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I am looking at putting gutters on my new house. Any idea ballpark wise I would be looking at? It's a split level around 1100 square feet. Gable roof...same old same old. My wife and I want to start landscaping but need to take care of the water coming off the roof as to not destroy what we plant below. Unfortunatly we have green fascia and the box stores only sell brown and white. So I thought I would just have someone else do it. We live in Sartell if anyone has someone they recommend.


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I just had a guy do seamless on mine and he did a heck of a nice job, taking his time and doing it right. I called 4 places and 2 bigger company's, the bigger guys quotes were almost twice as much as the local guys I had come out. I had 178 feet and paid about $3.50 a foot. Prices ranged from $3.50 to over $6 a foot or for my job $1072-$2000.

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I suppose there are multiple options that can make this cheaper or more expensive.

I have a ~1400 ft^2 split level that we are putting on new gutters with gutter covers. I wanted seamless, aluminum gutters with some sort of covering over it (I have no desire to clean them out all the time). I do not know exactly how many feet of gutter will be put up, but the total (with removal of the old gutters) is $5500.

We did go with one of the "big name" companies, but that was because of attachment method, product quality, and various discounts, specials, etc.

Hope that helps.

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Take into consideration the trees near the house and if you want to clean them at least a couple of times a year. I would have to clean my gutters 4 or 5 times a year because of pine needles and maple leaves clogging them. Three years ago I had Midwest Leaf Guard install gutters and I can forget having to clean them. They will clean them if they ever clog, but they won't. They were not cheap, about $10 per ft., but I love 'em!

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