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Another GPS Question

Dan Brelje


hey guys, just had a birthday and guess what, looking to spend the money before it sits to long. I am looking at getting a GPS. Here is my situation: I am currently going to school in the blackhills and would love to have one of these for hikes and such. Also, i will be heading home (chisago area) this summer and plan to fish, A LOT. Being able to have lake maps is not all that important to me but it would be nice, the thing is i don't want to spend more than $150.

So, what are some of your thoughts on cheaper GPS units? Thanks

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6 answers to this question

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Any of the "cheaper" handhelds will do what they are supposed to...get you from point a to b. Garmin and Lowrance have models in that price range. I guess if I had to spend your money, I would look at the I-Finder from Lowrance, b/w, for @ $169.00. For the money, it is a unit that you can grow with, i.e. the plug and play maps. You can buy those when you can afford them. College student? Good for you for not blowing that on beer. Learn from my college mistakes...though it was a good time.

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Stick with an H2O. With it you can use mapping software and chips. The GO and GO2 can be had for around 100 dollars but you cant run chips or map software on them. Navonics maps for the chisago area are awsome. Works great on the H2O

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Right above your original post, click "Search."

On the page that comes up, make sure "All Forums" is highlighted.

Under "Keyword search terms," type 'H2O.'

Change the "Date Range" to '3 Months(s)' (or even more).

Click "Submit."

Knock yourself out with more information than one man can possibly handle.

Enjoy! cool.gif

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Thanks for the replies guys. I ended up looking around and i decided on the ifinder H2O. For the money it seemed like the best option for me. ended up paying less than 150 for it. We'll see how good of a decision i made in about a week. thanks again

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