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Courthouse Thread 2007


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Last Sunday, December 31st, the small bay had 10' to 15' of open water around it. The main body only had 2'-3' of open water.

Today, January 6th, the open water had frozen to at least 3". I walked on all of the areas that had open water last week.

With the coming colder weather I am sure we will be "ok".

--Bring your ice cleats--it is extremely slippery

Thursday I plan to go to the pond and drill some test holes.

Will report results on Thursday.


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Ice Check---

The small bay end, of Courthouse, has between 5" and 6" of ice. Out in the main part I found 6" to 7".

Hopefully we will make another inch or so by the time opening morning comes around.


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I talked to the head of West Metro Fisheries, today, and ask how the oxygen looked.

He said the oxygen level was good to 25'.

A side note: He estimated that 50%, of the trout stocked, are caught on the first day.

Looks like a chilly start to the opener but it should be fun.

See you there.


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Good luck on Courthouse tomorrow, folks. Never been there for an opener, hard water or open water...is it as much of a zoo as Cenaiko is on opening Day?

the first opener I ever went to I thought there was a tourney on the ice. I couldn't believe the crowd. I'm glad I don't have to fish there anymore...

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I went out there this morning for the trout opener, but I didn't get there until about 8:00 am. I noticed that some people were already leaving when I showed up. By about 9:00 or 9:30 many, many more had left. Is the fishing that much better during pre-dawn, or did all of these people already limit out? Just wondering since I got skunked (I was spotting fish, but they weren't biting what I was offering: small teardrop jig with Gulp maggots).

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Fish down 4' to 7' with 3 real wax worms. Jiggle it and let it set a few seconds and then move it up a foot or so and wiggle some more. Repeat the process then start over and wiggle it, stop and then drop it a foot or so and keep moving down. etc etc.

They will come and they shall bite.


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Some folks that were out at Cenaiko on Sunday were also on Courthouse on Saturday, mentioned that they saw someone pull a 6-7 lb. rainbow out on Saturday. Anyone else there on Saturday see that fish?

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I saw the brown and my guess is that the fish was 7# plus a little.

I, also, saw two browns in the 2-4# range taken. 1 Brookie about 18-20".

Been working since Sunday so I haven't made it back. Plan on giving it a go on Thursday. Anyone else coming down?


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Was out on monday morn. we ended up w/ 6, 5 rainbows and 1 brown. i did get on about 21", not sure of the exact size but we measured it next to my 24" rod and was about 3" short. the brown i got had a really huge stomach, so when i cleaned it i had to examine and there was 21 waxies, 2 spikes, 5 minnows, and 5 pieces of corn, all in a little 11" brown!! fished the small bay in 10 fow. caught all the fish about 1/2 ft off bottom. saw a TON of fish on the flasher, but it seemed all the suspended fish just came and left about as fast. a #12 marmooshka w/ 2 waxies seemed to do the trick.

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