself-I'm kinda particular about my fillet prep.Anyway,here's my favorites,...
walleyes-(don't forget the cheeks)
northern-(steaked out,skin on-cajun style!)
northern-(filletted and skinned-Y bones out w/cajun again)

Now I'm hungry! Gotta go-Troy

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I almost forgot to mention Halibut! Baked halibut is awesome!! Sliced onions,melted butter,lemon juice and sour cream with cheddar cheese sprinkled on top.Bake it until everything melts and the fish is flaky-yum yum! I know,I know halibut probably doesn't count as "best tasting fish THROUGH the ice" but two out of three ain't bad. It's still frozen after all. grin.gif-TROY

ps-could you imagine catching one of those through the ice?Yikes!

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2..BACALA (salt cod)

If you have sheephead in the lakes you fish, try making fish patties from the smaller ones you catch in the early spring when they're still nice and cold.
Start by gutting anf heading the fish and then remove the skin. (you can use filets if you have enough fish)
Rinse them off thoroughly and either boil the fish or steam them over a kettle of boiling water until the meat turns white and flakes off the bone.
Clean all the meat off the bone or flake the fillets into a bowl and add one egg per every pound of flaked fish. Add salt, pepper a touch of garlic and oregano.
Mix this all together and then add a few spoonfuls of your favorite spaghetti sauce or some tomato puree and mix it all together.
Make hamburger sized patties from the fish miix and then carefully drop them into a bowl with the bread crumbs of your choice and put them on a greased cookie sheet and set them in the over for 30 minutes at 350º Ater 15 to 20 minutes in the oven, sprinkle the tops of the patties with your favorite parmesian or Romano cheese and let the bake for the last few minutes.
When done, let cool for a while and then slam one of these between two hunks of hot Italian bread !
They're excellent !
you can substitiute Lemon Pepper sesonng for the tomato sauce and other spices also.
Either way, they're worth a shot.
We use small suckers to make these patties and they're really good but just use these two species in the springtime.
The rest of the year, any panfish or gameish works well

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