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Trapping- What did you catch today?

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Ok had 3 in the traps today and shot one on the line as well.





Here is a large raft of eider ducks


Pic of the village from the trail to the line


We get electricty from a very large generator. The village is looking into wind power though, because at 4.75 for diesel fuel and 5.90 for gasoline, running generators is just too expensive.

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Wow, how cool is that. Thats a great looking fox, Fishermann. Looks like summer is on the way up there. LOL. I look at what your doing and it makes me crazy for next season already. My son and I are already planning our line for next year. We are going to be very agressive, and get after the reds. I mean like never before. It's going to be great.

The other day when you posted the pic's of the school, what was the pipe that was running along the ground?

Thanks for the pic's, awesome!!!!!!!!!!

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Had a pretty good day on the line considering the number of traps I have out and the conditions. Here are some photos. They are still in great shape no rubbing on these, however the females are starting to get that stinky smell.





Leechman that first photo is a catch from the snowhole I showed you yesterday.

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Hey great job Fishermann. Great pic's. Those fox look awesome. I got blanked again today. I need a day off, so I can freshen up my line. Friday is the start of 6 days off for me. Then I will make my move. LOL

XCH Keep on plugging away, good things will happen.

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I would freeze it and look for a taxi to purchase it. If a taxi does not purchase it then maybe tan it for yourself? I know if I ever get a silver or even a cross they will be skinned out with feet on and tanned for my wall.

Don't skin it and sell it to a regular fur buyer.

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I was looking at NAFA HSOforum. They are getting ready for the big fur sale this weekend. I always look forward to seeing the grading discription etc. They just posted our fur and thier grades. Funny how you can remember the different hides by the size or color or whatever, then to see how they graded it. We shipped 60 beaver, and we are sitting here talking about so many of the different hides. Funny how you can remember, out of that so many to choose from.

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I am debating what I am going to do with my 100 fox. I have never sold to NAFA because western alaskan fox are just so much bigger and fuller than other fox in the nation it worries me I will not get the averages I can get selling to people who only deal in alaskan furs.

Did you send them your fox also? If fox do well I may take half my fox and send them over to nafa for the may sale, I am unsure though, that sale is never as good as the feb. sale.

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I really wish i could show you guys that fox its beautiful i dont have a scanner but i might beable to get them on tonight at a friends house and i'll put all of my pics on of the yotes and the fox

but thanks for the input on what i should do with the fox how hard is it to tan the hide or whats the cost

but I'll do what i can with the pics

thanks again

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Fishermann, I sent 2 reds up there. They were both caught in Jan. They graded out as 1-2's. Thats not a real good grade. Color wise one was graded as dark, the other pale. I guessing that I'll probably get mid 20's for then. I think if you have a market where you can get $40.00+, I would sell them there. Maybe you should just test the market, maybe say 5 or 10 fox and see what happens.

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xHCx, if you do all the work on the skin, (skin it, turn ears, eyes, feet, and salt it) you can send it in for about 60.00 to 75.00 with shipping, if you brought to a taxidermist to all prep and send out be more like 150.00.

that is just soft tan, to hang on the wall.

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Leechman is right. Skin with feet on, salt the feet a bit, stretch and dry and send to moyles. 25 bucks. No need to split the lips or turn the ears on a fox hide as long as you have a dry place to dry the hide. I have sent MANY red fox in to get tanned, and have never seen the hair slip as long as you dry it properly. You don't need a taxidermy tan just a garment tan will do.

Well I did better than expected today on the line. I ended up with 3 fox but only 2 were worth skinning. The last one I will be rolling up and freezing and sending off to fish and game. It has a disease of some kind, and they have contacted me asking to watch for anything out of the ordinary and send them in. It is really good to get ones like this out of the gene pool, especially where I have an isolated population.

here is a pic of her.


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i havnt skinned anything keeping the feet on how can i do it if its not to much to ask i think that im going to keep her sorry for asking that question again i didnt get to fishermans yet when i wrote it and thanks again for all the help im glad i found i place with people so willing to help a young trapper

well good luck to you all on tomarrows trapline run

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ok this is REALLY hard to describe but I will do my best and I am sure leechman will add some tips as well. Instead of making a ring around the front and hind legs with your knife you cut all the way to the top of the pad.

The way I do it is I will slice from just above the pad all the way down to the front of the vent on both legs, then i will make a triangle around the vent. At this point I start to loosen the hide up from the legs. As soon as you have some of the hide around the knee loose you can start to skin it back toward the pad. Once you get to the ankle, cut it off. Do the same thing on the front feet. Now skin as you normally would.

Once the hide is completely removed from the fox hang it by one of the ankles and start cutting the hide away from the foot. You need to cut it loose all the way down to the last knuckle. At that point you have to cut through the knuckle. You do this for every foot.

It is hard to describe how you do the feet, if this makes no sense ask around and someone you know I am sure knows how to do this. If not contact a taxidermist in the area and see if he has a bit of time to donate to teach a youngster how to do this properly.

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If you need some help, I'm willing to drive up and give you a hand. I'm just about 10 miles south of you on 35W. I haven't trapped for several years but I've done a fair amount in the past and I'm sure we could get it done with no trouble.

Also, I noticed an adjustable wooden fox stretcher in the basement the other day that you are welcome to use if you don't have one.

Let me know.


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I was just wondering what everyone uses here for a bait or lure. I am focusing on yotes and fox. I bought some scent but it gets way to expensive, I have experimented with cutting out glands but that doesnt seem to be as effective for me. I use mostly scentpost sets and dirt hole sets. Let me know what you guys think.

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